Religion & Spiritual

"Receive the Holy Spirit" All 92 passages of Jesus & the Holy Spirit from the Gospels
"Receive the Holy Spirit" All 92 passages of Jesus & the Holy Spirit from the Gospels Helena 6 Views • 3 months ago

As Christ said in the Gospel of Luke: " much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" -Luke 11-13. Are you one of those 'who ask Him'?

This film is meant to inspire people of Faith to develop a closer, more intimate connection with God's Holy Spirit. I collated 92 New Testament verses about Jesus & the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of God and the Power of God.

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Artwork used:
Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations

In Agony He Prayed – Jesus Christ in Gethsemane Painting; courtesy of

Many CC images kindly from

Credit and Attribution to so many photographers on sites like Pixabay, Unsplash and PXHere. All used under a Creative Commons license depicted as “Free for commercial use” and marked “No attribution required”.

Also, specific credit and thanks to:

The main soundtrack, Desert Wisdom, was produced in collaboration with Konstantin exclusively for No Greater Love.
To collaborate with Konstantin on Fiverr:

The Introduction soundtrack, "In the Wilderness", was produced in collaboration with Bohdan ("boyaremov") exclusively for No Greater Love through Fiverr:

End Of Days Main Title Soundtrack; John Debney & Pete Anthony; Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group; ℗ 1999 Universal Studios, under exclusive license to Varese Sarabande Records; Released on: 1999-01-01; Conductor: Pete Anthony; Composer Lyricist: John Debney

Credit to Electronic Geek for the Red Holy Spirit image:;

Permission granted for beautiful flying dove image (
kindly provided by: Adventure Land Travel

Some images on some 'No Greater Love' films are the copyright of the LUMO project - [a][/a] - (Big Book Media) and distributed for download, under license by for teaching purposes only (educational presentations, and social media). All rights reserved.
Attribution & Credits: [a][/a]

And with thanks to so many people including the Franciscans SSF for more help & support than they realise.

The Names of Almighty God Yahweh of Israel - HE IS Father Jesus Christ - From Genesis to Revelation
The Names of Almighty God Yahweh of Israel - HE IS Father Jesus Christ - From Genesis to Revelation Helena 17 Views • 3 months ago

Full Credit goes to Eric Ludy. This short film was built for the sole purpose of exalting Jesus Christ and showcasing His majesty. This is a group of ordinary people declaring the many names of God as are revealed in progression throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The result is anything but "ordinary".

The only True Beauty comes from a life Fully Surrendered to Jesus Christ.

We must fully understand that until the Lord Returns there are souls to reach and Ministries of Every Sort to be Performed.

The Bible teaches us that our responsibility as believers is to work uncompromisingly as the Lord has gifted us and leads us in this life.

We are responsible for our money, time, energy, talents, gifts, bodies, minds, and spirits, and we should invest in nothing that does not in some way contribute to the work of the Lord.

James tells us, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead” (James 2:26)

Our work for the Lord, if it is truly for Him and done in His power, cannot fail to accomplish what He wants accomplished.

Every good work believers do has Eternal Benefits that the Lord Himself guarantees. Jesus tells us, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12).

Our motivation is that we have God’s own promise that our work “is not in vain” in the Lord “since you know that you will receive an Inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord Christ you are Serving” (Colossians 3:24).

Because God has so abundantly provided for us who deserve nothing from Him, we should determine to give of ourselves abundantly in service to Him, to whom we owe Everything.

You cannot get close to God in pride. There is no access to God with pride.

It's about Having a Personal Relationship with our Creator/Savior - Jesus Christ That Will Determine Where You Spend Eternity.

Jesus Christ is Everything or He's Nothing.

Jesus, being perfect in all aspects, bridged the gap between God and man, by becoming the only God-Man -- completely divine, yet completely human at the same time.

God's gift to mankind was Jesus Christ - His only son, Jesus came to earth to die for us on the Cross, He took our hell on the cross that we deserved.

You can either accept the gift of Jesus and turn from your evil ways and sin to have everlasting life with God in Heaven or you will stand guilty in front of the gift that you Rejected when you Die.

Jesus says: I am the Truth and the Life, nobody comes to the Father except threw me.

There had to be a way to bridge the gap, to SAVE mankind from eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ is that Bridge.

God Wants 100% of Your Heart, not 50% - The Darkness is growing, we must arise and SHINE brighter to pierce it and prepare the way of the LORD!

Would you humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him to save you in the name of Jesus Christ?

The Fruit of Faith is Repentance and Saved people obey the teachings of Jesus Christ.

There is Power in the name of Jesus Christ and at the end of life you will meet God.

Jesus Christ will either be your Savior or be your Judge.

Jesus will give you the Strength that you need everyday to follow him. Trust Him!!!

He Promises You in his Holy Bible That he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Jesus wants to have a Personal Relationship with you as you walk with him daily.

Christ is The Savior of the Whole World and God is waiting for you with open arms and ready to forgive you of all your sins.

Amen and all the Glory be to God our Loving Father in Heaven and to the Lamb - Jesus Christ.

Eric Ludy - He is (The Names of God) – (Return of Majesty Trilogy)
Eric Ludy - He is (The Names of God) – (Return of Majesty Trilogy) Helena 4 Views • 3 months ago

» He Is (The Names of God) is a part of the "Return of Majesty" trilogy of short films produced by Bravehearted Christian. For more details, download and licensing information, and to discover other great resources for a Christianity that actually works, please visit:

Hebrews 11:6 says that “he that comes to God must believe that HE IS, and that HE IS a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God reveals who He is through the names and attributes given. With a chorus of voices, this short film declares the names of God as revealed in progression throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Bow your knee in awe and reverence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Ancient Historian DESTROYS everything we thought about the BIBLE
Ancient Historian DESTROYS everything we thought about the BIBLE paccione 9 Views • 5 months ago

Professor Gad Barnea, Ph.D (Link for Book)
Yahwism under the Achaemenid Empire
Professor Shaul Shaked in Memoriam
Edited by: Gad Barnea and Reinhard G. Kratz
Links to academic articles from Dr. Barnea:

Dr. Barnea is a Lecturer at the department of Jewish history and biblical studies at the University of Haifa as well as a Research Fellow at “the Bible in its Traditions,” a research project of the École biblique et archéologique Française de Jérusalem - and a flagship in the field of Digital Humanities. Barnea’s scholarly focus is directed at researching and teaching the evolution and character of “Yahwism under the Iranian ‘Age of Empires’”—from the rise of the Achaemenid empire to the fall of the Sassanian empire.

Already during his academic studies, Barnea recognized that the scholarship of the ancient Near East, ancient Judaism and biblical studies is seriously crippled by a lack of awareness and engagement with the rich history, linguistics, cultic practices and writings of the Iranian empires who, in one way or another, ruled over the region and its peoples for well over a millennium. The Iranian “age of empires” was instrumental as the historical and ideological background for the composition, edition and redaction of the Hebrew Bible, the apocryphal texts, early-Christianity, the so-called “Gnostic” writings as well as rabbinic and early mystical Jewish works.

Specifically in the realm of cultic practices, Barnea’s scholarship examines the dialogue and symbiosis of early-Zoroastrianism and Yahwism (or early Judaism). On that front, Barnea has made several important contributions—in articles as well as lectures—to the study of interpretatio iudaica in the Achaemenid period as well as the early-Zoroastrian features found in the royal inscriptions (Xerxes’ “Daiva” inscription). He has recently designed a course, entitled “Seen from the East: Judaism under the Iranian ‘Age of Empires’” which he is currently teaching simultaneously at the universities of Haifa, Israel and Oldenburg, Germany.

A significant portion of Barnea’s scholarship is devoted to epigraphic work. He has recently published a previously misread ostracon from Elephantine dating to the early Achaemenid period, which is the first and only direct witness we possess of a Jewish female temple officiant-a priestess-in charge of a cultic service at the temple of Yhw. it is also the earliest Jewish curse text known to us outside the bible and the only direct extra-biblical witness we have to a Jewish ritual of any kind prior to the Greco-Roman period. In addition, it is the oldest known example of this genre of “curses against thieves” which we know were very popular later in the Greco-Roman world and the only known specimen of such a curse text that survived in Aramaic. Furthermore, it is the unique witness of this genre of curse ritual in a Jewish context, and the sole record of any ritual performed at a temple to Yahweh.

Barnea’s epigraphic work also led him to restore a remarkable Qumran scroll (4Q550) which recounts a previously unknown Achaemenid court tale and is forthcoming in Brill’s DSSE series. He has recently signed an agreement with Palgrave-Macmillian to write a comprehensive book covering the history and character of the Yahwistic community at Elephantine and is co-editor with Prof. Reinhard Kratz (Gõttingen) of the forthcoming book “Yahwism under the Achaemenid empire,” which is and edited volume inspired by the international conference under the same name (in honor of the late Prof. Shaul Shaked) that Barnea organized in Dec. 2022 at the university of haifa.

International collaboration is a central feature of Barnea’s activities and his collaboration with Prof. Benedikt Hensel on a number of groundbreaking projects promises to rethink the epigraphy of Judaism in the Achaemenid period using innovative methodologies and technologies.

Finally, Barnea brings several decades of experience in designing and managing complex technology projects into the field of Digital Humanities - as well as in the formulation and establishment of international technology standards (VRML 97). He has been a central member and a technology consultant of the Digital project “the bible in its traditions” and is currently developing, together with Prof. Hensel, a new standard approach to the elaboration of Digital Humanities projects.
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The Gnostic Gospel of Mary (Jeshua's Wife)
The Gnostic Gospel of Mary (Jeshua's Wife) paccione 3 Views • 5 months ago

John interprets the Gnostic Gospel of Mary (Jeshua's Wife)

If you just found me, I have two channels. The first is my @JohnofNew channel where I post daily. The second is my @levelupspirit444 channel where I post longer form content. Check them both out and subscribe.


The John of new channel Shares the teachings of John Davis who remembers a past life where he walked with Jesus. This reincarnation story tells us of our own divinity and it's especially relevant to recovering Catholics.We fine there is a great number of women between 55 and 65 who seem to resonate with the content. Though the content is for all people it does seem to reach those men and women from anywhere from 30 to 80. If you want to live a more joyful fulfilling life, with an understanding of spirituality like you've never had before, this is the channel for you.

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Graham Hancock About Gnosticism , Christianity, and Control
Graham Hancock About Gnosticism , Christianity, and Control paccione 2 Views • 5 months ago

GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the forthcoming Magicians of the Gods, and of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven’s Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US – Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age – have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past.

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock’s early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain’s leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983.

In the early 1980’s Hancock’s writing began to move consistently in the direction of books. His first book (Journey Through Pakistan, with photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts) was published in 1981. It was followed by Under Ethiopian Skies (1983), co-authored with Richard Pankhurst and photographed by Duncan Willets, Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger (1984), and AIDS: The Deadly Epidemic (1986) co-authored with Enver Carim. In 1987 Hancock began work on his widely-acclaimed critique of foreign aid, Lords of Poverty, which was published in 1989. African Ark (with photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith) was published in 1990.

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The Dark Secret of the Gnostic Creation Story
The Dark Secret of the Gnostic Creation Story paccione 3 Views • 5 months ago

Gnostic Creation Stories are a retelling of tales inspired by Gnostic cosmology. Following the fall of the Divine Feminine Goddess Sophia and her descent from gnostic heaven known as the Pleroma. In her descent she would give birth to a false god known as Yaldabaoth who would go on to create planet earth, trapping souls in human bodies and separating them from the truth of Gnosis - Spiritual Enlightenment.

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🤔 What is Gnosticism? 🧐

Gnosticism is an ancient religious and philosophical belief system that emerged in the early centuries of the Common Era. It encompasses a diverse range of mystical teachings and spiritual perspectives. At its core, Gnosticism centers on the notion of gnosis, which means "knowledge" in Greek.

Disclaimer: The subject matter presented in this video is inspired by Gnostic cosmology. Creative liberties have been taken for storytelling and entertainment purposes only! Gnostic cosmology can be quite complex and varied, with different interpretations and variations across different Gnostic traditions This video is not intended to offend, replace or provide misinformation about religious beliefs, texts or principles. It is encouraged to approach this content with an open mind, fostering respectful and thought-provoking discourse.

What is Gnosis?

In Gnostic thought, this knowledge is considered to be a special, transcendent wisdom. It is often portrayed as a hidden knowledge, reserved for a select few who seek to liberate themselves from the constraints of the material world and its illusions.

Central to Gnosticism is the idea of a stark duality between the spiritual realm, associated with the divine and the true nature of reality, and the material world, which is seen as a flawed creation. The creator of the material world, sometimes known as the Demiurge, is often depicted as a lesser, ignorant deity responsible for trapping human souls in a state of ignorance and suffering.

Gnosticism emphasizes the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and salvation through direct, personal experience of this hidden knowledge, often attained through mystical practices and insights. Different Gnostic sects have developed various mythologies, cosmologies, and ethical teachings, but the overarching theme remains the same: seeking liberation from the constraints of the material world and returning to the spiritual realm of ultimate truth and freedom.


00:00 - 00:45 - Yaldabaoth's Genesis
00:46 - 01:26 - Recap
01:35 - 02:28 - The Aeon's Return
02:29 - 04:28 - The Great Cosmic Mother
04:29 - 05:02 - Sophia's Proverb
05:03 - 05:28 - Post-Scene


Music Credits:

Discovery by Scott Buckley |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Countdown by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Permafrost by Scott Buckley | [a][a][/a][/a]
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Demised To Shield by Ghostrifter Official |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

In Dreams by Scott Buckley | [a][a][/a][/a]
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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The Dialogue Of The Savior - Nag Hammadi Gnostic Text Audiobook
The Dialogue Of The Savior - Nag Hammadi Gnostic Text Audiobook paccione 1 Views • 5 months ago

THE GNOSTIC TAROT is now available! An incredible journey of artistic chaos and keen design tools that has brought about a unique and fitting honoring of the Gnostic saga. We are taking a DIY approach through a small printing platform until time to expand to other venues. Basic or Deluxe versions available.
AND.... if you enjoy the art of the Gnostic Major Arcana, they are available to wear! Check out The Dialogue Of The Savior - Nag Hammadi Gnostic Text Audiobook. The Dialogue of the Saviour is one of the New Testament apocrypha texts that was found within the Nag Hammadi library of predominantly Gnostic texts. The text appears only once in a single Coptic codex, and is heavily damaged. The surviving portions indicate that the general content is a dialogue with Jesus, in a similar manner to, and possibly based on, the Gospel of Thomas. Get your copy of the Nag Hammadi at
Please consider supporting my work and download this audio as part of the ESOTERIC AND OCCULT WISDOM - MASTER COLLECTION VOL. 2 (an ongoing collection of Gnostic, alchemical, Hermetic, and related occult audio projects that span dozens of hours) at

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They Lied about the First 100 Years of Christianity | DOCUMENTARY
They Lied about the First 100 Years of Christianity | DOCUMENTARY paccione 1 Views • 5 months ago

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The first century of Christianity is shrouded in mystery. What we know for sure, compared to what we are told by traditional accounts is wide ranging and extremely problematic. The earliest Christian documents we have are letters from Paul, dating to the 40s-50s and early 60s. Only 7 of them are considered to by authentic and written by one author.These letters from Paul contain the most important details about Jesus being crucified. We have letters from John and Peter, which may not be authentic, but are nevertheless, late 1st century and early 2nd century texts written by Christians. Most scholars date the 3 Synoptic Gospels to the late 1st and early 2nd century, starting with Mark around 70, then Matthew between 85-95, and Luke-Acts in the early to middle of the 2nd century. The Gospel of John also is dated by most scholars between the 90s and 140s. All four of these gospels did not have names of authors attached to them until the end of the 2nd century. So we don't even know if they really were written by Mark, Matthew, Luke or John. These titles were given by later Church fathers. The earliest physical fragments of these texts that we have are from the late 2nd and 3rd century. And the oldest full copy of the bible in existence is Codex Sinaiticus from 325 AD. The Gospel of Thomas, which was once an important early christian text, is dated between late 1st and early 2nd century (some even arguing that it could be the oldest) but was not selected among the Biblical Canon by the Church fathers in the 4th century. Although it's impact on early Christianity was massive. Outside of that, there is a plethora of gospels and texts produced by early christians in the 2nd century that will be discussed later in the video.
In the 4th century, Eusibius provides a detailed list of the early Church Bishops in Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Corinth, Smyrna and others. These lists show a direct continuation from the apostles like Andrew, consecrating the father of the Heretic Marcion, Philologus, the first bishop of Sinope as well as consecrating the first bishop of Corinth, named Apollos, who is mentioned in Paul's letters. And Mark being the first bishop of Alexandria consecrated by Peter, with Peter being the first bishop of both Antioch and Rome, consecrating both Linus and Evodius. And of course, they list James as the leader and first bishop of the Church of Jerusalem. And from them are the 70 apostles listed in Acts, with names that look familiar to people mentioned in Paul's letters. These elaborate lists of succesion show what appears to be a United Church that has a direct line of Orthodoxy from Jesus down to Constantine.
However, the primary sources show this to be not only problematic, but impossible in some cases. Many of the sources conflicting lists with each other and people considered to be alive in certain times are somehow alive in times when they should be dead. And the survinving texts we have are so few and far between, that it becomes a nightmare to try to peice it all together.
The truth is, early Chrisitianity was far from united. It was so diverse that I would argue Christians in the first two centuries were farther apart than a Moorman is today with a Catholic.

00:00:00 - Intro
00:05:35 - (Ch.1) Apostolic Succesion
00:07:40 - (Ch.2) Early Chrisitan Sects.
00:10:38 - (Ch.3) Historical Jesus
00:13:29 - (Ch.4) Great Assembly
00:15:38 - (Ch.5) Sibylline Oracles
00:31:08 - (Ch.6) Early Roman Sources
00:35:27 - (Ch.7) The Mandaeans
00:37:26 - (Ch.8) Pagan Baptists
00:41:30 - (Ch.9) Who was Paul writing to?
00:45:05 - (Ch.10) Cult of Theos-Hypsistos & Early Christ Assemblies
00:54:03 - (Ch.11) Carpocrations & Marcellina
01:07:16 - (Ch.12) Apotheosis of Epiphanes & Simon Magus
01:17:11 - (Ch.13) Simon Magus, Father of Heresy
01:26:14 - (Ch.14) Gnostic & Catholic Schizm
01:28:00 - (Ch.15) Basilides & Abraxas
01:31:02 - (Ch.16) Pre-Christian Gnosticism
01:33:54 - (Ch.17) Gnosis Vs. Fath
01:36:06 - (Ch.18) SOPHIA & Apocryphon of John
01:43:45 - (Ch.19) Zoroaster's Grandfather Zostrianos
01:46:40 - (Ch.20) Gnostics & Docetists
01:48:11 - (Ch.21) Marcion of Sinope
01:56:34 - (Ch.22) Valentinus of Rome
01:58:09 - (Ch.23) Gnostic Paul & Sophia
02:04:54 - (Ch.24) Markus Magus
02:09:29 - (Ch.25) Nasseene Preacher
02:14:42 - (Ch.26) Clement of Rome's Phoenix
02:18:21 - (Ch.27) Ignatius Vs. Docetists
02:20:01 - (Ch.28) Polycarp
02:21:13 - (Ch.29) Papias
02:21:53 - (Ch.30) Justin Martyr
02:24:10 - (Ch.31) WWJD Bishopic Authority or Secret Gnosis
02:28:44 - (Ch.32) 3rd Century Outcome
02:30:44 - (Ch.33) Conclusion

#gnosticinformant #christianity #gnosticism

Who are the Archons - The Rulers of the Cosmos in Gnosticism & their Origins in Cosmology and Ma
Who are the Archons - The Rulers of the Cosmos in Gnosticism & their Origins in Cosmology and Ma paccione 2 Views • 5 months ago

Gnosticism is infamous for its conception of the cosmos as the creation of the satanic Demiurge. But along with this entity is a retinue of demonic cosmic powers or Archons that act as co-creators and wardens of this prison universe. Join me as I explore the origins, nature and function of the Archons. From their terrible origins as primeval excretions of the Demiurge, to their dreadful creation of the human physical and psychical body - even a renegade Archon that defied the Demiurge and is even said to have created Jesus Christ. The Archons are an often overshadowed aspect of Gnosticism. Let's trace their origins in the demonization of Yahweh, the Cosmic Daimons and Greco-Egyptian Magic.

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Thumbnail art by Zdzisław Beksiński

Recommended Readings:

Layton & Brakke - The Gnostic Scriptures - 978-0274754151
Litwa - The Evil Creator: Origins of an Early Christian Idea - 978-0197566428
Jackson - The Origin in Ancient Incantatory "Voces Magicae" of Some Names in the Sethian
Gnostic System - Source: Vigiliae Christianae , Mar., 1989, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Mar., 1989), pp. 69-79
van den Broek - Gnostic Religion in Antiquity Reprint Edition - 978-1107514799

The Hidden Teachings Of The Gnostic Gospels That Are Kept Secret From Humanity
The Hidden Teachings Of The Gnostic Gospels That Are Kept Secret From Humanity paccione 3 Views • 5 months ago

The Hidden Teachings Of The Gnostic Gospels That Are Kept Secret From Humanity

Go here to grab your FREE eBook on using ancient knowledge to manifest your greatest desires.

In this video, we will share with you the secret and obscure teachings of the gnostic gospels that explain powerful things and are removed from the Bible. The gnostic gospels contain hidden teachings of Jesus which are kept secret from humanity and in this video, we will dive into them and reveal the real truth.

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The Gnostic Gospels are a collection of ancient Christian texts that were accidentally discovered in 1945 near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. They were thirteen leather-bound vellum codices written in Coptic and buried in a sealed jar, found by a local farmer named Muhammed al-Samman. These texts are not part of the canonical New Testament and give us most of the information that we now have about Early Christianity and Gnosticism.

But what is Gnosticism in the first place? Gnosticism is the name given to loosely organized philosophical and religious movements that flourished between the first and third century CE. The term "Gnostic" comes from the Greek word "gnosis," which means knowledge or insight. Here it’s not about just any knowledge, but it is a kind of knowledge of transcendence obtained through intuitive and interior means.

Gnosticism was not a unified movement but rather a label applied to various sects that shared certain ideas. Generally speaking, Gnostics believed in seeking personal, mystical knowledge that would lead to salvation. They often had a dualistic view of the world, distinguishing between the spiritual realm, which was considered good, and the material world, which was seen as evil or corrupt.

The discovery of the Nag Hammadi library and other Gnostic texts in the modern era has sparked renewed interest and reassessment of Gnosticism's role in early Christian history. The Gnostic Gospels are quite intriguing, as they provide alternative accounts and interpretations of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other Biblical figures. Some of the more famous Gnostic texts include The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Philip and the Gospel of Judas.

#gnosticgospels #gnosticism #secretorigins

Showing 66 out of 67