
You Never Know How Much Good You Do
You Never Know How Much Good You Do 121gamers 7 Views • 1 year ago


How many things did you get checked off your “to- do” list today? Sometimes, the most important things you do each day were never even on your list. As we help a neighbor or family member, we often overlook the results. You might worry about the things you never get done, but President Gordon B. Hinckley reminds us, “You never know how much good you do.”

Gordon B. Hinkley General Conference talk: https://www.lds.org/general-co....nference/2003/10/to-

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Missionaries of Jesus Christ | Now You Know
Missionaries of Jesus Christ | Now You Know 121gamers 3 Views • 1 year ago

Mormon missionaries—properly referred to as missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—are representatives of Jesus Christ who share His gospel with the world.

Mormon missionaries—properly referred to as missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—are representatives of Jesus Christ who share His gospel with the world. Missionaries have been teaching about Jesus Christ since long before He came to the earth. The Old Testament describes missionary efforts of prophets such as Noah and Isaiah, and the New Testament is filled with records of Jesus Christ ministering, teaching, and atoning for the sins of the world. After His death, the Apostles continued to remind and invite people to follow His teachings. It is no wonder we continue the practice of missionary work today.

Samuel Smith served as the first missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1830, just two months after the Church was organized. Since that time, the Lord has sent over one million men and women to serve and help people all over the world. No matter where they serve, missionaries all have the same basic responsibilities: to love, serve, teach, and baptize. The intent is for all people everywhere to have an opportunity to learn about Christ and follow His example of faith and baptism.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Make It a Good Day - Happy Families
Make It a Good Day - Happy Families 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago


Download this video: http://www.mormonchannel.org/w....atch/series/happy-fa/make-it-a-good-day-happy-families

“I think being a mom is the most important job in the world—and I’m not joking,” says mother Claire Kenny, whose big family stars in the first episode of Mormon Channel’s brand new series, “Happy Families.”

In the video, we get a glimpse of a day in the life of the Kenny family. With six kids under the age of 12, mornings are a busy time in their home, but Claire has a few tricks for keeping the chaos in check. First, while everyone eats breakfast, she reads aloud from a children’s magazine.

“It’s a great way to start our morning with a nice quiet moment,” she says. “Their mouths are full of food, so they can’t talk back.”

Then everybody tackles their daily chores, which include getting dressed, making beds and cleaning up. Reminders they call “tags” hang on the wall to let the kids know what is left to accomplish. Though her kids don’t always work as quickly as she would prefer, Claire finds humor and happiness in their efforts.

“It’s great. They crack me up. And they also infuriate me sometimes,” she says with a laugh.

When everyone has made it out the door and into the car, it is time for a Kenny family tradition. Claire leads her kids in singing the song “Make it a Good Day” on the way to school. The lyrics are simple and sweet, and they hold valuable lessons.

Make it a good day
Make this one glow
Fill it with learning
There’s much to know
Make it a good day
Look in your heart
Build on your heritage
And do your part

It’s easy to see that this is a happy family, but Claire says it is a challenge to keep up sometimes.

“That is a hard thing—feeling a little stretched thin in my abilities to take care of everyone at the same time … and hoping that … I’m doing a good enough job in all of those areas,” she says.

“I look around me and I see so many of my friends. Their kids are dressed so nicely, and I’m coming with my kids, like, ‘Whatever, they picked out their own clothes.’”

Regardless, she knows that no matter what the day brings, they can make it a good one if they work together.

Blog Post with Director's Comments: http://www.mormonchannel.org/blog/pos...
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Building Families
Building Families 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago


Whether your children are grown or still growing, opportunities to teach them truth will never run out. That fact is brought to life in this sweet and simple story of a dad doing his best to set an example of service, love, and prayer for his young boys. It is a perfect reminder that true success comes to parents who don’t let distractions—no matter how worthwhile—get in the way of living basic gospel principles and teaching their children to do the same.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Is There Still Hope for Me? | Hope Works
Is There Still Hope for Me? | Hope Works 121gamers 3 Views • 1 year ago

Darla felt like she was normal on the outside but broken on the inside. Early traumatic experiences left her feeling battered, ashamed, and abused. In an attempt to find herself, Darla ran away and joined a generational Mexican circus. This changed her life for the better. She gained discipline, trust, confidence, and greater mental strength.

But a few years later, the holes Darla felt inside became more apparent. Past traumas began to surface. She temporarily numbed the emotional pain with alcohol and substance abuse. After a few years, Darla began to break down physically and mentally. If she didn’t change, she was going to die.

One day, while driving on the freeway, Darla prayed, “God, if you’re there—if you even care—do you still want me? Is there still hope for me?” Instantly Darla felt prompted to look out the window to the right and saw a prison. Then she looked to her left and saw the Draper Utah Temple. Darla felt the impression “You’re free to choose liberty or death.”

Darla felt a peace and calm she hadn’t felt in years. She could choose! She had power! She had worth! The moment Darla cried out for help, she was found. God left the ninety and nine and came after Darla, the one lost sheep.

Darla believes our differences don’t make us broken—they make us powerful. Our power can be used for good to seek out the lost sheep, the misfits, and the broken and show them the power that’s inside them.

#hopeworks #hope #jesuschrist #darladay

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Latter-day Saint Temples
Latter-day Saint Temples 121gamers 2 Views • 1 year ago

If you have ever had questions about what goes on inside temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, click here to learn more: https://bit.ly/3AsHYNL

Temples are the House of the Lord. They’re holy places where Latter-day Saints make sacred promises to God. Examples include promises to keep His commandments, and the promises husbands and wives make to each other and to God during a temple wedding, known as a sealing. There are more than 160 temples in operation around the world, from Sacramento, California, to Washington, D.C., to Manila, Philippines.

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If you’ve ever seen a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you probably noticed it does not look like other buildings. That’s on purpose. So, what makes it different? Well, let’s go back to biblical times.

From the very beginning, God’s people have built temples. Moses had his tabernacle, a sort of traveling temple. Then Solomon built a temple—one of his greatest achievements. During His life, Jesus Christ spent a lot of time in the temple at Jerusalem, helping, healing and teaching. And basically, that’s still what happens in temples today. Here, let me show you.

A temple is different from other church buildings. Inside the different rooms, people make promises with God. Promises to keep His commandments. Promises to be good husbands and wives. Promises to share what we have to help take care of each other. Because Latter-day Saints believe families are eternal, temple marriages are performed to last forever, so families can always be together, and that includes our ancestors too!

So, who can go inside a temple? Well, first, everyone. When a new temple is built there’s an open house for the public. Afterwards, it is only open to members of the Church who have prepared themselves to make sacred promises with God.

The truth is, temples aren't special because they look pretty from the outside. Instead, it’s about what happens in the hearts of the people inside. Because that’s where God does his most important work.

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