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Making Homemade Sauce Nonna Rita’s Calabrese Kitchen (Authentic Italian Cooking)

2 Views • 04/16/23
14 Subscribers

Hit subscribe to keep up with Nonna Rita’s Calabrese Kitchen, for more videos with Jimmy and his Nonna follow him at:

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Homemade Sauce:

-Tomato press
-Mason jars

Step 1: 
Wash all tomatoes. After washing, cut the tomatoes in quarters and slice off stems. Put the tomatoes in pot with a little water and place on stove. Cook until boiling while continually stirring. After they are finished cooking pour them in big bucket and set to side until ready to press.
Step 2:
Take a pot of the cooked down tomatoes and strain out extra juice. Now put into machine, saving the skins/pulp. Run the skins/pulp back through the machine, adding a little of the tomato juice as you need too. 
Step 4:
After collecting sauce from the machine, put into pots and back on stove. Add a handful of basil and a few handfuls of salt depending on the size the of pot (watch video for reference).
Step 5:
After bringing sauce to boil begin filling up jars. Seal jars and place upside down until cooled. Once completely cooled down you can put right side up and store in cold cellar until ready to eat.
To prepare before eating, cook in pot with some olive oil, garlic, and parsley. 

Buon Appetito!

-Caruso Family Recipe  

Bushwick Tarentella - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/li....censes/by/4.0/licens

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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