5 things to start making electronic music at home
How to get your studio started according to professor snackerelli
Hopefully this helps!
You can stream/buy the Neat Tape here:
BC - https://badsnacks.bandcamp.com/releases
SP - https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/5gZDpKtrxDf0ULvDuh
SC - https://soundcloud.com/bad-snacks
You can buy my sample pack here: https://sellfy.com/badsnacks
Sample Packs I like:
+ Lightfoot: https://lightfootbeats.me/?category=Sample+Library
+ Efajemue: https://sellfy.com/p/ZKd1/
+ JIM ALXNDR: https://gumroad.com/l/jimalxndrsamplepackvol1
Huge thank you to everyone who has supported this channel & supported me in this endeavor!
Other stuff I mention in this video:
+ Critter & Guitari Organelle: https://www.critterandguitari.com/organelle
+ Teenage Engineering OP-: https://www.teenageengineering.com/products/op-1
+ AKAI MPK Mini: https://www.akaipro.com/mpk-mini-mkii
+ Arturia Keylab: https://www.arturia.com/produc....ts/hybrid-synths/key
+ Novation MIDI controller: https://novationmusic.com/launch/launchpad
+ Scarlett 2i4 interface: https://focusrite.com/usb-audi....o-interface/scarlett
+ mio MIDI interface: https://www.iconnectivity.com/products/midi/mio
let's get social:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lilbadsnacks
FB: https://www.facebook.com/badsnacks/
TW: https://twitter.com/lilbadsnacks
Interested in lessons? Fill out this survey & hopefully I can get back to you soon :)