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Rabbi Curt Landry Takes You Through Courts of Heaven Prayers

5 Views • 09/16/24
14 Subscribers

Many have asked how to pray in the Courts of Heaven. You want actual prayers to help you walk through intercession. This is what this episode is all about!

Doing spiritual warfare in the Courts of Heaven is about first embracing your identity. If you forget who you are in Yeshua, you will use other things to fill the hole. These things will not produce good fruit and only waste time and money. They end up hurting you or your others.

But the truth prevails and in the truth of your identity and faith in God, you find healing and breakthrough. When your mind wraps around truth, there is a release of faith. Faith is activated from the time you speak it out, pray it, and believe it to when you start to see the breakthrough.
So then, move into the Courts of Heaven with Rabbi Curt Landry and start the faith activation for your breakthrough today!

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● Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage: https://curtlandry.com/ReclaimingOurHeritage
● Jewish Roots Guide: https://curtlandry.com/Jewish-Roots
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● Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority Podcast: curtlandry.com/KingdomAuthority
● Victory in Spiritual Warfare | Breaking Generational Curses: https://www.curtlandry.com/VictoryinSpiritualWarfare

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