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We’ve Got Issues [Featuring Dr. Phil McGraw]

3 Views • 09/16/24
14 Subscribers

"Dr. Phil consistently stands up for a biblical worldview, which is something many pastors, church leaders, and people in our congregations aren't willing to do,” Pastor Allen said. He had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Phil to talk about Merit Street Media, a new network Dr. Phil and TBN launched that provides a biblically informed perspective on news and culture. They also discuss Dr. Phil’s book, We’ve Got Issues. Dr. Phil said, “When people come with ridiculous arguments, this book gives (readers) the information they need to push back and say, ‘No, wait a minute. That's wrong! And let me tell you why it's wrong.’” Pastor Allen also provides a biblical perspective on the importance of leadership and the need for godly voices. He said, “We've got to begin to understand what we believe, why we believe it, and the impact it will make. And I think Dr. Phil is a helpful voice in that.”

More information:

Pastor Allen’s interview with Dr. Phil on TBN: https://www.tbnplus.com/c/sy/sMW1pnGB?episodeId=gyS4w0Ns&play=1

Dr. Phil’s website:

Merit Street Media:


It’s up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective. Find thought-provoking insight from Pastor Allen and his guests, equipping you to lead with your faith in your home, your school, your community, and wherever God takes you.

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Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

Learn more about Allen Jackson Ministries: https://allenjackson.com/

Learn more about World Outreach Church: https://wochurch.org/

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