Religion & Spiritual

Being Led by the Holy Spirit — Rick Renner
Being Led by the Holy Spirit — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Have you wondered if the Spirit has truly led you? In today’s program, Rick Renner teaches how you can listen to and be led by the Holy Spirit! To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series.

Unfortunately for many, this gift remains unopened and unused because of a lack of understanding. In truth, worship is not christianized entertainment, a religious ritual, or zealous demonstration. The biblical picture of worship is an intimate encounter with the infinite God that spreads into every part of your daily life. Whether you’re on the mission field, or in the boardroom, Phil’s powerful testimonies, biblical teaching, practical application, and prayers of activation will help you access a lifestyle of encounter in God’s Presence.

In A Life Ablaze, Rick teaches you about the ten different kinds of fuel you need to stay spiritually ablaze for years to come. As you learn about these fuels, you will discover how to throw them into the fire in your heart so you can keep burning spiritually.

Why Should You Speak Speak In Tongues? — Rick Renner
Why Should You Speak Speak In Tongues? — Rick Renner 121gamers 1 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, Rick Renner explains why speaking in tongues is so important and its effect on the success of your prayer life. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

If you do not speak in tongues — or if you do speak in tongues — this series Speaking in Tongues: What Is It and Is It Really for Everyone? will be an eye-opener and a game-changer in your life.

There is a secret place. A partnership of power. A place of peace. A wellspring of living water that enriches your life. This hidden fortress of power and peace is accessed when your spirit is in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Together you are truly an unstoppable, dynamic duo.

God has called us to display the beauty of Jesus life and power to the world. We need the gifts of His mighty Spirit to fully answer that call. This book will reignite your desire to live in the reality of these gifts that have been yours all along.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:15 Rick Greeting & Product
03:56 Teaching
20:49 Questions and Answers with Rick Renner
21:54 Product Offer
23:25 Ministry Update
25:43 Program and Product Review
26:41 Rick Prays
27:18 Salvation Prayer

Climbing To Noah’s Ark — Rick Renner
Climbing To Noah’s Ark — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Join the Renners and their team as they begin to make the climb through the Mountains of Ararat to reach the site of the ruins of Noah’s Ark. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself be overcome by the awe of God’s wonderful love for us.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

Benefits of Being Filled — Rick Renner
Benefits of Being Filled — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, Rick Renner unveils the multitude of benefits available to every believer continually receiving the infilling of the Spirit. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

If you do not speak in tongues — or if you do speak in tongues — this series Speaking in Tongues: What Is It and Is It Really for Everyone? will be an eye-opener and a game-changer in your life.

There is a secret place. A partnership of power. A place of peace. A wellspring of living water that enriches your life. This hidden fortress of power and peace is accessed when your spirit is in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Together you are truly an unstoppable, dynamic duo.

God has called us to display the beauty of Jesus life and power to the world. We need the gifts of His mighty Spirit to fully answer that call. This book will reignite your desire to live in the reality of these gifts that have been yours all along.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:18 Rick Greeting & Product
04:47 Teaching
20:52 Questions and Answers with Rick Renner
21:53 Product Offer
23:25 Ministry Update
25:42 Program and Product Review
26:50 Rick Prays
27:17 Salvation Prayer

Accepting God’s Will for Your Life — Rick Renner
Accepting God’s Will for Your Life — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, discover that while the call of God for your life may take time to come to grips with, once you do, the blessings will overflow! To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Do you hunger to know what God wants to do with your life or what steps to take to fulfill the perfect will of God? Or maybe you need an answer from Heaven for a life-changing decision? You can learn to hear from Heaven to know God’s plan today with Rick Renner’s updated teaching series The Will of God — The Key to Your Success. Rick answers the hard questions about the often-misunderstood subject of hearing God’s voice and how you can know His will for your life. He shares from his own life how he discovered the will of God and the bumps he encountered along the way.

To be sure, God has an exact plan for you. As a believer in Christ, that plan is already inside you, in your re-created spirit. Now it needs to connect with your mind so you’ll have the understanding to head in the right direction. In this series, Rick Renner shows you how to make that connection! Rick shares from his own life how he discovered the will of God; the bumps he encountered along the way; and how God’s power is mightily present for anyone who admits failure and is willing to press onward.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:20 Rick Greeting & Product
03:08 Teaching
21:00 Questions and Answers with Rick Renner
22:09 Product Offer
23:37 Ministry Update
25:38 Program and Product Review
26:24 Rick Prays
26:49 Salvation Prayer

Six Ways to Become Spirit-Led — Rick Renner
Six Ways to Become Spirit-Led — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

God promises to guide you all the days of your life if you’re ready to follow. Today Rick explains how to navigate being led by the Spirit of God. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

But even better than GPS, we have the Holy Spirit inside and He is the best GPS that ever existed. If you feel you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. Do you need to recalculate? God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly — He wants you on course and focused on what He has asked you to do. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to get back on track and stay on track.

To be sure, God has an exact plan for you. As a believer in Christ, that plan is already inside you, in your re-created spirit. Now it needs to connect with your mind so you’ll have the understanding to head in the right direction. In this book, Rick Renner shows you how to make that connection! Finding the will of God is exciting! You may meet challenges along the way, but if you’ll remain on track, God will release power, provision, and protection to help you move forward successfully in His plan!

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:09 Rick Greeting & Product
04:22 Teaching
22:28 Product Offer
24:00 Ministry Update
25:30 Program and Product Review
27:08 Rick Prays
27:37 Salvation Prayer

Five Tips To Keep You on Track — Rick Renner
Five Tips To Keep You on Track — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Listening to the Holy Spirit aligns your path with God’s will. Join Rick Renner as he emphasizes the importance of being sensitive to His voice. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

But even better than GPS, we have the Holy Spirit inside and He is the best GPS that ever existed. If you feel you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. Do you need to recalculate? God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly — He wants you on course and focused on what He has asked you to do. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to get back on track and stay on track.

To be sure, God has an exact plan for you. As a believer in Christ, that plan is already inside you, in your re-created spirit. Now it needs to connect with your mind so you’ll have the understanding to head in the right direction. In this book, Rick Renner shows you how to make that connection! Finding the will of God is exciting! You may meet challenges along the way, but if you’ll remain on track, God will release power, provision, and protection to help you move forward successfully in His plan!

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:17 Rick Greeting & Product
05:11 Teaching
22:38 Product Offer
24:10 Ministry Update
25:40 Program and Product Review
27:17 Rick Prays
27:43 Salvation Prayer

The Holy Spirit Can Be Grieved — Rick Renner
The Holy Spirit Can Be Grieved — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, Rick Renner teaches what the Bible means when it says that the Holy Spirit can be grieved and how you can avoid these grievances. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series.

Unfortunately for many, this gift remains unopened and unused because of a lack of understanding. In truth, worship is not christianized entertainment, a religious ritual, or zealous demonstration. The biblical picture of worship is an intimate encounter with the infinite God that spreads into every part of your daily life. Whether you’re on the mission field, or in the boardroom, Phil’s powerful testimonies, biblical teaching, practical application, and prayers of activation will help you access a lifestyle of encounter in God’s Presence.

In A Life Ablaze, Rick teaches you about the ten different kinds of fuel you need to stay spiritually ablaze for years to come. As you learn about these fuels, you will discover how to throw them into the fire in your heart so you can keep burning spiritually.

Noah’s Sacrificial Altar — Rick Renner
Noah’s Sacrificial Altar — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Return to the ruins of Noah’s Ark as Rick Renner reveals the stone where Noah made his first sacrifice to the Lord after the floodwaters subsided. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself be overcome by the awe of God’s wonderful love for us.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

Walking in the Spirit — Rick Renner
Walking in the Spirit — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, Rick Renner explains that when you truly live in the Spirit, the stressors of everyday life and the flesh can fall away. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Do you want to walk in the cruel, hard, bitter works of the flesh — or do you want to mortify the deeds of the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit to produce His wonderful fruit in you? Order this series today so you can learn how to stop the death-permeated works of the flesh in your life and release the supernatural, life-giving fruit of the Spirit!

Sparkling Gems Volume 1 is arranged in a devotional format with more than 1,000 in-depth Greek word studies, crafted into 365 daily devotions that are sure to inspire and provoke you to plunge deeper into your own search for more hidden treasures from God’s Word. Three exhaustive indices — an English to Greek index, a Greek to English index, and a Scripture Index — are also included, making Sparkling Gems a highly effective reference tool for your own personal study library.

In Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2 Rick Renner offers a masterful blend of poignant personal memories, intriguing historical perspective, and penetrating insights into the believers role in this present hour. Woven throughout these daily Gems, Rick shares more than 1,000 unique Greek word studies with teaching that will challenge you to adjust your actions, realign your attitudes, and act on the practical applications of truth that are pertinent to your own walk with God. Through it all, Rick guides you into a deeper understanding of Gods Word to strengthen your faith and reignite fresh passion to pursue Gods plan for your life.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:21 Rick Greeting & Product
03:04 Teaching
22:43 Product Offer
24:15 Ministry Update
25:47 Program Summary
26:49 Rick Prays
27:24 Salvation Prayer

Become a Child of God — Rick Renner
Become a Child of God — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Join Rick Renner as he reveals that the first step to block the devil from unraveling your life is to dedicate yourself to being a child of God. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

The devil is trying to wiggle his way into your relationships, health, and finances — every part of your life that you count dear. How do you block his insidious attacks? In this refreshingly transparent series Ten Steps To Block the Devil From Your Life, Rick Renner teaches 10 ways to block the devil from gaining a foothold in your affairs, and he candidly shares how these steps have worked in his own life.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

The Renner Interpretive Version of the New Testament is an expanded, interpretive version based on Rick Renner’s exposition of the original language of the New Testament. It’s not a word-for-word translation, but a conceptual interpretation that draws upon concepts in the Greek language in a way that gives readers a broader comprehension of the Scriptures. By extracting imagery presented in the Greek and conveying it to readers using contemporary speech, Rick helps draw lovers of the Word into a deeper study of God’s message to His people for all time. James and Jude were Jesus’ half-brothers, younger sons of Joseph and Mary. In this installment, the Spirit-inspired words of James and Jude will thrill your heart, challenge your thinking, and open the eyes of your spirit in greater ways to see the unchanging nature of God — His wisdom, goodness, power, and love.

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:35 Rick Greeting & Product
4:18 Testimonies
05:35 Teaching
20:21 Questions and Answers with Rick Renner
21:33 Product Offer
23:04 Ministry Update
25:02 Program and Product Review
26:16 Rick Prays
26:43 Salvation Prayer

History of the Noah’s Ark Site — Rick Renner
History of the Noah’s Ark Site — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Join the Renner as they talk about the history of the ruins of the Ark by exploring the lives of those who have discovered the Durupinar site before. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself be overcome by the awe of God’s wonderful love for us.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Jesus Mentioned ‘the Days of Noah’ in Connection to the Last Days? Jesus said to His disciples — and He’s saying it to us today: “…As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37 NKJV). In Rick’s newest book on this topic, he sheds light on the days of Noah in such depth and detail, you will be astounded by what you learn about the dark days on the earth just before the Flood and how they are relevant to us today.

Learn To Listen to the Holy Spirit — Rick Renner
Learn To Listen to the Holy Spirit — Rick Renner 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

In today’s program, Rick reveals that the Holy Spirit functions like a GPS — a spiritual GPS made to take you to the right place at the right time. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

But even better than GPS, we have the Holy Spirit inside and He is the best GPS that ever existed. If you feel you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. Do you need to recalculate? God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly — He wants you on course and focused on what He has asked you to do. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to get back on track and stay on track.

To be sure, God has an exact plan for you. As a believer in Christ, that plan is already inside you, in your re-created spirit. Now it needs to connect with your mind so you’ll have the understanding to head in the right direction. In this book, Rick Renner shows you how to make that connection! Finding the will of God is exciting! You may meet challenges along the way, but if you’ll remain on track, God will release power, provision, and protection to help you move forward successfully in His plan!

00:00 Like & Subscribe
00:18 Rick Greeting & Product
04:02 Teaching
21:46 Questions and Answers with Rick Renner
22:42 Product Offer
24:15 Ministry Update
25:44 Program and Product Review
27:23 Rick Prays
27:48 Salvation Prayer

Showing 23 out of 24