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Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness — Rick Renner
Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Join Rick Renner as he uses the Greek language to explain the first four death-permeated works that result from walking after your flesh. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Do you want to walk in the cruel, hard, bitter works of the flesh — or do you want to mortify the deeds of the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit to produce His wonderful fruit in you? Order this series today so you can learn how to stop the death-permeated works of the flesh in your life and release the supernatural, life-giving fruit of the Spirit!

Sparkling Gems Volume 1 is arranged in a devotional format with more than 1,000 in-depth Greek word studies, crafted into 365 daily devotions that are sure to inspire and provoke you to plunge deeper into your own search for more hidden treasures from God’s Word. Three exhaustive indices — an English to Greek index, a Greek to English index, and a Scripture Index — are also included, making Sparkling Gems a highly effective reference tool for your own personal study library.

In Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2 Rick Renner offers a masterful blend of poignant personal memories, intriguing historical perspective, and penetrating insights into the believers role in this present hour. Woven throughout these daily Gems, Rick shares more than 1,000 unique Greek word studies with teaching that will challenge you to adjust your actions, realign your attitudes, and act on the practical applications of truth that are pertinent to your own walk with God. Through it all, Rick guides you into a deeper understanding of Gods Word to strengthen your faith and reignite fresh passion to pursue Gods plan for your life.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:20 Rick Greeting & Product
04:34 Teaching
22:30 Product Offer
24:03 Ministry Update
25:53 Product Offer
26:41 Rick Prays
27:16 Salvation Prayer

Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs — Rick Renner
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs — God loves it all. We may have our favorite worship method, but today Rick explains how God loves all our praise! Today Rick shares about the freedom we have in worshiping God. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series.

Unfortunately for many, this gift remains unopened and unused because of a lack of understanding. In truth, worship is not christianized entertainment, a religious ritual, or zealous demonstration. The biblical picture of worship is an intimate encounter with the infinite God that spreads into every part of your daily life. Whether you’re on the mission field, or in the boardroom, Phil’s powerful testimonies, biblical teaching, practical application, and prayers of activation will help you access a lifestyle of encounter in God’s Presence.

In A Life Ablaze, Rick teaches you about the ten different kinds of fuel you need to stay spiritually ablaze for years to come. As you learn about these fuels, you will discover how to throw them into the fire in your heart so you can keep burning spiritually.

The Journey Begins — Rick Renner
The Journey Begins — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Join the Renner team in Turkey as they guide you through the ruins of Noah’s Ark while pointing out other important pre-Flood landmarks. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself be overcome by the awe of God’s wonderful love for us.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:17 Rick Greeting & Product
03:27 Journey Begins
26:01 Product Offer
27:01 Program and Product Review

Angels Provide for You — Rick Renner
Angels Provide for You — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Join Rick as he shares how you can activate angels to strengthen and meet your physical needs as you follow the call of God on your life! To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Did you know angels have been assigned to assist you and they are available right now — at this very moment — to help you — IF you know how to activate their help? Rick has experienced angelic help, and in this anointed, powerful 5-part series he explains how to activate their help.

Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. It dives deep into the subject of angels and makes it all understandable to those who have hungry hearts and want to experience angelic ministry.

Christians and non-Christians alike are encountering angelic beings more than ever, but what does Scripture say about the appearance of angels? In this revision of his eye-opening book, Terry Law presents fascinating biblical truths about both God’s angels and evil angels, while exposing false and dangerous teachings that use New Age techniques to contact these powerful beings.

Changing Your Mindset About Money | Kenneth Copeland
Changing Your Mindset About Money | Kenneth Copeland 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Changing Your Mindset About Money | Kenneth Copeland

Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory Network Live Stream YouTube channel. Live streaming 24/7 on YouTube right now. You can subscribe by clicking here:

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The Believer’s Voice of Victory Network (BVOVN) Live Streaming 24/7 offers Word of Faith channel and the option to watch on-demand Word of Faith programs. Watch the network’s scheduled programs on the streaming channel or view the program guide and set your own schedule with the Watch Now feature, which allows you to play any of the current BVOVN programs on demand. The Believer’s Voice of Victory Network live stream only provides uncompromised, Word of Faith messages from trusted Bible teachers, such as Kenneth Copeland, Gloria Copeland, George Pearsons, Terri Copeland Pearsons, Jesse Duplantis, Jerry Savelle, Creflo Dollar, Andrew Wommack, Keith Moore, Bill Winston, David and Nicole Crank, Keith Butler, Gary Keesee, Butch Bruton, Mac Hammond, and Mark Hankins, Joel Osteen and Mark T. Barclay.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Facts About Believers Voice of Victory
Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Facts About Believers Voice of Victory 121gamers 0 Views • 4 days ago

Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Believers Voice of Victory is on 1280 TV stations in 210 countries.
Over 2100 hours of teaching each week with a potential audience of 919,500,000.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Christian magazine, Believers Voice of Victory, was first published in 1973.
It currently has 570,000 subscribers in 135 countries.

Showing 526 out of 527