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HOW TO Make DISTILLED WATER - At Home EASY!! | Please APPLAUD this video if it helps you :)

6 Views • 08/02/24
3 Subscribers

Making distilled water is easy! All you need is.....

distilled water,how to,boil water,how to make distilled water,how to make distilled water at home,water purification

***warning*** make sure you add ice to the lid while it is cool, not hot,.or the glass may shatter.

Large pot
Dish that fits inside the pot
Curved (tempered) glass lid (inverted)
Measuring cup

Here is a link that discusses the health benefits and risks associated with making #distilled #water as well as #distilledwater 's many household uses.

Please share this video and make it go viral. The more this video is viewed, the more people that can be helped during this #nationalcrisis.

Easy steps.....
1. Fill large pot 1/3 with tap water
2. FLOAT collecting dish
3. Flame on, set to simmer
4. Place lid upside down on pot, and cover the pot while the water in the pot is still cold
5. Place a few handfuls of ice on the lid
6. When collecting dish is filled, skim the water out of the dish with a measuring cup


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