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Healing is Here 2015 Highlights, Week 1 Day 3 - The Gospel Truth

5 Views • 09/16/24
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Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth
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Welcome to a special week of broadcasts. Healing is Here is a power packed, power filled healing conference held annually at Charis Bible College. Join Andrew and other dynamic, spirit filled teachers as they share with you excerpts and teachings from the Healing is Here conference in 2015. Watch as many people receive their healing. Meet the Directors of Charis Bible College's Healing School as they share the practical Word of God regarding healing with the participants. Consider joining Andrew and thousands of others here in Woodland Park, Colorado for Healing Is Here, on August 9 - 12, 2016. You will really enjoy it.

00:55 There is a greater manifestation of power and greater things happen when you simply believe the Word instead of thinking you have to see or feel something.

01:35 The greatest manifestation of power comes from believing God's Word, period.

02:30 The greatest miracles Andrew's ever seen is when he didn't feel a thing.

04:00 Many people wait to be prayed for and if they receive their healing they throw their Bibles away...that's wrong. Faith has to be based on the Word of God not on anything in the natural realm.

05:35 John 20:29 (They believe because they see...) blessed are they that have NOT seen, and yet have believed.

06:00 For spirit filled believers, we DO sometimes get goose bumps or feelings in the spirit, that's fine. BUT, if you are relying on holy spirit feelings to believe on or confirm the Word of God - you're setting yourself up for failure.

09:01 We want you well. God wants you well

10:00 John the Baptist had a Word from God, saw the holy spirit descend on Jesus - John was convinced then that Jesus was the Messiah. But John the Baptist was put in prison and doubt came to him. He sent a message to Jesus asking him, are you the Messiah or should we look for another. How did Jesus respond.

12:25 Luke 7:21 In that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits. Jesus healed people and then told his disciples to go tell John what you've seen...the lame walk and the blind see. At such a difficult time why didn't Jesus offer John more of a hug and compassion? Listen to the story...

22:15 Isaiah 35: 4 - 5 - These are the verses, The Word of God that God used to teach John the Baptist what his role would be..."Say to them of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not, behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you. THEN, the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped". Jesus knew that John the Baptist would believe the Word of God that he knew, greater than the actual miracles performed.

23:59 - Listen to healing testimonies of those healed at Healing Is Here 2015 conference as they heard and believed the Word of God.

24:15 Links to other teachings, Subscribe to AWM and consider becoming a Grace Partner


Andrew Wommack Ministries







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