2023 in Bible Prophecy | Here Are 4 Trends to Watch For
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What can you expect to happen in the year ahead? Will 2023 be better than last year? Or will it be another disappointing year with troubles on every side?
At the beginning of each year, one of us here at Tomorrow’s World, gives trends to look for in the coming year and beyond. Our predictions are not based on crystal balls, palm readings, or astrological signs—and forget Nostradamus. Our predictions come from prophecies found in the Bible. History has proven that Bible prophecy IS accurate. The Bible does not always give the exact timing of an event, but it gives us a framework of history in advance with remarkable details.
On today’s program I’ll briefly review whether our predictions for 2021 and 2022 were accurate; and then give you trends to expect in 2023 and beyond. So, if you want to know what’s ahead for your near future, stay tuned. I’ll be back in five seconds.
A warm welcome to all of you from all of us here at Tomorrow’s World, where we bring you good news of the coming Kingdom of God, reveal end-time prophecies, and explain the clear teachings of Jesus Christ.
Is it possible to know the future? And, if so, where should we look? Should we look to astrological signs in the sun, moon, and stars? Should we visit that small house on the edge of town where a psychic has set up? Should we try to decipher the writings of Nostradamus, Edgar Casey, Jeane Dixon, or other well-known psychics and astrologers?
We here at Tomorrow’s World look to the Bible. None of us are prophets, but we can read clear statements from the prophets and point you to what they wrote. But it’s reasonable for you to want to know how accurately we’ve understood their writings.
Here is the trend I said to watch for in 2021:
Before the break I told you that I would read from the Bible what God says is in your future. Today we reviewed predictions and trends proclaimed by Tomorrow’s World the last two years. Then I said I would give you a single trend to watch in 2021 and the immediate years following. We cannot know the exact timing, but the trend is certain:
[Trend]: There will be disaster upon disaster for America and the British descended peoples
Notice how the prophet Ezekiel describes what is ahead for the Anglosphere:
Destruction comes; they will seek peace, but there shall be none. Disaster will come upon disaster, and rumor will be upon rumor. Then they will seek a vision from a prophet; but the law will perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders. “The king will mourn, the prince will be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the common people will tremble. I will do to them according to their way, and according to what they deserve I will judge them; then they shall know that I am the LORD!” (Ezekiel 7:25–27).
How accurate was that single prediction of disaster coming upon disaster? A year later, I reviewed the major news of 2021, and as I mentioned at the time, in my more than 74 years of life, I couldn’t remember another year where there were so many stunning disasters stacked one upon another. But in case you forgot, let me briefly remind you of only a few that I recounted in that program:
The consequences of the war on fossil fuels
The historic winter storms that slammed Texas and the Central Plains states
The crisis at America’s southern border
The Delta variant and continuing COVID-19 pandemic
More died in 2021 than in the previous year.
The humiliating manner in which America left Afghanistan
The breakdown in the supply chain
Worker shortages, and more…
The list was hardly exhaustive. There were many more MAJOR devastating events! 2021 truly was an extraordinary year of disaster upon disaster!
But what about our predictions for 2022? Let’s briefly look at those three predictions and see if they were on target.
#1: When you think it cannot get any worse, it will!
#2: Disaster upon disaster would continue
#3: Rumor would be upon rumor
The last two are found in Ezekiel 7:25:
Destruction comes; they will seek peace, but there shall be none. Disaster will come upon disaster, and rumor will be upon rumor (Ezekiel 7:25–26).
Is that what we saw? Has there ever been a time when rumors were more prevalent and widespread than what we see in social media? Rumors have always abounded, but the Internet has put them on steroids.
But what about disaster upon disaster? Did historic disasters occur in 2022? And when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, did it.
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