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The New World Order isn’t coming to America. It’s here. From the day Satan was kicked out of heaven, he has attempted to create the New World Order. Evil can have a religious face and kill you. What is the deep state church, and how is totalitarianism creeping in? Wake up, America!
It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this is the judgment. The rapture is the final exodus of mankind. Joseph did not want to remain in Egypt. He wanted to go to the Promised Land. Are you ready for Christ’s return? To those who eagerly look for Him, to those He will appear.
Pastor Hagee challenges us to have faith the size of a mustard seed, to infuse our lives with the miracle-working power of Jesus. Open your mouth and choose life and blessings.
On October 7, 2023, war broke out in Israel; now world leaders are calling for the New World Order to take control before HAMAS is defeated. Israel didn’t start this war; they should be allowed to win it. America’s Administration and military are weaker than ever. This is the perfect environment for the New World Order to take control. The Church will be raptured, and the New World Order will introduce the Anti-Christ. Then the tribulation begins…ending at Armageddon.
There are seven things God cannot do. He cannot be given a problem He cannot solve. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God will not allow his people to be ashamed. He shares his glory with no one; He will not break a covenant. God does not change, and He will not remember your sins when you confess them.
America could be transformed overnight if we began living by the Ten Commandments. This lifestyle is the riches of righteousness. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Currently, we are fighting for the soul of our nation because America has chosen not to follow God’s law. His law is perfect. Don’t be distracted by a fatal attraction; it could kill you. Follow God’s will for your life and move forward, walking in His prosperity.
The Ten Commandments declare that the worst sin is using the Lord’s name in vain. God cannot forgive this. Do not commit evil in the name of God. His name is sacred and holy…so holy that He did not share it for thousands of years. Demons tremble at the mention of his name. Lives are healed. His name will open the gates of heaven and close the gates of hell. Do you know the different names of God?
On May 14, 1948, the nation of Israel was reborn. Israel lives by the grace of Almighty God. Those who come against Israel need to know that God is keeping score. Jerusalem is the city of God, where His name resides. It is the shoreline of eternity, where a spiritual battle rages. The Gog/Magog war will begin in a battle for Jerusalem.
Enjoy this sermon by Pastor Hagee who explains what the Feast of Tabernacles is and why this is the year of the double blessing. Jerusalem is the future of the world. It is the epicenter of Bible prophecy. Any group that comes against Jerusalem will be making enemies with God himself…for He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. Find out what a cup of trembling is and how to become a defender of Israel.
In Bible numerology, eight is the number of new beginnings. Jesus established the Kingdom of God with eight principles that are the key to unlimited success in both this world and the world to come. In this sermon, Pastor Hagee vividly describes the palpable atmosphere as Jesus walks through the crowds to begin doing His Father’s work. Who is this Jesus of Nazareth? As He looks into the crowd, He knows these people have been abused by the Roman system and they are looking for a new beginning. He opens his mouth to reveal the eight prophetic blessings that make up the constitution of the Kingdom. The first word Jesus spoke was “blessed.”
After Jesus gives the Beatitudes, He looks over to his audience and asks them, “Why do you worry?” Pastor Hagee tells us that worry is not dependent upon your circumstances, but solely dependent upon you. Don’t waste your time, filling your hours with worrying about things that might never happen. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it ever happens. God has a wonderful and exciting plan for your life. Place your trust in him.
What is the power of your potential? Jesus had the power to raise the dead. He had to call the dead by name or every dead person would have risen from their grave. He walked on water and shouted into the storm, “Peace be still!” God will use the thing that you feel is going to destroy you to bless you beyond belief!
Many claim to be people of faith, but in whom do they believe? Do you really know the God of the Bible, or do you just know about him? God sees you right where you are and is using what you’re going through to prepare you for great things. Go back to the God of the Bible and confess Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Faith, hope and love will bring revival to our land. Everything God offers man comes through faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see; it is believing that God will do great things for YOU. Faith starts out before you know how it’s going to turn out.
If two agree concerning anything, ask and it will be done. As Believers, we have power over demons and disease. The power of God lies within us; we can use it to change the world around us. We can usher in revival and take America back. Fear says, “You’re defeated!” Faith says, “The victory is yours through Christ!”
At the dawn of history, God delivered a divine covenant—the Ten Commandments—that shaped the moral fabric of humanity. Pastor John Hagee explores the timeless power of these commandments, calling America to return to the foundational truths that once guided it. In this impactful sermon, Pastor Hagee uncovers the devastating consequences of misusing God’s sacred name and the path to restoration through the blueprint of the Ten Commandments. America has lost its moral compass, and Pastor Hagee reminds us of the laws that can save the nation. From the rich benefits of keeping God's commandments to understanding the spiritual weight of His name, this sermon reveals how the Ten Commandments are still relevant today. Pastor Hagee explains that the sacred name of God, misused so often, holds both great blessings and grave consequences.
“If my people…will humble themselves and pray and seek My face…” IF we humble ourselves…THEN He will heal our land. Prayer is a powerless tool until you utilize it. America’s answer began with a prayer meeting that birthed this nation. We must return to the basics of what made us a great nation! Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Sadly, America has forgotten God. The fight for our freedom isn’t coming; it’s here! Prayer warfare is the key!
God is speaking to you in this verse, saying your faith can move mountains! Growing up in Southeast Texas, I had never seen a hill, let alone a mountain. But when I saw the majestic mountains of New Mexico and Arizona at the age of eight, I was mesmerized for life. These magnificent creations are a portrait of divine power that reminds us of God's greatness. The Gospel of Mark stretches the faith of every believer by clearly stating, "You have mountain-moving ability." Our awesome God, who spoke the stars into existence and breathed life into man, invites us to call upon Him so He can demonstrate His power. He can move mountains of impossibility, fear, regret, sorrow, and sickness. He can divide the waters of the Red Sea, walk through the fire with us, and close the mouths of lions. Today, the Master of the universe brings to you the gift of mountain-moving faith, giving you the power to do what others consider impossible. Make this day an adventure with mountain-moving faith. Nothing is impossible with God! Believe in the God that believes in you.
Grace is the unmerited favor of God. It will set you free from the tyranny of your past, and the tyranny of other people. Don’t let the opinions of others define who you are…only God determines that. You are either a Father pleaser or a people pleaser.