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Getting The USB's For The Red Worm Final Boss Fight Easter Egg (MW3 Zombies)

1 Views • 05/30/24
14 Subscribers

In this video I show where the secret room is, showing the locations of the four USB's hidden around the map. NOTE: The secret room is always here but the USB locations change every game.

Now in the room you need to either know the map very well or pull up a picture from Google or something showing all the potential locations of the USB's. Look at each picture on the wall and match it with a location on the map. Once you know where all four are, head to each location. Based on my experience, one USB always spawns in the red zone/tier 3 zone at one of three potential locations.

Once you have all four USB's, look for two ammo crates very close to each other on the map. These will typically be close to the storm circle but can spawn quite far away in some instances.

If the storm is at the top left of the map, the ammo crates will likely be just south of the legacy fortress.

If the storm is at the mid to bottom left of the map, the ammo crates will likely be in the stadium just south of the river.

If the storm is bottom right of the map, the ammo crates will likely be on the centre right of the map.

If the storm is at the top or top right of the map, the ammo crates will likely spawn to the top right of red zone.

Hope that helps!

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