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4 Hours Best TOP 27 Worship Piano Instrumental for Prayer and Meditation 기도음악
4 Hours Best TOP 27 Worship Piano Instrumental for Prayer and Meditation 기도음악 Helena 8 Views • 7 months ago

Jerry Kim Piano Sheet Music (피아노 악보)

#worship #praise #piano

Best Top 27 Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer & Meditation
(10만뷰 이상 나온 찬양곡 모음)

Piano by Jerry Kim
01_Give Thanks (거룩하신 하나님) 00:00:00
02_I Surrender 00:04:38
03_I Will Worship You (완전하신 나의 주) 00:11:19
04_10,000 Reasons 00:15:19
05_El Shaddai (엘샤다이) 00:19:15
06_God Will Make a Way (나의 가는 길) 00:22:14
07_Here I Am To Worship 00:25:12
08_I Am The God That Healeth Thee 00:28:28
09_I Offer My Life (나의 모습 나의 소유) 00:32:15
10_Way Maker 00:36:07
11_What a beautiful Name 00:42:25
12_Oceans 00:47:59
13_The Blessing 00:55:23
14_Thus Jesus (그래서 예수) 01:01:29
15_My daughter, Don't Be Afraid (딸아 두려워 말아라) 01:05:34
16_Blessed be the Lord, God Almighty (사랑하는 나의 아버지) 01:09:55
17_He Calls My Name (삭개오의 노래) 01:13:45
18_Von Guten Mächten (선한능력으로) 01:18:51
19_Grace (은혜) 01:22:35
20_God's at Work (주가 일하시네) 01:26:14
21_Like A Mountain Is The Lord (주님은 산 같아서) 01:30:10
22_Repletion (충만) 01:34:44
23_True Joy (행복) 01:38:52
24_Thank you Lord 01:43:00
25_You Are My All In All 01:47:35
26_Still (주 품에 품으소서) 01:51:41
27_Goodness Of God (하나님의 선하심) 01:57:22

멤버십 회원 가입하기 (Join Jerry's Membership)

How Do I Use My VEVOR Alcohol Still?
How Do I Use My VEVOR Alcohol Still? Helena 8 Views • 8 months ago

#vevor #vevorstill #vevordistiller

* VEVOR Moonshine Still Instruction Manual
* VEVOR Alcohol Still Assembly
* VEVOR Still Review

Alcohol Distillation Calculator:


VEVOR Alcohol Still:
* Mash Pot / Fermentation bucket
* Thermometer
* Airlock for fermentation
* Small half-gallon thumper

Crushed Malted Barley =

Distiller’s Yeast:

Long-handled spoon =

Long-handled masher:

Brewer’s hydrometer with 250 ml test jar:

Alcohol hydrometer:

5 Gallons of Water

24 Pounds of Sweet Potatoes

30 qt storage container for clarification

Small space heater for fermentation

1/2-inch Pipe thread tape

Heat Source for distilling

Mason jars & labels

Large Strainer


Sources used:

Cameras used:
- GoPro 7 Silver
- Sony Handycam FDR-AX43

► Subscribe to the Nash Potatoes Outdoor Show here:

► I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan and graduated with a Marketing degree from Oakland University in Rochester, MI.
► I moved to Longmont, CO in November 2016 and fell in love with all the beautiful hiking trails that Colorado has to offer. So, the Nash Potatoes Outdoor Show (an outdoor nature VLOG) was born in April 2017. Slowly, but surely my channel began to grow…
► In November 2019, I took a 4-month camping trip in my pop-up camper. This gave me an opportunity to travel, explore, unwind, and create lots of great videos.
► Then, in December 2020, I began recording a series of downhill skiing videos in Colorado. These quickly became popular and my passion for YouTube was sparked once again!
► I actually had so many great memories of my first camping trip that I decided to do another one. So, in April 2021, I converted a 12-foot enclosed trailer into a camper and documented the whole process.
► In June 2021, I finally reached 1,000 subscribers and was able to monetize my channel.
► By August 2022, I was already at 1,600 subscribers and counting!
► The Nash Potatoes Outdoor Show allows me to share all of my experiences with you. Join me on my adventure as I talk about life, laughter, exploration, and creating content for YouTube...enjoy!


This video was produced using Camtasia 2019. Camtasia 2019 software can be purchased here:

Save 20% at by entering discount code NASH2020 at checkout.

Soaking Worship instrumental, Prophetic Worship Instrumental Piano Soaking Music
Soaking Worship instrumental, Prophetic Worship Instrumental Piano Soaking Music Helena 8 Views • 8 months ago

Soaking Worship instrumental, Prophetic Worship Instrumental Piano Soaking Music

#prophetic #instrumentalworship #worship
If you like it, please subscribe :)
All music is done by myself © Soaking Worship. All rights reserved.
Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.


This Prophetic Instrumental Soaking Music is made to create a meditative atmosphere for prayer and reflection. The music is composed with the intention of creating an atmosphere conducive to prophetic revelation or spiritual encounters with Jesus.

Soaking Prophetic Worship Instrumental is similar to Prophetic Instrumental Soaking Music, but with a greater focus on worship. The music is designed to create an environment where individuals can connect with God on a deep level through worship and meditation.

Soaking Prayer Music is specifically created to accompany prayer. The music is designed to help you relax and focus on prayers, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Overall, this music is meant to be used as tools to aid in personal worship, prayer, and spiritual reflection.


What has Starmer Done in his First Week?
What has Starmer Done in his First Week? paccione 8 Views • 8 months ago

The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare

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After 14 years in opposition, the Labour Party now has the chance to put their policies into practice and change the country. So what changes has Starmer already made? And what does this tell us about how he will continue to govern as Prime Minister?

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TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. The channel is run by a small group of young people, with us hoping to pass on our enthusiasm for politics to other young people. We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. No shady corporations, no one telling us what to say. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Help support us by subscribing, engaging and sharing. Thanks!

In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found) - Adrienne Liesching | LYRIC VIDEO
In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found) - Adrienne Liesching | LYRIC VIDEO Helena 8 Views • 8 months ago

🎶 More worship songs with lyrics -


Verse 1
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light my strength my song
This Cornerstone this solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love what depths of peace
When fears are stilled when strivings cease
My Comforter my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

Verse 2
In Christ alone who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

Verse 3
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

Verse 4
No guilt in life no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

CCLI Song # 3350395
Keith Getty | Stuart Townend
© 2001 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Integrity Music)

Background credit -

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I Speak Jesus - Charity Gayle (Lyrics) feat Steven Musso
I Speak Jesus - Charity Gayle (Lyrics) feat Steven Musso Helena 8 Views • 8 months ago

I Speak Jesus Lyrics by Charity Gayle


I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
'Til every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like the fire
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name
Jesus, oh
Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name
Jesus (Jesus)
'Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
Your name is power (Your name is power)
Your name is healing (Your name is healing)
Your name is life (You are my life)
Break every stronghold (break every stronghold)
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
'Cause I know there is peace within Your presence
I speak Jesus

#ispeakjesus #charitygayle #stevenmusson please share and subscribe for more Power Lyric Videos

If you have any song suggestions, feel free to comment down the title and the artist of the song and we'll make a lyric video for it as much as we can.

God bless you all

This song is not recorded nor owned by this channel. We just add lyrics to the song for better delivery of its message with a goal to connect us more to God, not to the world. All credits should go back to the artists and the writers of this song. May they continue to be used by God in sharing the Gospel through Music.

I Speak Jesus
I Speak Jesus Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official Lyric Video
Charity Gayle Lyrics
Charity Gayle I Speak Jesus
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyrics
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus
I Speak Jesus Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official Lyric Video
Charity Gayle Lyrics
Charity Gayle I Speak Jesus
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyrics
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus
I Speak Jesus Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyrics
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Lyric Video
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official
I Speak Jesus Charity Gayle Official Lyric Video
Charity Gayle Lyrics
Charity Gayle I Speak Jesus
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyrics
Charity Gayle I speak Jesus Lyric Video

Overcome Sin
Overcome Sin Helena 8 Views • 8 months ago

Join Rabbi to learn about the most holy day on God's sacred calendar called Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement). Understand how detrimental sin is and God's answer to how you can be delivered from it today!

***** FIND JESUS *****
Series: Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles
Episode 2 of 4: Overcome Sin

***** Access Rabbi's Teaching Notes for this episode:
Episode 1 of 4
Episode 3 of 4
Episode 4 of 4

The Bee Gees - More Than A Woman (RSO Records 1977)
The Bee Gees - More Than A Woman (RSO Records 1977) 121gamers 8 Views • 9 months ago

"More Than a Woman" is a disco song by the British group Bee Gees. It was written by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb for the soundtrack to the film Saturday Night Fever starring John Travolta. It became a regular feature of the group's live sets from 1997 until Maurice Gibb's death in 2003, and was often coupled with "Night Fever".

The Bee Gees started to record it in from February to March 1977 in Le Château, Hérouville in France, continued it in Criteria Studios in Miami in April, and later in September, the song was finished in Cherokee Studios, Los Angeles.

The soundtrack includes two versions — one by the Bee Gees and the other by Tavares. Both versions are featured in the film as well. The song has been recorded and performed by various artists but in different forms. The Bee Gees did not release this song as a single (though in Italy it peaked at No. 4 in September 1978 and even peaked at #39 in Billboard Easy Listening Charts), yet it has remained a staple on radio and one of their best known songs. An abridged live version of the song performed by the Bee Gees in 1997 is available on both the DVD and CD versions of One Night Only.

The song has also been included on Bee Gees compilations such as Tales from the Brothers Gibb and Their Greatest Hits: The Record. The very first British pressings of Their Greatest Hits: The Record featured the song with a mastering fault, with the audio noticeably dipping to the right briefly during the first verse. This was corrected after several thousand copies had been distributed.

Saturday Night Fever is a 1977 American dance film directed by John Badham and starring John Travolta as Tony Manero, an emotionally immature young man whose weekends are spent visiting a local Brooklyn discotheque; Karen Lynn Gorney as Stephanie Mangano, his dance partner and eventual friend; and Donna Pescow as Annette, Tony's former dance partner and would-be girlfriend. While in the disco, Tony is the king. His care-free youth and weekend dancing help him to temporarily forget the reality of his life: a dead-end job, clashes with his unsupportive and squabbling parents, racial tensions in the local community, and his associations with a gang of macho friends.

The Bee Gees were a pop music group that was formed in 1958. The group's line-up consisted of brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a rock act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the late 1970s. The group sang recognisable three-part tight harmonies; Robin's clear vibrato lead vocals were a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 1970s and 1980s. They wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists.

Musician includes Maurice Gibb (bass guitar); Dennis Bryson (drums); Alan Kendall, Barry Gibb (guitar); Blue Weaver (keyboards); Joe Lala (percussion); Albhy Galuten, Bee Gees, Karl Richardson (producers); Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb (vocals).

Oh, girl I've known you very well
I've seen you growing everyday
I never really looked before
But now you take my breath away

Suddenly you're in my life
Part of everything I do
You got me working day and night
Just trying to keep a hold on you

Here in your arms I found my paradise
My only chance for happiness
And if I lose you now I think I would die
Oh say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine
We can take forever just a minute at a time

More than a woman
More than a woman to me
More than a woman
More than a woman to me

There are stories old and true
Of people so in love like you and me
And I can see myself
Let history repeat itself

Reflecting how I feel for you
Thinking about those people then
I know that in a thousand years
I'd fall in love with you again

This is the only way that we should fly
This is the only way to go
And if I lose your love I know I would die
Oh say you'll always be my baby
We can make it shine
We can take forever just a minute at a time

More than a woman
More than a woman to me
More than a woman
More than a woman to me

More than a woman
More than a woman to me
More than a woman
More than a woman to me

More than a woman
More than a woman to me
More than a woman
More than a woman to me

More than a woman

The Truth Behind Australia’s Economic Recovery with Ken Raiss [PODCAST]
The Truth Behind Australia’s Economic Recovery with Ken Raiss [PODCAST] paccione 8 Views • 9 months ago

What a year it’s been.

This time last year Australia was heading into its first recession and deepest recession in decades.

Yet last week the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirmed the strength of Australia’s economic rebound. It was the fastest economic recovery from a recession in 45 years.

In fact, we are one of only three countries where our economy is ahead of where it was at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, but today can race and I unpack the statistics and explain what’s going on – the truth behind Australia’s economic recovery.

But don’t worry if you’re not into economics, my chat today with Ken Raiss, Australia’s leading property tax strategist, will be in plain English and we’ll unpack what’s going on so you understand what’s ahead- both the good and some of the headwinds that may slow us down, so that you’ll be able to make a better-informed investment, and financial, and business decisions.

What you’ll be hearing today is a portion of a private webinar we conducted for the attendees of Wealth Retreat to give them some insight before they join us, and while you won’t be able to see the slides, I’m sure our description will be sufficient for you to get benefit from our chat.

Australia’s impressive economic recovery from the COVID-19 recession was confirmed with the strong 1.8 percent rise in March quarter GDP.

This followed unprecedented growth of 3.2 percent in the December quarter and 3.5 percent in the September quarter of 2020.

Our economic output is now higher than it was before the COVID-19 recession hit, with easy monetary policy, booming commodity prices, demand for resources from the rampant Chinese economy, and fiscal policy stimulus all playing a part.

Back in the first three months of this year when we had JobKeeper, enhanced unemployment benefits, and no lockdowns and Australia roared out of recession.

The GDP figures released at the beginning of June, which were for the first quarter of the year up til the end of March were for the months leading up to the end of JobKeeper.

Australians spent, earned, and produced an impressive 1.8%  more than in three months to December, which was itself more 3.2% more than the three months to September, which was itself 3.5% more than the three months before that.

Our growth of more than 8% was the most over three quarters since 1968.

But it followed a collapse in gross domestic product of 7% – by far the worst since the Bureau of Statistics began compiling records in 1959.

The net result over the year to March growth of 1.1%, an extraordinary result which means that, at least until Victoria’s (just extended) lockdown, we were producing, earning, and spending more than before the COVID recession.

I today’s podcast Ken and I discuss:

• what GDP is and why so much fuss is made about it
• Why I think that having a single overriding ‘economic’ health measure such as GDP is flawed
• What’s happening to unemployment, job growth, business, and private expenditure.

Here are 7 reasons to be optimistic about the future.

• Covid vaccines will help in underpinning reopening and recovery
• Global growth is recovering rapidly — driven by vaccines enabling reopening, monetary and fiscal stimulus, and pent-up demand.
• Growth in consumer spending is well supported
• Dwelling investment will provide a strong contribution to growth — the surge in building approvals points to more upside in housing construction this year.
• Business investment is strengthening - — investment plans for the next financial year are up nearly 15% on plans for a year ago which is consistent with high levels of business confidence, excess corporate cash, and the instant asset write-off tax break.
• Fiscal stimulus will continue
• Monetary policy will remain easy
However, there are some headwinds.

Economic growth should continue this year and then could slow next year as some headwinds are revealed, the effects of the fiscal measures start to fade, and the housing market slows down a little.

• further coronavirus outbreaks
• economic ramifications of the international border closure,
• the potential for further lockdowns due to the slow vaccine rollout, and
• the geopolitical risks emanating from Australia’s “strained” relationship with China.

Showing 35 out of 36