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7 Views • 04/15/23
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Evangelical Preacher and son of famous Evangelist Billy Graham, Franklin Graham joins Piers Morgan Uncensored whilst he is on a UK tour called "God Loves You".

Firstly Piers asks him about the recent 10-year-old victim of rape in Ohio who had to travel across the state border to get a legal abortion after falling pregnant and what Franklin would do if this was his daughter. Franklin says he is "not sure" and that its a "tough decision" because of his religion and the difficult circumstances and he would only be able to answer that if he was in the reality of it and had to face it.

Piers then goes on to ask him about his previous statements on homosexuality and if it is fair for anyone's sexual preferences to be labelled a 'sin'. Franklin replies by saying "The Bible says homosexuality is a sin" and that it's not debatable if it's a sin or not, but rather that he is just trying to warn them to repent their sins. He says "we all sin" but we must repent our sins to God and he will ultimately forgive us.

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Piers Morgan Uncensored is now available on TalkTV, Fox Nation and Sky News Australia!

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