
8 MULTIFUNCTIONAL MEDICINAL HERBS — Ep. 117 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

It's very easy to fill up a medicine cabinet with herbal remedies, but we really wanted to home in on just a small selection of multifunctional herbs that can be used across many different ailments and injuries. These are the eight that I have chosen.


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Bible Hidden Texts | Newly Discovered Passages Removed By The Church
Bible Hidden Texts | Newly Discovered Passages Removed By The Church 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

What are the Bible secret texts? What texts were cut out of the Bible? Over the course of the last 2 millennia, the church has systematically edited out of the Bible what historians refer to as the Gnostic Gospels, which contain some extremely explosive ideas—and were a part of the texts that originally comprised the Bible. For one, the Gnostic Gospels tells of two gods: the vengeful and scornful one of the Old Testament, and the benevolent father of Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Several traditional Bible stories are contradicted by the Gnostic Gospels: the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve is the hero in the Gnostic Bible; the Holy Spirit was a flesh and blood woman who lived and breathed on Earth; a baby Jesus struck people blind and killed them in wrathful vengeance.


In 1945, a farmer named Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Sammán made the archeological discovery of a lifetime. While digging in Nag Hammadi, Egypt he hit a red clay jar that was nearly a meter tall. Muhammad ‘Ali was initially hesitant to open it, thinking it might contain a genie.

What it held was equally as rare as it was powerful: thirteen leather-bound papyrus books comprised of the fifty to sixty ancient texts now referred to as the Gnostic Gospels.

Muhammad ‘Ali had no idea the value of what he found. His mother had even less of an understanding, or she never would’ve used what many say are the lost pages of “The Bible” for kindling.

The books contained works that were originally written around the same time as the passages that did make their way into the finished version of “The Bible,” with a few notable additions.

So, the real question is: why didn’t the gospels of Thomas, Judas, or Mary Magdalene make the cut?

The Secret Book of John, Gnostic Texts
The Secret Book of John, Gnostic Texts 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago


Complete list of codices found in Nag Hammadi
Apocalypse of Peter

Codex I (also known as The Jung Codex):
The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
The Apocryphon of James (also known as the Secret Book of James)
The Gospel of Truth
The Treatise on the Resurrection
The Tripartite Tractate
Codex II:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of Thomas a sayings gospel
The Gospel of Philip
The Hypostasis of the Archons
On the Origin of the World
The Exegesis on the Soul
The Book of Thomas the Contender
Codex III:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of the Egyptians
Eugnostos the Blessed
The Sophia of Jesus Christ
The Dialogue of the Savior
Codex IV:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of the Egyptians
Codex V:
Eugnostos the Blessed
The Apocalypse of Paul
The First Apocalypse of James
The Second Apocalypse of James
The Apocalypse of Adam
Codex VI:
The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (includes The Hymn of the Pearl)
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
Authoritative Teaching
The Concept of Our Great Power
Republic by Plato - The original is not gnostic, but the Nag Hammadi library version is heavily modified with then-current gnostic concepts.
The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth - a Hermetic treatise
The Prayer of Thanksgiving (with a hand-written note) - a Hermetic prayer
Asclepius 21-29 - another Hermetic treatise
Codex VII:
The Paraphrase of Shem
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter
The Teachings of Silvanus
The Three Steles of Seth
Codex VIII:
The Letter of Peter to Philip
Codex IX:
The Thought of Norea
The Testimony of truth
Codex X:
Codex XI:
The Interpretation of Knowledge
A Valentinian Exposition, On the Anointing, On Baptism (A and B) and On the Eucharist (A and B)
Codex XII
The Sentences of Sextus
The Gospel of Truth
Codex XIII:
Trimorphic Protennoia
On the Origin of the World

The so-called "Codex XIII" is not a codex, but rather the text of Trimorphic Protennoia, written on "eight leaves removed from a thirteenth book in late antiquity and tucked inside the front cover of the sixth." (Robinson, NHLE, p. 10) Only a few lines from the beginning of Origin of the World are discernible on the bottom of the eighth leaf.

Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Text Book One Chapter 1-15
Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Text Book One Chapter 1-15 121gamers 1 Views • 1 year ago


PREFACE, Pistis Sophia; A Gnostic Text

IN the Introduction (pp. xxxv f.) to the first edition (1896), the translator wrote:
"In presenting the following translation to the English-reading public, I may say that I should not have ventured on such an undertaking if any Coptic scholar had undertaken the task, or I had heard that such a task was contemplated. In a matter of so great difficulty every possible liability to error should be eliminated, and it stands to reason that the translation of a translation must needs be but an apology for a first-hand version. Nevertheless I am not without predecessors. The Coptic MS. itself is in the first place a translation, so that even Coptic scholars must give us the version of a translation. I am persuaded also that the anonymous and very imperfect French translation (1856) in the Appendix to Migne's Dictionnaire des Apocryphes (vol. i.) is made from Schwartze's Latin version (1851) and not from the Coptic text. C. W. King in The Gnostics and their Remains (2nd ed., 1887) has also translated a number of pages of the Pistis Sophia from Schwartze. Some three or four years ago Mr. Nutt, King's publisher, sent out a notice proposing the publication of the whole of King's translation,but the project fell through. Last year (1895) I offered to edit this translation of King's, but was informed that the literary legatee of the deceased scholar was of the opinion that it would be unfair to his memory to publish a MS. that was in so incomplete a condition."In 1890 I had already translated Schwartze's Latin version into English and published pages 1 to 252, with comments, notes, etc., in magazine-form from April 1890 to April 1891. But I hesitated to put it forward in book-form, and should not have done so, but for the appearance of Amélineau's French translation in 1895. I then went over the whole again and checked it by Amélineau's version. I was further induced to venture on this undertaking, because the narrative, though dealing with mystical and therefore obscure subjects, is in itself exceedingly simple, and therefore mistakes cannot so readily creep in as into a difficult philosophical work. I, therefore, present my translation with all hesitation, but at the same time think that the English public, which is steadily increasing its interest in mysticism and allied subjects, will be better satisfied with half a loaf than with no bread.

The Gospel of Philip, Gnostic Texts
The Gospel of Philip, Gnostic Texts 121gamers 1 Views • 1 year ago


Complete list of codices found in Nag Hammadi
Apocalypse of Peter

Codex I (also known as The Jung Codex):
The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
The Apocryphon of James (also known as the Secret Book of James)
The Gospel of Truth
The Treatise on the Resurrection
The Tripartite Tractate
Codex II:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of Thomas a sayings gospel
The Gospel of Philip
The Hypostasis of the Archons
On the Origin of the World
The Exegesis on the Soul
The Book of Thomas the Contender
Codex III:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of the Egyptians
Eugnostos the Blessed
The Sophia of Jesus Christ
The Dialogue of the Savior
Codex IV:
The Apocryphon of John
The Gospel of the Egyptians
Codex V:
Eugnostos the Blessed
The Apocalypse of Paul
The First Apocalypse of James
The Second Apocalypse of James
The Apocalypse of Adam
Codex VI:
The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles (includes The Hymn of the Pearl)
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
Authoritative Teaching
The Concept of Our Great Power
Republic by Plato - The original is not gnostic, but the Nag Hammadi library version is heavily modified with then-current gnostic concepts.
The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth - a Hermetic treatise
The Prayer of Thanksgiving (with a hand-written note) - a Hermetic prayer
Asclepius 21-29 - another Hermetic treatise
Codex VII:
The Paraphrase of Shem
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter
The Teachings of Silvanus
The Three Steles of Seth
Codex VIII:
The Letter of Peter to Philip
Codex IX:
The Thought of Norea
The Testimony of truth
Codex X:
Codex XI:
The Interpretation of Knowledge
A Valentinian Exposition, On the Anointing, On Baptism (A and B) and On the Eucharist (A and B)
Codex XII
The Sentences of Sextus
The Gospel of Truth
Codex XIII:
Trimorphic Protennoia
On the Origin of the World

The so-called "Codex XIII" is not a codex, but rather the text of Trimorphic Protennoia, written on "eight leaves removed from a thirteenth book in late antiquity and tucked inside the front cover of the sixth." (Robinson, NHLE, p. 10) Only a few lines from the beginning of Origin of the World are discernible on the bottom of the eighth leaf.

-Full Gnostic Texts of the Nag Hammadi Library- #AudioBook
-Full Gnostic Texts of the Nag Hammadi Library- #AudioBook 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

Full Narration Done By ''Altrusian Grace Media'' Has Much Brilliant Work! Plz Check Him Out!🙏🏼👑✌🏼The Nag Hammadi library (also known as the "Chenoboskion Manuscripts" & the "Gnostic Gospels") is a collection of early Christian & Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945.
Thirteen leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local farmer named Muhammed al-Samman. The writings in these codices comprise 52 mostly Gnostic treatises, but they also include three works belonging to the Corpus Hermeticum & a partial translation/alteration of Plato's Republic. In his introduction to The Nag Hammadi Library in English, James Robinson suggests that these codices may have belonged to a nearby Pachomian monastery & were buried after Saint Athanasius condemned the use of non-canonical books in his Festal Letter of 367 A.D. The discovery of these texts significantly influenced modern scholarship's pursuit & knowledge of early Christianity & Gnosticism...
The contents of the codices were written in the Coptic language. The best-known of these works is probably the Gospel of Thomas, of which the Nag Hammadi codices contain the only complete text. After the discovery, scholars recognized that fragments of these sayings attributed to Jesus appeared in manuscripts discovered at Oxyrhynchus in 1898, & matching quotations were recognized in other early Christian sources. The written text of the Gospel of Thomas is dated to the second century by most interpreters, but based on much earlier sources. The buried manuscripts date from the 3rd & 4th centuries.
The Nag Hammadi codices are currently housed in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt..
Although the manuscripts discovered at Nag Hammadi are generally dated to the 4th century, there is some debate regarding the original composition of the texts.
The Gospel of Thomas is held by most to be the earliest of the "gnostic" gospels composed. Scholars generally date the text to the early-mid 2nd century. The Gospel of Thomas, it is often claimed, has some gnostic elements but lacks the full gnostic cosmology. However, even the description of these elements as "gnostic" is based mainly upon the presupposition that the text as a whole is a "Gnostic" Gospel, & this idea itself is based upon little other than the fact that it was found along with gnostic texts at Nag Hammadi. Some scholars including Nicholas Perrin argue that Thomas is dependent on the Diatessaron, which was composed shortly after 172 by Tatian in Syria. Others contend for an earlier date, with a minority claiming a date of perhaps 50 AD, citing a relationship to the hypothetical Q document among other reasons.
The Gospel of Truth & the teachings of the Pistis Sophia can be approximately dated to the early 2nd century as they were part of the original Valentinian school, though the gospel itself is 3rd century.
Documents with a Sethian influence - like the Gospel of Judas, or outright Sethian like Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians. They can be dated substantially later than 40 & substantially earlier than 250; most scholars giving them a 2nd-century date. More conservative scholars using the traditional dating method would argue in these cases for the early 3rd century. But this is more debated, looking earlier as previous thought.
Some Gnostic gospels for example Trimorphic Protennoia make use of fully developed Neoplatonism & thus need to be dated after Plotinus in the 3rd century... Scholars first became aware of the Nag Hammadi library in 1946. Making careful inquiries from 1947–1950, Jean Doresse discovered that a peasant dug up the texts from a graveyard in the desert, located near tombs from the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. In the 1970s, James Robinson sought out the peasant in question, identifying him as Muhammad ‘Ali al-Samman. Al-Samman told Robinson a complex story involving a blood feud, cannibalism, digging for fresh soil for agricultural use, and superstitions about a jinn. His mother claimed that she burned some of the manuscripts; Robinson identified these with Codex XII. Robinson gave multiple accounts of this interview, with the number of people present at the discovery ranging from two to eight. Jean Doresse's account contains none of these elements.
Later scholarship has drawn attention to al-Samman's mention of a corpse & a "bed of charcoal" at the site, aspects of the story that were vehemently denied by al-Samman's brother. Burials of books were common in Egypt in the early centuries AD, but if the library was a funerary deposit it conflicts with Robinson's belief that the manuscripts were purposely hidden out of fear of persecution. The blood feud, however, is well attested by multiple sources.
Slowly, most of the tracts came into the hands of Phokion J. Tanos, a Cypriot antiques dealer in Cairo, thereafter being retained by the Department of Antiquities, for fear that they would be sold out of the country. They are back in there Country of Origin.

The Gospel Of Mary - Gnostic Text From The Nag Hammadi with Words and Music
The Gospel Of Mary - Gnostic Text From The Nag Hammadi with Words and Music 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

The Gospel Of Mary - Gnostic Text From The Nag Hammadi with Words and Music. The Gospel of Mary is a non-canonical text discovered in 1896 in a 5th-century papyrus codex written in Sahidic Coptic. Although the work is popularly known as the Gospel of Mary, it is not classed as a gospel by some scholars, who restrict the term 'gospel' to texts "primarily focused on recounting the teachings and/or activities of Jesus during his adult life". The most complete text of the Gospel of Mary is contained in the Berlin Codex, but even so, it is missing six manuscript pages at the beginning of the document and four manuscript pages in the middle. As such, the narrative begins in the middle of a scene, leaving the setting and circumstances unclear. Get your copy of the Nag Hammadi at https://amzn.to/2lzpFoa

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The Gospel Of Thomas - Gnostic sayings of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi - full audiobook with music
The Gospel Of Thomas - Gnostic sayings of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi - full audiobook with music 121gamers 1 Views • 1 year ago

The Gospel Of Thomas - Gnostic sayings of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi - full audiobook with music. The Gospel of Thomas (also known as the Coptic Gospel of Thomas) is a non-canonical sayings gospel. It was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945 among a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. Scholars speculate that the works were buried in response to a letter from Bishop Athanasius declaring a strict canon of Christian scripture. The Gospel of Thomas is very different in tone and structure from other New Testament apocrypha and the four Canonical Gospels. Unlike the canonical Gospels, it is not a narrative account of the life of Jesus; instead, it consists of sayings attributed to Jesus, sometimes stand-alone, sometimes embedded in short dialogues or parables. Check out the book here: https://amzn.to/3ass9YW

#gnosticism #audiobook #jesus
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The Gnostic Revelation as Recorded in the Nag Hammadi Texts
The Gnostic Revelation as Recorded in the Nag Hammadi Texts 121gamers 4 Views • 1 year ago

@GreggBradenOfficial You are watching a Preview of Gaia’s Original Series Ascension Keepers - https://www.gaia.com/gregg-ak presented by William Henry - After the fall of the Essenes, the secrets of resurrection and ascension found rise in a new group, known as the Gnostics. They believed that the divine spark resides within every person, and that the most divine of mysteries is a teaching available to everyone. William Henry takes us deep into the heart of the Gnostic revelations, as relayed through their own words in the Nag Hamadi texts. In the time those texts were written, what the Gnostics brought the world may have been considered the most heretical, and the most dangerous.

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Gnosticism, the Enduring Heresy
Gnosticism, the Enduring Heresy 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

Gnosticism was one of the earliest heresies of the Church, and it remains among the most enduring. With an emphasis on special knowledge acquired only by a small group of enlightened elites, as well as a sharp division between spirit and matter, with spiritual things being good and material things being evil, Gnosticism still thrives today everywhere from crack conspiracy theories to Hollywood movies to our culture of self-invention. Bishop Barron discusses Gnosticism and why it ultimately fails to satisfy.

A listener asks Bishop to help her understand the resurrection of the body.

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The Gospel of Mary - Christian Gnosticism - Christian Mystics
The Gospel of Mary - Christian Gnosticism - Christian Mystics 121gamers 3 Views • 1 year ago

The Gospel of Mary is found in the Berlin Gnostic Codex (Papyrus Berolinensis 8502). This very important and well-preserved codex was discovered in the late-nineteenth century somewhere near Akhmim in upper Egypt.
Scholars do not always agree which of the New Testament people named Mary is the central character of the Gospel of Mary. Arguments in favor of Mary Magdalene are based on her status as a known follower of Jesus, the tradition of being the first witness of his resurrection, and her appearance in other early Christian writings.
Mary Magdalene is known in some Christian traditions as the "apostle to the apostles". She is a central figure in later Gnostic Christian writings where she is portrayed as Jesus's closest and most beloved disciple and the only one who truly understood his teachings.
For further information see this link to Professor Karen King's text:

Art image - "Shade of the Living Light" by Dan Hillier. With thanks to Dan for permission to use his incredible art:

Music: Ambient Relaxation music - Frantz Amathy - https://www.youtube.com/user/frantz35
"Mooji's Reprise" - Diago Salokhey https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCXq0bDzqFsHlSXGaW
Into the Dream - Ivo and Pavel Sedlacek - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCdgzaY24x5r2t-QHM

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Secret Satanic Design of Greek Bible! #shorts #gnosticinformant #mythology #gnostics #biblesecrets
Secret Satanic Design of Greek Bible! #shorts #gnosticinformant #mythology #gnostics #biblesecrets 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

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Gnosticism 'having knowledge') is a collection of religious ideas and systems which coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions. Gnostic cosmogony generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity (sometimes associated with the Yahweh of the Old Testament) who is responsible for creating the material universe.
Gnostic writings flourished among certain Christian groups in the Mediterranean world around the second century, when the Fathers of the early Church denounced them as heresy. Efforts to destroy these texts proved largely successful, resulting in the survival of very little writing by Gnostic theologians. Nonetheless, early Gnostic teachers such as Valentinus saw their beliefs as aligned with Christianity. In the Gnostic Christian tradition, Christ is seen as a divine being which has taken human form in order to lead humanity back to recognition of its own divine nature. However, Gnosticism is not a single standardized system, and the emphasis on direct experience allows for a wide variety of teachings, including distinct currents such as Valentinianism and Sethianism. In the Persian Empire, Gnostic ideas spread as far as China via the related movement Manichaeism, while Mandaeism, which is one of the only two surviving Gnostic religions from antiquity, is found in Iraq, Iran and diaspora communities. Jorunn Buckley posits that the early Mandaeans may have been among the first to formulate what would go on to become Gnosticism within the early Jesus movement.
Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. In a religious context, gnosis is mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine. In most Gnostic systems, the sufficient cause of salvation is this "knowledge of" ("acquaintance with") the divine. It is an inward "knowing", comparable to that encouraged by Plotinus (neoplatonism), and differs from proto-orthodox Christian views. Gnostics are "those who are oriented toward knowledge and understanding – or perception and learning – as a particular modality for living". The usual meaning of gnostikos in Classical Greek texts is "learned" or "intellectual", such as used by Plato in the comparison of "practical" (praktikos) and "intellectual" (gnostikos). Plato's use of "learned" is fairly typical of Classical texts.

By the Hellenistic period, it began also to be associated with Greco-Roman mysteries, becoming synonymous with the Greek term musterion. The adjective is not used in the New Testament, but Clement of Alexandria speaks of the "learned" (gnostikos) Christian in complimentary terms. The use of gnostikos in relation to heresy originates with interpreters of Irenaeus. Some scholars consider that Irenaeus sometimes uses gnostikos to simply mean "intellectual", whereas his mention of "the intellectual sect" is a specific designation The term "Gnosticism" does not appear in ancient sources, and was first coined in the 17th century by Henry More in a commentary on the seven letters of the Book of Revelation, where More used the term "Gnosticisme" to describe the heresy in Thyatira. e term Gnosticism was derived from the use of the Greek adjective gnostikos (Greek γνωστικός, "learned", "intellectual") by St. Irenaeus (c. 185 AD) to describe the school of Valentinus as he legomene gnostike haeresis "the heresy called Learned (gnostic)."

The origins of Gnosticism are obscure and still disputed. The proto-orthodox Christian groups called Gnostics a heresy of Christianity, but according to the modern scholars the theology's origin is closely related to Jewish sectarian milieus and early Christian sects.[1][22][note 14][23] Scholars debate Gnosticism's origins as having roots in Neoplatonism and Buddhism, due to similarities in beliefs , but ultimately, its origins are currently unknown. As Christianity developed and became more popular, so did Gnosticism, with both proto-orthodox Christian and Gnostic Christian groups often existing in the same places. The Gnostic belief was widespread within Christianity until the proto-orthodox Christian communities expelled the group in the second and third centuries (AD). Gnosticism became the first group to be declared heretical.

Moses Course:
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman

Mystery Cults Course:
Dr. M David Litwa

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The Gospel Of Judas - Gnostic heretical text - full narration with music
The Gospel Of Judas - Gnostic heretical text - full narration with music 121gamers 1 Views • 1 year ago

The Gospel Of Judas - Gnostic heretical text - full narration with music. The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic gospel. The content of consists of conversations between Jesus and Judas Iscariot. Given that it includes late 2nd century theology, it is thought to have been composed in the 2nd century by Gnostic Christians, rather than the historic Judas himself. The only copy of it known to exist is a Coptic language text that has been carbon dated to 280 AD, plus or minus 60 years. It has been suggested that the text derives from an earlier manuscript in the Greek language. Check out the book here https://amzn.to/3c0fi10
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The Gnostic Gospels - Folio Society [Esoteric Book Review]
The Gnostic Gospels - Folio Society [Esoteric Book Review] 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

My review of The Gnostic Gospels published by Folio Society .

This book is currently out of print.

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