Religion & Spiritual

Ron Wyatt In New Zealand October '98
Ron Wyatt In New Zealand October '98 121gamers 1 Views • 2 months ago

Ron talking about his ark of the covenant discovery
Thank you Ross Patterson my brother in Christ for the video.
My website
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It will explain where the blood came from. When you get there, hit 'blog' link and then 'ark of the covenant.'

To hear me sing, visit my mp3 site

Many people ask when this blood sample will be made public. Our answer to them is that soon there will be in place an international sunday law. All the nations will pass laws requiring their citizens to keep sunday holy. When this law is enforced, 1 the Ten Commandments written by God's finger, 2 the blood sample, 3 clear video of all in the cave will be shown to the human race. When everyone has made their decision either to obey the 7th day Sabbath as written in the 10 Commandments or the Governments sunday law, the 7 last plagues will be poured out on the unprotected heads of those that obey the sunday law and reject God's Sabbath.

We would urge you to become acquainted with God's 10 Commandments in Exodus chapter 20 of your King James Bible and have faith in the blood which was poured out for you. Yeshua said that it is impossible for the 10 commandments to be changed. Matt 5:18.

For the best video re Ron Wyatt's finding of the Ark of the Covenant, please hit this link

Hear me sing

If you would like a copy of this DVD email

For those of you that say that Ron Wyatt never excavated in Jerusalem, see this video.

To see all our videos, visit

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THE DEATH OF TUTANKHAMUN and THE EXODUS- 121gamers 1 Views • 2 months ago

Did the Exodus really happen as described in the Bible? Secular and even many
Biblical scholars say “no.” But one man, Ron Wyatt, an amateur archaeologist
and avid student of the Scriptures, said “yes” He believed the Bible to be an
accurate record of historical events and forms the basis through which physical
evidence should be interpreted. Through the lens of Scripture, he discovered
several Biblical sites which are today recognized as authentic by many experts and
This book, "Battle for the Firstborn", documents Ron’s relentless quest for the truth concerning the Exodus
and the discoveries he made which answered several questions such as:

• Who was the Biblical Joseph in ancient Egyptian history?

• Who was “pharaoh’s daughter” who rescued Moses?

• Who was the amazing person in ancient Egypt who fits the profile of Moses

• Where is the location of the Red Sea crossing?

• Who was the Exodus pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea?

• Was the firstborn son of the Exodus pharaoh whose life was taken by the “angel
of death” really Tutankhamun, or “King Tut?”

• What happened in Egypt after the demise of its pharaoh and army in the Red

• Why did Ron and his sons spend 75 days in prison in Saudi Arabia, accused of
being Israeli spies, after finding the real Mount Sinai?

• What amazing evidence was found at Jericho?

These and many other questions are answered in this fact filled book about Egyptian
archaeology and the Biblical Exodus story. Many books have been written about
these amazing events but none of them have been able to piece the two together
until now! "Battle for the Firstborn" documents only some of the many discoveries
God used Ron Wyatt to find, none of which Ron took personal credit for.
Ron believed God preserved these findings for this time as we approach the
end of all things as prophesied in the Scriptures.

Noah's Ark Found (Clip 2 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark
Noah's Ark Found (Clip 2 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark 121gamers 1 Views • 2 months ago

What if Noah's ark were real? What if there was really a flood that covered the entire world over 4300 years (~2300 BC) ago? What if land-based animals of every kind were somehow led to the ark for preservation through this flood? What if the ark actually landed on one of the mountains in the region of Ararat, as the Bible says? All of this is difficult for many people to believe. It sounds like it could be a fairy tale. However, God tells us that it happened.

The Bible tells us that the living were judged and then the worldwide flood came. The Bible also tells us that the living will be again be judged at the end when Jesus returns. Wouldn't it have been nice if God allowed evidence of the ark to be seen by those who would live in the endtime? It's too bad that wooden structures can't survive thousands of years being exposed to the elements. But wait...the Bible tells us that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). Did God preserve evidence of the ark as a witness for those alive at the end? If sinful man can be transformed by God to live forever, then He can certainly preserve wood for a few thousand years. Watch the video to see how.

Watch Ron Wyatt's entire 20 minute Noah's Ark video at

Subscribe to the YouTube channel at

Check out the other Ron Wyatt videos that reveal evidence of God's Word.

Note: This is simply a mirror of the original video, except that it has been split into 3 'bite-sized' segments. I do not own anything from this video. All rights and credits belong to the originators at To them I also wish to thank for this video, because it opened my eyes much wider than they had been. To them goes the video credit. To God goes the glory.

Noah's Ark Found (Clip 3 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark
Noah's Ark Found (Clip 3 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark 121gamers 1 Views • 2 months ago

What if Noah's ark were real? What if there was really a flood that covered the entire world over 4300 years (~2300 BC) ago? What if land-based animals of every kind were somehow led to the ark for preservation through this flood? What if the ark actually landed on one of the mountains in the region of Ararat, as the Bible says? All of this is difficult for many people to believe. It sounds like it could be a fairy tale. However, God tells us that it happened.

The Bible tells us that the living were judged and then the worldwide flood came. The Bible also tells us that the living will be again be judged at the end when Jesus returns. Wouldn't it have been nice if God allowed evidence of the ark to be seen by those who would live in the endtime? It's too bad that wooden structures can't survive thousands of years being exposed to the elements. But wait...the Bible tells us that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). Did God preserve evidence of the ark as a witness for those alive at the end? If sinful man can be transformed by God to live forever, then He can certainly preserve wood for a few thousand years. Watch the video to see how.

Watch Ron Wyatt's entire 20 minute Noah's Ark video at

Subscribe to the YouTube channel at

Check out the other Ron Wyatt videos that reveal evidence of God's Word.

Note: This is simply a mirror of the original video, except that it has been split into 3 'bite-sized' segments. I do not own anything from this video. All rights and credits belong to the originators at To them I also wish to thank for this video, because it opened my eyes much wider than they had been. To them goes the video credit. To God goes the glory.

Noah's Ark Found (Clip 1 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark
Noah's Ark Found (Clip 1 of 3) Ron Wyatt's Story, - Did God Preserve the Ark 121gamers 2 Views • 2 months ago

What if Noah's ark were real? What if there was really a flood that covered the entire world over 4300 years (~2300 BC) ago? What if land-based animals of every kind were somehow led to the ark for preservation through this flood? What if the ark actually landed on one of the mountains in the region of Ararat, as the Bible says? All of this is difficult for many people to believe. It sounds like it could be a fairy tale. However, God tells us that it happened.

The Bible tells us that the living were judged and then the worldwide flood came. The Bible also tells us that the living will be again be judged at the end when Jesus returns. Wouldn't it have been nice if God allowed evidence of the ark to be seen by those who would live in the endtime? It's too bad that wooden structures can't survive thousands of years being exposed to the elements. But wait...the Bible tells us that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). Did God preserve evidence of the ark as a witness for those alive at the end? If sinful man can be transformed by God to live forever, then He can certainly preserve wood for a few thousand years. Watch the video to see how.

Watch Ron Wyatt's entire 20 minute Noah's Ark video at

Subscribe to the YouTube channel at

Check out the other Ron Wyatt videos that reveal evidence of God's Word.

Note: This is simply a mirror of the original video, except that it has been split into 3 'bite-sized' segments. I do not own anything from this video. All rights and credits belong to the originators at To them I also wish to thank for this video, because it opened my eyes much wider than they had been. To them goes the video credit. To God goes the glory.

Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Cove
Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Cove 121gamers 2 Views • 2 months ago

Update: 7/30/2022 The site that had the transcript is no longer there. You can find a copy in the comments below. It will not fit in this section, so I will be making it available at a new website soon.

Transcript of the Interview:
Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark of The Beast.

At 17 minutes Ron talks about what he was told about the 2 tables of stone, the 10 Commandments. He was told that when the Sunday Law is passed is when this information would be released.
This is the most important information on this planet.

World Net Daily August 1999 article, link:

See Wyatt Family Website:

From YouTube user Dan Ward

Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures. We don't even need Ron Wyatt's testimony to know that the Ark is right where he claimed. Consider the following:

All one need do to understand that the Ark of the Covenant bearing His Blood Testament is here on earth, is research the definition of the Greek word "ouranos", which is the Greek word that the apostle John used for heaven, in Revelation 11:19

Entry for Strong's #3772 - οὐρανός - ouranos

1. The vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it
the universe, the world the aerial heavens or sky, the region where
the clouds and the tempests gather, and where thunder and lightning
are produced the sidereal or starry heavens
-- We are told that John wrote "what he saw" in vision!
-- We are told that scripture is best interpreted "in context"
-- Lightning's, thunder's, voices[grumbling's], earthquakes
and hail happen here on earth
-- Hebrew's 9:16 is clear regarding the definition of testament; yet another
important word John uses in Rev 11:19(many other Bibles other than the
KJV use the word covenant-kinda makes me wonder. How about you?)
Hebrew's 9:16
"For where a testament is, there
must also of necessity be the
death of the testator."
-- We know that Jesus Blood was required on the Mercy Seat
-- We now know the exact location of the crucifixion site
-- We know that John the beloved was the only disciple that stayed
at the foot of the cross with his Lord. It's not a stretch to imagine
that John saw his Lord die, and that John saw His side pierced, and
that John saw His blood flow down the cross, and likely into the crack
-- When John saw the Ark of the Covenant related in Rev 11:19, he
likely drew the CORRECT conclusion that the blood he saw on the
Mercy Seat was his Lord's last death testament(Heb 9:19)
-- John wrote Hebrews
-- It's not rocket science to extrapolate where the Ark of the Covenant
must have been to receive His blood
-- We no longer need Wyatt's testimony to know the location of the
Ark; further validating Wyatt's testimony (funny how God works)

Wyatt was telling the TRUTH

Thank you, Dan Ward for the comment and for all the research you did into the subject.
From YouTube user TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp,
Dave Monroe


WARNING, This video contains controversial subject, and it is being shared for educational purposes only. Please educate yourself so that you can make informed decisions on the things that affect your life.
This video contains information that you may not know about, information that YOU WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT from mainstream media. This video has been uploaded because it contained INFORMATION THAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT, AND it is this information that YOU CANNOT MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS WITHOUT, period.

To see all the videos I've uploaded just click on my screen name TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp, or type it into the YouTube search window just like my screen name, with no spaces between the words.

Oh yeah, if you like what you see, please subscribe, also, please see the fair use notice posted on my channel.

The truth will set us free.

Link to this video:

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