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KJV Audio Bible - Matthew
KJV Audio Bible - Matthew lasey Romford 1 Views • 8 days ago

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★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer Read the book of Psalms here:


The work and ministry of sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God. "The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propogation of classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine biblical revival to this generation."
#audiobible #kjvbible #matthew

Fall Asleep with the Gospel of Mark - Abide Audio Bible: (Holy Bible Audio)
Fall Asleep with the Gospel of Mark - Abide Audio Bible: (Holy Bible Audio) lasey Romford 1 Views • 8 days ago

Fall asleep with the Gospel of Mark, Holy Bible Audio. Relax and receive the story of Christ as Bonnie reads from the Book of Mark. Abide Sleep meditations is designed to help you fall asleep each night! Download the Abide App today!

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0:00:34 Mark 1
0:06:54 Mark 2
0:11:16 Mark 3
0:15:41 Mark 4
0:21:20 Mark 5
0:27:21 Mark 6
0:35:18 Mark 7
0:40:38 Mark 8
0:46:20 Mark 9
0:54:31 Mark 10
1:03:00 Mark 11
1:07:46 Mark 12
1:14:59 Mark 13
1:20:19 Mark 14
1:30:53 Mark 15
1:36:51 Mark 16

Audio Bible Playlist

Popular Books of the Bible

Abide is the #1 Bible app for reducing stress, improving sleep, and experiencing God's peace every day. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Mindfulness meditations like Abide can also improve overall well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and more.

Our team's goal is to create premium Christian content to help people relax, trust God, and enjoy renewing sleep. Thank you for your support. Let's find peace together in God's goodness! ~Abide

#abide #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #sleeptalkdown #relaxation #abidesleepmeditation

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Stock credit: Storyblocks

Fall Asleep with God's Word: Gospel of Matthew: Holy Bible Audio
Fall Asleep with God's Word: Gospel of Matthew: Holy Bible Audio lasey Romford 1 Views • 8 days ago

Fall asleep with the Gospel of Matthew, Holy Bible Audio. Relax and recieve the story of Christ as Tyler reads from the Book of Matthew. Abide Sleep meditations is designed to help you fall asleep each night! Download the Abide App today!

🔔 Subscribe!

📱Download the Abide App:

0:00:34 Matthew 1
0:04:21 Matthew 2
0:07:52 Matthew 3
0:10:18 Matthew 4
0:13:41 Matthew 5
0:19:58 Matthew 6
0:24:52 Matthew 7
0:28:31 Matthew 8
0:33:25 Matthew 9
0:38:38 Matthew 10
0:43:54 Matthew 11
0:48:19 Matthew 12
0:54:51 Matthew 13
1:03:15 Matthew 14
1:07:35 Matthew 15
1:12:18 Matthew 16
1:16:24 Matthew 17
1:20:10 Matthew 18
1:24:53 Matthew 19
1:29:13 Matthew 20
1:33:29 Matthew 21
1:39:50 Matthew 22
1:44:51 Matthew 23
1:50:06 Matthew 24
1:56:13 Matthew 25
2:02:17 Matthew 26
2:11:57 Matthew 27
2:20:47 Matthew 28

Audio Bible Playlist

Popular Books of the Bible

Abide is the #1 Bible app for reducing stress, improving sleep, and experiencing God's peace every day. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Mindfulness meditations like Abide can also improve overall well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and more.

Our team’s goal is to create premium Christian content to help people relax, trust God, and enjoy renewing sleep. Thank you for your support. Let’s find peace together in God’s goodness! ~Abide

#abide #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #sleeptalkdown #relaxation #abidesleepmeditation
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Stock credit: Storyblocks

Gospel of John - Abide Audio Bible: (Holy Bible Audio)
Gospel of John - Abide Audio Bible: (Holy Bible Audio) lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

Fall asleep with the Gospel of John, Holy Bible Audio. Relax and recieve the story of Christ as James reads from the Book of John. Abide Sleep meditations is designed to help you fall asleep each night!

🔔 Subscribe!

📱Download the Abide App:

0:00:23 John 1 Word Became Flesh
0:06:07 John 2 Wedding at Cana
0:09:49 John 3 Nicodemus
0:14:59 John 4 Samaritan Woman
0:21:35 John 5 Pool of Bethesda
0:27:45 John 6 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
0:36:05 John 7 Feast of Tabernacles
0:42:38 John 8 Go and Sin No More
0:51:01 John 9 Man Born Blind
0:56:31 John 10 The Good Shepherd
1:01:34 John 11 Lazarus
1:08:56 John 12 Anointing at Bethany
1:15:58 John 13 Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
1:21:24 John 14 Jesus the Way to the Father
1:25:49 John 15 Vine and Branches
1:29:47 John 16 Jesus Encourages His Disciples
1:34:42 John 17 Jesus Prays for His Disciples
1:38:22 John 18 Jesus Arrested
1:44:20 John 19 Jesus Sentenced to Death
1:51:20 John 20 The Resurrection
1:56:16 John 21 Restoration of Peter

Audio Bible Playlist

Popular Books of the Bible

Abide is the #1 Bible app for reducing stress, improving sleep, and experiencing God's peace every day. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Mindfulness meditations like Abide can also improve overall well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and more.

Our team’s goal is to create premium Christian content to help people relax, trust God, and enjoy renewing sleep. Thank you for your support. Let’s find peace together in God’s goodness! ~Abide

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Stock credit: Storyblocks

#abide #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #sleeptalkdown #relaxation #abidesleepmeditation
#holybibleaudio #holybible

The Holy Bible:The New Testament (NKJV) <Story about Jesus Christ>
The Holy Bible:The New Testament (NKJV) <Story about Jesus Christ> lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

"The Bible-smith Project" is the project
that works on any kind of Bible related applications and information
for more effective and efficient Evangelism with the vision "The Gospel for Everyone".

From the project, more than 10,000 Gospel related contents
and more than 200 android/iOS applications have been developed
and/or shared to the world since 1997.

About Bible
The Bible (1) is the work of Holy Spirit through His people;
(2) acknowledges Holy Spirit being the original author and He is still living;
(3) acknowledges that you have Holy Spirit within you. The Holy Spirit is the original author of all Bibles.

About Gospel
All texts/contents in the Scripture testify about Jesus Christ either directly or indirectly [John 5:39].
Testifications/witnesses provided in scripture about Jesus Christ are facts/truth.
Only through faith in Jesus Christ and by grace a person have salvation;
and that not of yourselves: it is given by God not by works [Ephesians 2:8].

ps. Please walk together with this project by prayer,
and you can send us the Bible text (VPL: Verse Per Line Format)
in any language where needs the gospel.
We will develop a Bible android app. of that language.
Every processes and products are free of charge.

※ Our policy is not to insert advertisements during the Gospel, so people can focus on the good news.
If there is an ads interrupting the message, it is caused by one of the copyright holders forcing the ads.
Please understand the situation, and God bless you.

※ 성경대장장이 프로젝트(The Bible-smith Project) 에서는 복음(기쁜소식)이 전해지는 중 광고를 넣지 않는 것을 정책을 하고 있습니다. 하지만 만약 광고가 나온다면 내용 중 콘텐츠 저작권을 소유한 곳들 중에서 강제로 중간에 광고를 나오게 한 것 입니다. 양해를 부탁드립니다.

Gospel of Luke - Abide Audio Bible (Holy Bible Audio)
Gospel of Luke - Abide Audio Bible (Holy Bible Audio) lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

Fall asleep with the Gospel of John, Holy Bible Audio. Relax and receive the story of Christ as James reads from the Book of Luke. Abide Sleep meditations is designed to help you fall asleep each night!

🔔 Subscribe!

📱Download the Abide App:

0:00:26 Luke 1 IntroductionNIV
0:09:51 Luke 2 Birth of Jesus
0:16:38 Luke 3 Preparing the Way
0:22:20 Luke 4 Wilderness
0:28:57 Luke 5 The First Disciples
0:35:20 Luke 6 Lord of the Sabbath
0:43:29 Luke 7 Faith of the Centurion
0:51:14 Luke 8 Parable of the Sower
1:01:20 Luke 9 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
1:06:47 Luke 10 Sends Out the Seventy-Two
1:13:36 Luke 11 Teaching on Prayer
1:22:42 Luke 12 Warnings and Encouragements
1:31:56 Luke 13 Repent or Perish
1:38:00 Luke 14 Pharisee’s House
1:43:29 Luke 15 Parable of Lost Sheep
1:48:18 Luke 16 Parable of Shrewd Manager
1:53:24 Luke 17 Sin, Faith, Duty
1:58:19 Luke 18 Parable of the Persistent Widow
2:01:03 Luke 19 Zacchaeus
2:07:58 Luke 20 Jesus Questioned
2:14:19 Luke 21 Widow’s Offering
2:19:25 Luke 22 Last Supper
2:29:22 Luke 23 Crucifixion of Jesus
2:38:12 Luke 24 Resurrection of Jesus

Audio Bible Playlist

Popular Books of the Bible

Abide is the #1 Bible app for reducing stress, improving sleep, and experiencing God's peace every day. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Mindfulness meditations like Abide can also improve overall well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and more. This audio bible reading is from the NIV.

Our team’s goal is to create premium Christian content to help people relax, trust God, and enjoy renewing sleep. Thank you for your support. Let’s find peace together in God’s goodness! ~Abide

#abide #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #sleeptalkdown #relaxation #abidesleepmeditation
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Stock credit: Storyblocks

19 | PSALMS { SCOURBY AUDIO BIBLE KJV } lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

We hope you enjoyed HEARING the VOICE ONLY KJV Bible read by Alexander Scourby.
We invite you to try out NEWEST Playlist link below that is Audio and text synced together also
narrated by Alexander Scourby. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE
it with OTHERS.

Also see link below for Scourby KJV Bible master playlists that includes a Black screen with rain
for meditation and sleeping, No 11 in the list. As well you will find a Scourby Playlist for the
APOCRYPHA No 5 on the list, and many others. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant

Experience the POWER of TRUTH in the King James Bible in the “HEARING of God’s Word read
by Alexander Scourby. Click the Playlist link below to HEAR the Entire KJV Bible with AUDIO and
TEXT on YouTube, read by the Greatest Voice Ever Recorded, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Save it for instant access anytime and anywhere 24/7, and share it with others.

KJV Bible Verses for your SI (Spiritual Intelligence) an internal Truth Algorithm for the Spirit.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Faith Cometh by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: John 16:13
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those
things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3

Inculcate your Spirit with the above truth Bible verses, as well as your other favorites, and ask
God to reveal all TRUTH to you, as promised above.
Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in
truth and love. 2 John 1:3

Scourby YouBible Channel
© 1991 Litchfield Associates
All rights reserved | Duplication Prohibited.

47 | Book of 2 Corinthians | Read by Alexander Scourby |The GREATEST VOICE Ever Recorded!
47 | Book of 2 Corinthians | Read by Alexander Scourby |The GREATEST VOICE Ever Recorded! lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

We hope you enjoyed HEARING the KJV Bible read by Alexander Scourby. If you noticed any GLITCHES in this reading, we invite you to try our NEWEST Playlist link below. It’s EXACTLY THE SAME, less the glitches. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Also see link below for Scourby KJV Bible master playlists that includes a Black screen with rain for meditation and sleeping, No 11 in the list. As well you will find a Scourby Playlist for the APOCRYPHA No 5 on the list, and many others. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Experience the POWER of TRUTH in the King James Bible in the “HEARING of God’s Word read by Alexander Scourby. Click the Playlist link below to HEAR the Entire KJV Bible with AUDIO and TEXT on YouTube, read by the Greatest Voice Ever Recorded, according to the Chicago Tribune. Save it for instant access anytime and anywhere 24/7, and share it with others.

KJV Bible Verses for your SI (Spiritual Intelligence) an internal Truth Algorithm for the Spirit.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Faith Cometh by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: John 16:13
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3

Inculcate your Spirit with the above truth Bible verses, as well as your other favorites, and ask God to reveal all TRUTH to you, as promised above.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in truth and love. 2 John 1:3

Scourby YouBible Channel
© 1991 Litchfield Associates
All rights reserved | Duplication Prohibited.

1 | Book of Genesis | Read by Alexander Scourby | The GREATEST VOICE Ever Recorded!
1 | Book of Genesis | Read by Alexander Scourby | The GREATEST VOICE Ever Recorded! lasey Romford 0 Views • 8 days ago

We hope you enjoyed HEARING the KJV Bible read by Alexander Scourby. If you noticed any GLITCHES in this reading, we invite you to try our NEWEST Playlist link below. It’s EXACTLY THE SAME, less the glitches. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Also see link below for Scourby KJV Bible master playlists that includes a Black screen with rain for meditation and sleeping, No 11 in the list. As well you will find a Scourby Playlist for the APOCRYPHA No 5 on the list, and many others. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Experience the POWER of TRUTH in the King James Bible in the “HEARING of God’s Word read by Alexander Scourby. Click the Playlist link below to HEAR the Entire KJV Bible with AUDIO and TEXT on YouTube, read by the Greatest Voice Ever Recorded, according to the Chicago Tribune. Save it for instant access anytime and anywhere 24/7, and share it with others.

KJV Bible Verses for your SI (Spiritual Intelligence) an internal Truth Algorithm for the Spirit.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Faith Cometh by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: John 16:13
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3

Inculcate your Spirit with the above truth Bible verses, as well as your other favorites, and ask God to reveal all TRUTH to you, as promised above.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in truth and love. 2 John 1:3

Scourby YouBible Channel
© 1991 Litchfield Associates
All rights reserved | Duplication Prohibited.

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