How-to & Style

[Updated 2019] OpenVPN Installation. Windows Client/Linux Server
[Updated 2019] OpenVPN Installation. Windows Client/Linux Server 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

At 9:50 an edit is made to the ssl config file to change md5 to sha512. Just above that line you should see:
default_crl_days= 30
change this so it reads
default_crl_days= 3650
If this is not done when using OpenVPN 2.4 your VPN will stop accepting connections 30 days later.

Services used in this video
VPS Supplier:
(Note, I am not endorsing Digital Ocean. I do not receive any reward or commission from them. They are simply the provider I use.)

Windows applications used in this video
Notepad :)

Login to VPS with PuTTY: root@IP.ADDRESS
Change root password but DO NOT USE THE SAME ONE I USED!!!

Update the VPS
apt update
apt dist-upgrade

Enable packet forwarding
nano /etc/sysctl.conf

VPS Login PuTTY shortcut

Install OpenVPN
apt install openvpn

Install Webmin
apt install -f

Login to Webmin
user: root

Change default_md
nano /etc/openvpn/openvpn-ssl.cnf

Create .rnd file

Create VPN server instance
auth SHA512
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"

Set OpenVPN to autostart
nano /etc/default/openvpn

Check VPN server is running
service openvpn@myvpn status

Check IP address

Ubuntu 20.10 on a Raspberry Pi 4 - Running a web server using beta release 64bit Linux
Ubuntu 20.10 on a Raspberry Pi 4 - Running a web server using beta release 64bit Linux 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Ubuntu 20.10 is now available as a BETA release. This includes a Raspberry Pi server edition. In this video I will boot up from a newly created image using the image from:


UPDATE! Ubuntu 20.10 is now also available as a desktop edition for the Raspberry Pi. See the following link for more details:


After showing the install of Raspberry Pi server edition I then show how it can be setup as a basic web server with a simple test page created in html.

This is just the first steps in setting up a web server as it only installs Apache 2. You may also want to install a database such as Maria DB or other applications. You will probably also want to change to a static IP address which is not shown in this video.

The console screen video is captured using gucview

00:00 Introduction
00:40 Console screen and login to ubuntu
02:48 Logging in remotely using ssh
03:22 Installing apache2 web server
04:28 Loading the default page in a web browser
05:21 Changing ownership of the html directory
05:58 Creating a basic text only html page

This was tested using the beta image installed onto an SD Card. I have tried to boot from an external USB drive (eg SSD drive), but that was unsuccessful. See the comments for more details - or please let me know if you have had more success.

This video is also included on my website at:

The 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Teleport Open-Source Community Edition:

👇 Links, timestamps, and notes below 👇

🔗 Website Links Mentioned
Passwordless Homelab Project Overview Slides:
Signup for a free domain name with Freenom:
Note: Type in domain name, choose “Checkout”, and create a new account.
Sign up for AWS:
AWS Educate (apply for free annual credits):
Deploy Open Source Teleport on a Linux Server (commands used to download Teleport Cluster):
Local Lab (with Docker Desktop):
Introduction to Linux for Cybersecurity Crash Course -

⏰ Timestamps
0:00 – Introduction
0:45 – Project Overview & Prerequisites
8:38 – 1) Register a Free Domain Name
11:27 – 2) Create a Teleport Cluster with AWS EC2
21:02 – 3) Log into EC2 and Download Teleport
24:50 – 4) Configure Teleport Cluster
30:00 – 5) Login to Teleport UI
34:52 – 6) Connect Personal Computer
39:13 – 7) Add Another SSH Node
43:44 – 8) Conclusion

🐕 Follow Me:
Cybercademy Discord Server:

🤔 Have questions, concerns, comments? -
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🎧 Gear:
Laptop (Lenovo X1 Carbon Ultrabook 6th Gen):​​​​​
Monitors (Dell D Series 31.5” D3218HN):​​​​​
Keyboard (Velocifire VM01):​​​​​
Headphones (Audio Technica ATH-M40x):​​​​​
Work Monitors (Dell U4919DW UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor):
Desk (FLEXISPOT EW8 Comhar Electric Standing Desk):

RPI 2 - Node-Red quick Install, ready for IoT apps
RPI 2 - Node-Red quick Install, ready for IoT apps 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

As a precursor to getting to more Power Supply and other electronic projects on the go, I want to look at a few programming languages / environments I have not used before

In this case I will look at using Node-Red.

To quote the site
A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things.
Node-RED is a tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways."

This is a programming environment driven by a graphical WEB page and uses Drag and Drop with configuration of nodes to build your application
Many nodes are available and if you cannot find what you need, it seems to be fairly simple to add you own, and if you know Java then even better.

It will run on many platforms including Windows, Linux and OSX and or course a range of hardware including the PC or Raspberry PI.

A long-time friend of mine "Peter Scargill" has been using Node-RED for a while and provided me access to a few scripts he uses to make configuring the PI a little easier. The process will still take an hour or two but this is including everything from creating a boot SD card through to a full working environment including a Database, MQTT, WEB Admin Pages and many node-RED nodes installed

Pete’s technical blog is here: -
His scripts can be found here: -

Node-RED documentation can be found here: -
And if you google "Node-Red Nodes" you will find plenty more. Add "Scargill" to the search for many posts by Pete. (He goes by Pete, I go by Peter :) )

And some useful info for node-RED from IBM can be found here: -

I will be following this post with actual programming tutorials and sessions using node-RED very soon so keep an eye out.

SDC 2018 - Automation of SMI-S Managed Storage Systems with PyWBEM
SDC 2018 - Automation of SMI-S Managed Storage Systems with PyWBEM 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Presented by Karl Schopmeyer, Owner, Inova Development Inc.

Download Presentation:

Using scripts and automation tools such as Ansible is common when doing repetitive management tasks and monitoring systems in the data center, but writing these scripts can be challenging when integrating with different storage system management interfaces. PyWBEM simplifies these tasks when dealing with storage systems managed by the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) standard. PyWBEM is an open source Python library that simplifies dealing with storage system discovery, security, monitoring, performance, fault reporting, and active management.

This talk provides an overview of the use of the PyWBEM project tools to automate and simplify access and configuration of storage systems that are managed via an SMI-S connection. Examples of automation with tools like Ansible using PyWBEM and the PyWBEMtools as the resource manager will be provided. The talk will also cover future directions for the PyWBEM open source project.

Learning Objectives:
1. Introduce attendees to the active PyWBEM open source project
2. Describe storage management use case scenarios and how they are being solved using PyWBEM
3. Describe the use of the SMI resource layer based on the SMI profiles to enable scripting and automation of the management of SMI based resources
4. Demonstrate specific use cases of SMI management automation using the PyWBEM tools
5. Discuss future directions for the PyWBEM project

A file server on your Raspberry Pi with only one command - OpenMediaVault vs professional NAS
A file server on your Raspberry Pi with only one command - OpenMediaVault vs professional NAS 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Using a Raspberry Pi shouldn’t be complicated.
📥 Download my free PDF glossary to start the right way:

OpenMediaVault is software that can be installed on any Debian-based distribution, like Raspberry Pi OS Lite. It can be used to host and configure a file server via a web interface in a few clicks.

In this video, I show you how to use it, and make a quick comparison with my Synology NAS.

Hardware used for this video:
- Argon One case: (Amazon)
- SSD in the case: (Amazon)
- USB key for RPI OS: (Amazon)
- My Raspberry Pi: (Amazon)
- Synology NAS: (Amazon)

Check the article for more details:

Installation command (one line):
wget -O - | sudo bash

---------- Links ----------
Master your Raspberry Pi in 30 days (e-book)

Raspberry Pi Bootcamp (course)

Master Python on Raspberry Pi

Join us on Patreon!

👉Recommended hardware:

---------- My stuff ----------
(affiliate links)

- Raspberry Pi: (Amazon)
- SD card: (Amazon)
- Case: (Amazon)
- Keyboard: (Amazon)
- Touch screen: (Amazon)
- Video capture: (Amazon)
- Sense Hat: (Amazon)
- Robot dog: (Amazon)
- Raspad 3:

---------- Follow Me! ----------

---------- Timestamps ----------
0:00 Intro
0:32 Why?
1:23 Prerequisites
2:18 Installation
3:22 Overview
4:40 File share creation
6:39 OMV vs Synology vs manual install
7:44 Similar tool

#raspberrypi #openmediavault #synology

Note: This description contains affiliate links.
If you use them, I’ll get a small commission.
The commission comes at no additional cost to you.
RaspberryTips is a participant in the Amazon Associates and other companies affiliate programs.

ISPConfig: A FOSS CPanel Alternative on Debian Server
ISPConfig: A FOSS CPanel Alternative on Debian Server 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Today we want to have a brief first look at ISPConfig as a possible CPanel alternative. This is a local install but looks at the ease of installation, the basics of setting up accounts, and the customer portal.

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Apache vs NGINX
Apache vs NGINX 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Web server vs. application server:

NGINX Reverse Proxy:

If you're into web development, you have undoubtedly heard of Apache and Nginx. They're both open source web servers, but they have different strengths, and both are worth considering as part of your web architecture choices. Is speed at all costs your thing? Or extensibility? In this video, Martin Keen explains how these web servers work and then breaks down the tradeoffs of each solution (spoiler: it's not an either/or answer).

Get started for free on IBM Cloud →

Subscribe to see more videos like this in the future →

#AI #Software #Dev #lightboard #IBM #MartinKeen #Apache #NGINX

Raspberry Pi 4 Home Automation Server with IOTStack
Raspberry Pi 4 Home Automation Server with IOTStack 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Please visit my channel page:
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We will install IOTStack and Webmin on a raspberry Pi4. IOTStack is a complete collection of famous home automation software such as Home Assistant, Openhab, Node Red and many others. With this you can run your home automation software in docker on a pi.

0:00 Use a Pi as Home Automation Server
0:38 Intro jingle
1:01 description of IOTStack
2:06 Get IOTStack and Install Docker on the Pi
3:33 Installing IOTStack on the Pi
5:22 Installing Webmin
7:30 Call to Action

the commands used in this video

To download, install and start IOTStack:

sudo apt install -y git curl
git clone https://github .com/SensorsIot/IOTstack.git IOTstack
# please remove the space before the dot com
cd IOTstack/
sudo raspi-config

sudo reboot
cd IOTstack/
docker-compose up -d

To install webmin:

wget https://prdownloads.sourceforge .net/webadmin/webmin_1.962_all.deb
# please remove the space before the dot net

sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.962_all.deb
sudo apt -f install

Licence-free music on / Lizenzfreie Musik von

Easily Setup a VPN Through Your Webmin or Virtualmin Server GUI using PPTP
Easily Setup a VPN Through Your Webmin or Virtualmin Server GUI using PPTP 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Step By Step on

     If you are trying to setup a VPN for masking your IP, torrenting, security, work internet browsing, or just plain security, you probably already have a control panel such as CPanel, Plesk, Webmin or Virtualmin. If not, Leave a comment or HMU and I'll make one on setting up a server quick and easy. This video is going to delve into the more obscure realms of Virtualmin/Webmin customization because, let's face it, all the other blogs and videos are in Spanish or just a mouse on the screen with crappy license-free music. Today we will get you setup with a simple PPTP VPN server connection and answer all your questions along the way.

Let's Get Started

Pre-Requirements :
1. A VPS setup with Virtualmin or Webmin or both (Virtualmin Includes the Webmin core)
2.Ability to login to said server
3.Your favorite beverage

1.If VirtualMin had their shit together, you could just click install after finding "PPTP VPN Server" in the "UnUsed Modules" menu of WEbmin. As of the latest version today, there is no direct install link so we have to install it using the YUM install function of Webmin. So. Click the Webmin Tab (upper left corner)
2.Click "System"
3.Click "Software Packages"
4.Click the radio button for "Package from YUM"
5.Type "PPTP" into the name field
6.Click Install
7.Agree to any prompts. If you have any issues, or it cannot find PPTP, Type PPTPD instead
8.Once PPTP is installed click "Refresh Modules" in the main Webmin Category menu
9.You will now have PPTP VPN Server under the Main "Networking" category of Webmin
10.Click on "PPTP VPN Server"
11.Click on "PPTP Server Options"
12.Check "PPTP-specific settings" radio button
13.Enter for theserver end config box
14.Enter into the allocate to clients box          (or any address in the IP address range set above
15.Click Save
16.Click on PPP Accounts
17.Click "Create New PPP Account"
18.Enter a Username
19.Enter a Password in "Set to:" field
20.Click "Save"
21.Click "Network Configuration" in Webmin Category Menu
22.Click "Routing and Gateways"
23.Check the "Act as Router" "yes" radio button
24.Click "Save"

That's It!!! Your Done :)
Too Easy????

OK let's setup the connection to operate behind a NAT for added protection. I did this through the command line console. You can do it under "Linux Firewall" but this is just one of those things that;s better done with a single command line.

1.Login to your server via PuTTy or any SSH or command line terminal
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
This sets up masquerading for all VPN connections that go through the VPN.... Let's add this to the rc.local file to make it happen at boot
3.Click the Webmin "System" Category Menu
4.Click "Bootup and Shutdown"
5.Top file should be rc.local, if not find it in the list and click on it
6.In the editor enter:
"sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE"
7.Click Save

That's it.... Now You're Really Done. Proceed to VPN Setup on Whatever Device You're Going to Connect With...

Uncensored AI Image Generator: OpenWebUI  with ComfyUI and Ollama | Step-by-Step Guide
Uncensored AI Image Generator: OpenWebUI with ComfyUI and Ollama | Step-by-Step Guide 121gamers 24 Views • 4 months ago

Unlock the full potential of **uncensored AI image generation** with this comprehensive guide! In this video, I walk you through setting up an Ubuntu 22.04 server with NVIDIA drivers, Ollama, OpenWebUI, and ComfyUI for powerful image creation. Whether you're a beginner or advanced user, learn how to configure OpenWebUI beyond the basics and integrate it with ComfyUI to generate uncensored images effortlessly. Plus, I’ll show you how to download models from top resources like Civitai and explore the highest-ranked models from ImgSys.

Watch as I break down:
- Full Ubuntu server setup with NVIDIA drivers
Full video :
- Ollama and OpenWebUI installation for local AI processing
- Deep dive into ComfyUI integration and advanced configuration
- Tips on downloading and using AI models for uncensored image generation

00:00 - Introduction and Demo
03:43 - Server Setup with NVIDIA Drivers and Ollama
17:43 - Setup SearXNG
33:15 - ComfyUI Setup
49:43 - ComfyUI Tutorial and Basics
1:09:59 - Tools Setup

Check out my GitHub repository for the full setup and links to all tools:

**Model Resources:**
- [RealVisXL Model](
- [Model Rankings](

Don't miss out on this unique tutorial—no one else is showing this uncensored AI image generation integration!"

Easy Webmin Setup on Ubuntu 22.04: Step-by-Step Guide!
Easy Webmin Setup on Ubuntu 22.04: Step-by-Step Guide! 121gamers 1 Views • 4 months ago

Get ready to master Webmin on Ubuntu 22.04! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, I'm Josh from KeepItTechie, and I'll guide you through every step of installing Webmin. Perfect for beginners and pros alike!

From updating your system to configuring your firewall, we've got it all covered. You'll be managing your server like a pro in no time!

👉 What's inside:

Introduction to Webmin and its benefits
Step-by-step installation instructions
Tips for accessing and using Webmin
Firewall configuration for secure access
❓ Questions? Drop them in the comments!

👍 Like and subscribe for more awesome Linux guides. Let's dive into the world of server management with ease and confidence! #Webmin #Ubuntu2204 #LinuxTutorial"

Linux Operating System | Beginners Crash Course - 3 Hours

Rocky Linux by CIQ:

Remember to Like, Share, and Subscribe if you enjoyed the video! Also, if you are interested in more Linux content, please consider becoming a channel member so I can continue to produce great content!

Linux Pocket Guide: Essential Commands:
CompTIA Linux+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide: Exam XK0-004
101 Labs - CompTIA Linux+
How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know
Linux Bible


Easy System Administration Web Interface Raspberry Pi with Webmin!
Easy System Administration Web Interface Raspberry Pi with Webmin! 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

Easy System Administration Web Interface Raspberry Pi with Webmin! In this video i will be showing you how to setup your raspberry pi as a web administration system using Webmin. #raspberrypi #webmin #sstec tutorials.

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I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the video. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post them in the comments section!

Disclaimer: This video description may contain some affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Also, all the information which are provided in our videos is only for educational purposes and informational purposes. I will not be responsible for any of your actions. Thanks!

Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out. 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

We build a Generatively Pretrained Transformer (GPT), following the paper "Attention is All You Need" and OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3. We talk about connections to ChatGPT, which has taken the world by storm. We watch GitHub Copilot, itself a GPT, help us write a GPT (meta :D!) . I recommend people watch the earlier makemore videos to get comfortable with the autoregressive language modeling framework and basics of tensors and PyTorch nn, which we take for granted in this video.

- Google colab for the video:
- GitHub repo for the video:
- Playlist of the whole Zero to Hero series so far:
- nanoGPT repo:
- my website:
- my twitter:
- our Discord channel:

Supplementary links:
- Attention is All You Need paper:
- OpenAI GPT-3 paper:
- OpenAI ChatGPT blog post:
- The GPU I'm training the model on is from Lambda GPU Cloud, I think the best and easiest way to spin up an on-demand GPU instance in the cloud that you can ssh to: . If you prefer to work in notebooks, I think the easiest path today is Google Colab.

Suggested exercises:
- EX1: The n-dimensional tensor mastery challenge: Combine the `Head` and `MultiHeadAttention` into one class that processes all the heads in parallel, treating the heads as another batch dimension (answer is in nanoGPT).
- EX2: Train the GPT on your own dataset of choice! What other data could be fun to blabber on about? (A fun advanced suggestion if you like: train a GPT to do addition of two numbers, i.e. a+b=c. You may find it helpful to predict the digits of c in reverse order, as the typical addition algorithm (that you're hoping it learns) would proceed right to left too. You may want to modify the data loader to simply serve random problems and skip the generation of train.bin, val.bin. You may want to mask out the loss at the input positions of a+b that just specify the problem using y=-1 in the targets (see CrossEntropyLoss ignore_index). Does your Transformer learn to add? Once you have this, swole doge project: build a calculator clone in GPT, for all of +-*/. Not an easy problem. You may need Chain of Thought traces.)
- EX3: Find a dataset that is very large, so large that you can't see a gap between train and val loss. Pretrain the transformer on this data, then initialize with that model and finetune it on tiny shakespeare with a smaller number of steps and lower learning rate. Can you obtain a lower validation loss by the use of pretraining?
- EX4: Read some transformer papers and implement one additional feature or change that people seem to use. Does it improve the performance of your GPT?

00:00:00 intro: ChatGPT, Transformers, nanoGPT, Shakespeare
baseline language modeling, code setup
00:07:52 reading and exploring the data
00:09:28 tokenization, train/val split
00:14:27 data loader: batches of chunks of data
00:22:11 simplest baseline: bigram language model, loss, generation
00:34:53 training the bigram model
00:38:00 port our code to a script
Building the "self-attention"
00:42:13 version 1: averaging past context with for loops, the weakest form of aggregation
00:47:11 the trick in self-attention: matrix multiply as weighted aggregation
00:51:54 version 2: using matrix multiply
00:54:42 version 3: adding softmax
00:58:26 minor code cleanup
01:00:18 positional encoding
01:02:00 THE CRUX OF THE VIDEO: version 4: self-attention
01:11:38 note 1: attention as communication
01:12:46 note 2: attention has no notion of space, operates over sets
01:13:40 note 3: there is no communication across batch dimension
01:14:14 note 4: encoder blocks vs. decoder blocks
01:15:39 note 5: attention vs. self-attention vs. cross-attention
01:16:56 note 6: "scaled" self-attention. why divide by sqrt(head_size)
Building the Transformer
01:19:11 inserting a single self-attention block to our network
01:21:59 multi-headed self-attention
01:24:25 feedforward layers of transformer block
01:26:48 residual connections
01:32:51 layernorm (and its relationship to our previous batchnorm)
01:37:49 scaling up the model! creating a few variables. adding dropout
Notes on Transformer
01:42:39 encoder vs. decoder vs. both (?) Transformers
01:46:22 super quick walkthrough of nanoGPT, batched multi-headed self-attention
01:48:53 back to ChatGPT, GPT-3, pretraining vs. finetuning, RLHF
01:54:32 conclusions

00:57:00 Oops "tokens from the _future_ cannot communicate", not "past". Sorry! :)
01:20:05 Oops I should be using the head_size for the normalization, not C

How to Make an AI of Yourself in 5 mins
How to Make an AI of Yourself in 5 mins 121gamers 0 Views • 4 months ago

🏆 *#1 Content Generator* ➜
👉 *The Best Place to Host your Website* ➜
❤️ *Heygen* ➜

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🎬 *Table of Contents*

00:00 Intro

00:31 Make an AI Clone

01:09 Steps before recording sample video

02:08 Upload your sample video

04:18 Record your own voice & generate video

05:35 Download the video

05:47 Check the pricing plan

06:30 Get better result using finetune feature

Step into the future of video creation with this comprehensive guide to create your own AI clone using HeyGen Labs! Learn how to transform a simple video clip into a lifelike, talking avatar that lip-syncs to your voice seamlessly.

By the end of this video, you'll be ready to create your own stunning AI clone with HeyGen, opening up a world of creative possibilities for presentations, social media, marketing, and more!

🎁 *Tools & Discounts*

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