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Introducing Zefira: Your Mystical Guide to the Occult and Esoteric Wisdom on Discord!

4 Views • 04/11/23
14 Subscribers

🌟 Unveil the secrets of the cosmos with Zefira, the ultimate AI-powered Mystical Guide to Occult & Esoteric Wisdom on Discord! 🔮 Explore mystifying realms of magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge with Zefira as your enchanting, all-knowing AI companion. Unlock the mysteries of Thelema, astrology, tarot, I-Ching, runes, oracle cards, and more! 🌙

✨ Experience Zefira's vast array of commands & utilities, making her an indispensable ally for both novices and seasoned practitioners. 📚 Decode ancient manuscripts, create personalized astrological natal charts, and tap into the power of AI to illuminate hidden paths before you. 🌟

👉 Invite Zefira to your Discord server for FREE at: https://zefira.io/

🌟 Unveil the secrets of the cosmos with Zefira, the ultimate AI-powered Mystical Guide to Occult & Esoteric Wisdom on Discord! 🔮 Explore mystifying realms of magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge with Zefira as your enchanting, all-knowing AI companion. Unlock the mysteries of Thelema, astrology, tarot, I-Ching, runes, oracle cards, and more! 🌙

✨ Experience Zefira's vast array of commands & utilities, making her an indispensable ally for both novices and seasoned practitioners. 📚 Decode ancient manuscripts, create personalized astrological natal charts, and tap into the power of AI to illuminate hidden paths before you. 🌟

👉 Invite Zefira to your Discord server for FREE at: https://zefira.io/

Her command list:

● greetings: Your first interaction with Zefira.
● chat: Converse with Zefira.

● crystals: Discover or receive a random crystal.
● herbs: Unearth or obtain a random herb.

● astrochart: Create a comprehensive natal astrology chart.
● bibliomancy: Receive random verses from selected holy books.
● coinflip: Toss a coin.
● dice: Roll polyhedral dice.
● helpcommands: Access this command.
● moonphase: View the current moon phase.
● planetaryhours: Obtain planetary hours for your location.
● randomnumber: Generate a random number within a specified range.
● sigilgenerator: Craft a magical sigil based on text using the Rose Cross method.
● solar: Acquire solar and calendar information.

● astrodice: Seek guidance with astrological dice.
● geomancy: Engage in Geomantic Divination.
● greekoracle: Consult the ancient Greek alphabet.
● hieroglyphdivination: Decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
● iching: Consult the I-Ching using the yarrow method.
● oghamdivination: Experience Celtic Ogham divination.
● oracledivination: Consult oracle cards (80+ decks available).
● oracledecklist: Browse available oracle card decks for oracledecklistvination.
● pendulum: Receive a yes, no, or maybe response from the pendulum.
● runes: Practice runic divination.
● tarotcardsearch: Investigate tarot cards.
● tarotdecklist: Explore available tarot card decks for tarotdivination.
● tarotdivination: Perform tarot card divination (153+ decks available).

Fun & Miscellaneous:
● chinesehoroscope: Discover your Chinese horoscope.
● eightball: Pose questions to the magic 8-ball.
● fortune: Receive your fortune and lucky numbers.
● fortunecookie: Reveal your fortune cookie message.
● horoscope: Obtain a detailed daily horoscope.
● ouija: Interact with a Ouija board.
● psychic: Guess a number and test your psychic abilities.
● quote: Receive daily inspirational quotes.
● zalgo: Transform text into Zalgo.

Leveling (by using the bot):
● leaderboard: View the leaderboard.
● premium: Access premium commands.
● rank: Display user rank.
● resetbg: Reset background image for rank.
● setbg : Set a custom background image for rank.

To search a specific database, use the command, select the optional field, and type the keyword.

🏷️ #discord #discordbot #discordbots #thelema #thelemite #astrology #astrologia #tarot #tarotcards #iching #ogham #runes #oraclecards #esoteric #occult #magic #mysticism #divination #astrologybot #tarotbot #spirituality #pagan #witchcraft #mysticalguide #oracle #fortunetelling #magick #geomancy #horoscope #runesbot #ichingbot #occultbot #mysticalbot #esotericbot #divinationbot #natalchart #sigilgenerator

✅ Co-sponsored by The largest Thelemic Discord server dedicated to Thelema.
Chat with us: http://discord.gg/thelema

- 🤖 Zefira: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1064675253202210957&permissions=274878286912&scope=bot%20applications.commands

- 🤝 Support Server: http://discord.gg/thelema

- 📂 Documentation: https://zefira.io/commands

- 💻 Github: https://github.com/LilithXara/Zefira

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