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ZION (Live in Jerusalem) Aaron Shust

1 Views • 08/08/24
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Join Aaron Shust Live at the Tower of David as he shares his song "ZION" about God's eternal promise to Abraham and his descendants. Lyrics and info below. For Aaron Shust products or booking visit http://www.AaronShust.com

LIVE Tower Album now available at
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Zion (Aaron Shust) [Live in Jerusalem]
Written by Aaron Shust

Verse 1
O daughters of Zion
O Abraham’s sons (Psalm 105:6-9)
Hear the words of your Father (Deut 6:4)
Hear His promise of love (Lev 26:42-45)
I will make you a blessing (Gen 12:3)
Count the stars if you can (Gen 15:5)
You will be a great nation (Gen 12:2)
I will give you this land (Gen 17:8)

I will bring you back home (Ez 11:17)
Bring you back home Oh My children (Ez 36:24)
You will no longer roam
Lost and alone in the night (Jer 31:22-23)
There is nothing on earth
that could take you away (Jer 3:18)
Once I gather you under My wings (Isa 11:12)
I will bring you all back home
Again (Zeph 3:20)

Verse 2
Though you’ve wandered like strangers (Jer 5:19)
To the ends of the earth (Isa 41:9)
I will send you a savior (Isa 19:20)
I will finish my work (Isa 46:13)
You have no other shepherd
You have no other lord (Isa 45:5)
Green pastures are waiting
In Zion once more (Isa 49:8-11)

So we pray for the peace (Psalm 122:6)
But look to the East
For the Sun rises sudden and fierce (Zech 14:4)
Every prophet and priest
And king in the City (Zech 12:12-13)
Will look on the One they have pierced
We will mourn for the One we have pierced (Zech 12:10-11, Isa 53:5)

Verse 3
But don’t fear O my daughters or sons of Abraham
I will wash you with water (Zech 13:1)
I will offer the Lamb (Isa 53:6-8, Gen 22:8)
Though your sins were like scarlet
They’ll be whiter than snow (Isa 1:18)
I have always been with you
I will never let go (Deut 31:8)

Adonai Eloheinu
Adonai echad
Shema Israel (Deut 6:4)

© 2018 Shust Music

Messianic Music, Praise & Worship Music from Israel

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