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The Platters - Remember When
The Platters - Remember When 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

The Platters started out as a Los Angeles-based doo wop group with little identity of their own to make them stand out from the pack. They made their first records for Federal, a subsidiary of Cincinnati's King Records. These early sides don't sound anything like the better-known sides that would eventually emerge from this group, instead merely aping the current R&B trends and styles of the day. What changed their fortunes can be reduced down to one very important name: their mentor, manager, producer, songwriter, and vocal coach, Buck Ram. Ram took what many would say were a run-of-the-mill R&B doo wop vocal group and turned them into stars and one of the most enduring and lucrative groups of all time. By 1954, Ram was already running a talent agency in Los Angeles, writing and arranging for publisher Mills Music, managing the Three Suns -- a pop group with some success -- and working with his protégés, the Penguins. The Platters seemed like a good addition to his stable. After getting them out of their Federal contract, Ram placed them with the burgeoning national independent label Mercury Records (at the same time he brought over the Penguins following their success with "Earth Angel"), automatically getting them into pop markets through the label's distribution contacts alone. Then Ram started honing in on the group's strengths and weaknesses. The first thing he did was put the lead vocal status squarely on the shoulders of lead tenor Tony Williams. Williams' emoting power was turned up full blast with the group (now augmented with Zola Taylor from Shirley Gunter & the Queens) working as very well-structured vocal support framing his every note. With Ram's pop songwriting classics as their musical palette, the group quickly became a pop and R&B success, eventually earning the distinction of being the first black act of the era to top the pop charts. Considered the most romantic of all the doo wop groups (that is, the ultimate in "make out music"), hit after hit came tumbling forth in a seemingly effortless manner: "Only You," "The Great Pretender," "My Prayer," "Twilight Time," "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," "Harbor Lights," all of them establishing the Platters as the classiest of all. Williams struck out on his own in 1961 and, by the decade's end, the group had disbanded with various members starting up their own version of the Platters. This bit of franchising now extends into the present day, with an estimated 125 sanctioned versions of "the original Platters" out on the oldies show circuit. ~ Cub Koda, All Music Guide

PLEASE NOTE: I divided my uploads among multiple channels, Bookmark this link in your browser for instant access to an index with links to all of John1948's oldies classics. LINK:

The Gnostic Revelation as Recorded in the Nag Hammadi Texts
The Gnostic Revelation as Recorded in the Nag Hammadi Texts 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

@GreggBradenOfficial You are watching a Preview of Gaia’s Original Series Ascension Keepers - presented by William Henry - After the fall of the Essenes, the secrets of resurrection and ascension found rise in a new group, known as the Gnostics. They believed that the divine spark resides within every person, and that the most divine of mysteries is a teaching available to everyone. William Henry takes us deep into the heart of the Gnostic revelations, as relayed through their own words in the Nag Hamadi texts. In the time those texts were written, what the Gnostics brought the world may have been considered the most heretical, and the most dangerous.

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Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Gospel: GRS Mead , Complete Audiobook
Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Gospel: GRS Mead , Complete Audiobook 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

Pistis Sophia (Koinē Greek: Πίστις Σοφία) is a Gnostic text discovered in 1773, possibly written between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. The existing manuscript, which some scholars place in the late 4th century, relates one Gnostic group's teachings of the transfigured Jesus to the assembled disciples, including his mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Martha. (In this context, "transfigured" refers to Jesus after his death and resurrection, not the event during his life where he spoke to appearances of Moses and Elijah on a mountain.) In this text, the risen Jesus had spent eleven years speaking with his disciples, teaching them only the lower mysteries. After eleven years, he receives his true garment and is able to reveal the higher mysteries revered by this group. The prized mysteries relate to complex cosmologies and knowledge necessary for the soul to reach the highest divine realms.

Much of the first two books of the manuscript are dedicated to outlining the myth of the fall and restoration of the figure known as Pistis Sophia, in particular giving detailed parallels between her prayers of repentance and particular Psalms and Odes of Solomon.

Although in many Gnostic texts and systems Sophia is a major female divinity, in Pistis Sophia she originates and dwells outside of the divine realm. Her fall and redemption parallel that found in versions of the Sophia myth such as that in the Apocryphon of John, but the actions all take place in the material aeons, and she can only be restored to her place in the thirteenth aeon, outside the Kingdom of Light.

The Secret Knowledge Of The Emerald Tablet
The Secret Knowledge Of The Emerald Tablet 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries.

Hermes Trismegistus (from Ancient Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "Hermes the Thrice-Greatest"; Classical Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is a legendary Hellenistic figure that originated as a syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.[1] He is the purported author of the Hermetica, a widely diverse series of ancient and medieval pseudepigraphical texts that lay the basis of various philosophical systems known as Hermeticism.

The wisdom attributed to this figure in antiquity combined a knowledge of both the material and the spiritual world, which rendered the writings attributed to him of great relevance to those who were interested in the interrelationship between the material and the divine.[2]

Voiceover: Keoki Trask

Music: MotionArray

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The Complete Emerald Tablets of Thoth  Meditation Reading
The Complete Emerald Tablets of Thoth Meditation Reading 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

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Man's Inner Guide - A Hermetic Esoteric/Occult Article with text and music
Man's Inner Guide - A Hermetic Esoteric/Occult Article with text and music 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

Man's Inner Guide - A Hermetic Esoteric/Occult Article with text and music. Originally appeared in Azoth Magazine. AZOTH was a monthly magazine devoted to Philosophy, Theosophy, Spiritualism, Psychical Research, Higher Thought, Astrology and Occultism - an open forum for the expression of the ideas and thought of any person who has something to say worthy of consideration by others. Please consider supporting my work and download this audio as part of the ESOTERIC AND OCCULT WISDOM - MASTER COLLECTION VOL. 2 (an ongoing collection of Gnostic, alchemical, Hermetic, and related occult audio projects that span dozens of hours) at

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Introducing Zefira: Your Mystical Guide to the Occult and Esoteric Wisdom on Discord!
Introducing Zefira: Your Mystical Guide to the Occult and Esoteric Wisdom on Discord! 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

🌟 Unveil the secrets of the cosmos with Zefira, the ultimate AI-powered Mystical Guide to Occult & Esoteric Wisdom on Discord! 🔮 Explore mystifying realms of magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge with Zefira as your enchanting, all-knowing AI companion. Unlock the mysteries of Thelema, astrology, tarot, I-Ching, runes, oracle cards, and more! 🌙

✨ Experience Zefira's vast array of commands & utilities, making her an indispensable ally for both novices and seasoned practitioners. 📚 Decode ancient manuscripts, create personalized astrological natal charts, and tap into the power of AI to illuminate hidden paths before you. 🌟

👉 Invite Zefira to your Discord server for FREE at:

🌟 Unveil the secrets of the cosmos with Zefira, the ultimate AI-powered Mystical Guide to Occult & Esoteric Wisdom on Discord! 🔮 Explore mystifying realms of magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge with Zefira as your enchanting, all-knowing AI companion. Unlock the mysteries of Thelema, astrology, tarot, I-Ching, runes, oracle cards, and more! 🌙

✨ Experience Zefira's vast array of commands & utilities, making her an indispensable ally for both novices and seasoned practitioners. 📚 Decode ancient manuscripts, create personalized astrological natal charts, and tap into the power of AI to illuminate hidden paths before you. 🌟

👉 Invite Zefira to your Discord server for FREE at:

Her command list:

● greetings: Your first interaction with Zefira.
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Leveling (by using the bot):
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Demonism and Black Magic (esoteric teachings of the ancient wisdom)  by Manly P Hall #mysticism
Demonism and Black Magic (esoteric teachings of the ancient wisdom) by Manly P Hall #mysticism 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

🔮 I spend many hours tracking , finding , editing, uploading and formatting much of the content shared here. You can show your support and help me keep providing these priceless lectures by donating any amount, thank you! ✨🙏🏼✨

I hope you are loving this video.. God bless you all!

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528Hz POSITIVE Energy CLEANSE For Your HOME & Yourself 》Miracle Frequency To Heal Old Negativity
528Hz POSITIVE Energy CLEANSE For Your HOME & Yourself 》Miracle Frequency To Heal Old Negativity 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

Welcome to our 528Hz positive energy cleanse for your house and yourself. This miracle frequency healing track is made to help you heal and purify old negativity and negative energies. This miracle frequency-tuned track is also helpful for aura cleansing and for increasing your spiritual energy and positive vibes. This 3-hour meditation music has been crafted to help you release negativity, anxiety, and old wounds, bringing positivity and harmony to your life. Our miracle frequency of 528Hz promotes mental clarity, self-love, and connection to the spiritual world.

By using this frequency, you can experience deep inner peace, elevated consciousness, and healing of your DNA and cells. This music is perfect for sleep, yoga, meditation, and relaxation, helping you achieve self-healing and self-love.

At our channel, we specialize in creating music for deep meditation, self-healing, and connecting with your higher self. Our music is tuned to the 528Hz frequency, a powerful tone that resonates with nature and harmonizes vibrations.

Benefits of the 528 Hz frequency:

- Resonates with nature and promotes harmonized vibrations
- Provides mental clarity and awareness
- Heals DNA and harmonizes cells
- Promotes elevated consciousness and self-love
- Connects you with the spiritual world and a sense of oneness

Experience the many benefits of the 528Hz frequency for yourself, including spiritual connection, positivity, and harmony. If you enjoyed this track, consider subscribing to our channel for more uplifting content.

You can find our music here if you want to listen to our music offline:

You make our community the best community on this website and the interwebs! Thank you so much for that! 💜🙏💜

Do you need music for your own projects? Check out Highermind. Click on the link below for the best option for Royalty-Free and Commercial Free music!

With Love,
Awake Nation 💜🙏💜

We are all soul family. Welcome to this nonphysical space, created for transcending low vibration and rise above. In the name of love, in the name of light, source, God, We aim to raise the vibration of our collective consciousness through healing and meditation. Thank you for tuning in to our channel. Spread the love out there. 🙏💖

Remember to subscribe if you want to show love & support back to us.🙏💖

The content you'll see on our channel is intended as a tool for relaxation, self-healing, meditation, spiritual connectedness, and also entertainment purposes. While there may certainly be health benefits, our content is not presented or intended to be medical advice or to be a medical substitute in any way. If you feel you have a serious physical or mental ailment, please seek help from doctors or other health professionals.

We encourage you to do your own research on Healing frequencies/Solfeggio frequencies and Binaural Beats and make up your own decisions. We advise you to follow your intuition and listen to your body.

★ The Best From Our Channel In One Playlist:


★ 396 Hertz: DO. It is usually related to guilt and fear, helping release suppressed emotions. It is associated with the color red and the root chakra.

★ 417 Hertz: RE. This frequency can help you to recognize and release past traumas and rigid thought patterns that are no longer valuable in your life It is associated with the color orange and the sacral chakra.

★ 528 Hertz: MI. Associated with DNA, peace of mind, and clarity. This frequency is said to help you heal and recover from sickness. Some claim it can upgrade your DNA. It is associated with the color yellow and the solar plexus chakra.

★ 963 Hertz: SI. it is usually related to the feeling of oneness or connectedness. It means awakening and being interconnected to the universe. This frequency helps you to reconnect with yourself. It is associated with the color purple and the crown chakra.

We realize that for most people, life is quite challenging and there are many adversities and difficulties presented by life, so we aim to make this channel a sanctuary of peace and reflection. A place where you allow your body and mind a sacred space to dissolve the stresses of everyday life, to come to mental and spiritual clarity, a place where you experience and view life from a higher vantage point through the beauty of your mind in combination with magical meditative music and breathtaking nature videos that we hope inspire you.

We sincerely appreciate you and we love everyone. 🙏💖
We stand for Unity. We stand for co-creation, we stand for love.

Let us unite as one amazing community of people that believe in love🙏💖


How To Make Ramen
How To Make Ramen 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

Today I show you how to make authentic Japanese ramen. You won't believe it's homemade! You'll love this delicious homemade ramen. This is the exact same ramen recipe that is used on a daily basis by chefs all throughout Japan. Never made ramen before? Don't worry! Simply follow the step by step instructions. It's quick & easy! Will probably take you longer to clean up.

There are a few different types of ramen. The most popular ones are; Shio ramen, Shoyu ramen, Miso ramen & Tonkotsu ramen. This recipe video can be used to make all of these - Simply substitute some of the ingredients to your desired ramen.

Don't keep this delicious recipe to yourself! SHARE IT:

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Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Know someone that would be interested in learning ラーメンの作り方 ? Link them to this video!

How to Make DIY Impossible Gift Boxes - Creative and Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas
How to Make DIY Impossible Gift Boxes - Creative and Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

***There is an error with the scoring I tell you. You need to score at 9.1/2 NOT 10.1/2***

In this video, you'll learn how to make a DIY Impossible Gift Box that will surely impress your friends and family. This gift box is not only unique and creative but also a fun way to wrap your gifts. With just a few materials and easy-to-follow steps, you can create a stunning gift box that seems impossible to open. Whether you're looking for a special way to wrap a birthday gift or just want to surprise someone with a thoughtful present, this DIY project is perfect for you. So, grab your crafting supplies, and let's get started!

Please find links to the products I've used below.
Papercraft Essentials spring kit and magazine.
Acetate sheets

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US Store
My Trimmer
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
The Pick-up tool, burnishing tool, pokey tool, and tweezers are all from my kit.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
Blending Brushes
UK, EU, AUS 7 CA Store
US Store
Small Stencil/detail blending brushes.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
Sizzix Big Shot die-cutting machine.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
Sizzix Big Shot Plus A4 size.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store.
Mini Desk Die-Cutting Machine
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store.
Red Liner tape & Double-Sided tape.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store.
Chrome base plate.
Collall Glue or on Amazon ↓
Beacon 3 in 1 is very similar and more available in the US, Canada, and Australia.
Quick grab glue Cosmic Shimmer, which I use for small areas.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store.
My white smooth cardstock is 300 gsm from Craft Stash & Amazon.
Craftstash UK, EU, AUS & CA Store -
Amazon -
Accent Glaze
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
My Pink & Purple Scoreboard by Hunkydory.
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
Desk Hoover
UK, EU, AUS & CA Store
US Store
My metal rulers.
A5 clear plastic wallet pack of 100 for my stamps & dies.
Magnetic sheets. I cut A4 sheets in half to fit in the clear pockets above.
Blue A4 Self Healing Mat.

Shop with Craft Stash for all your crafting supplies...
UK Store 🇬🇧 -
US Store 🇺🇸 -

Shop my Amazon Storefront for the supplies I use below.

The blog post for this tutorial.

Mixed Up Craft Blog

Mixed Up Craft Facebook Page for my live Craft-Alongs.

Mixed Up Crafters Facebook Group



Tik Tok Sam Calcott UK - Mixed Up. cRAFT


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How to Make the Best Guacamole Homemade Recipe #shorts
How to Make the Best Guacamole Homemade Recipe #shorts 121gamers 4 Views • 2 years ago

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Learn how to make the best guacamole with this short video! This recipe is so easy to make. It is only 8 ingredients and within a few minutes, you'll have a fresh, creamy and delicious authentic guacamole. Serve it as a dip with some tortilla chips. they go with any Mexican dish perfectly or serve it as a dip with some tortilla chips. If you enjoy this recipe please don’t forget to give me a big thumbs up and if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to become part of our family 💕

► 4 Small avocados or 2 Large ones
► 1 Roma Tomato
► 1/2 white onion
► 1 chile serrano or jalapeño
► Bunch of cilantro
► 1 lime
► Salt to taste

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Showing 131 out of 132