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An herbal medicine routine from Sara Elise | Self-Care Nation | Well+Good

3 Views • 04/10/23
6 Subscribers

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Sara Elise, a Brooklyn-based health coach and entrepreneur (she co-owns a farm-to-table catering business, Harvest & Revel), shares the herbal medicine she uses in her daily routine on this episode of Self-Care Nation. Learn what herbs, roots and plants she uses to stay calm and grounded, how adaptogens and CBD have changed her life, and how to delve into your own herbal self-care practice.

#selfcarenation #herbalmedicine #wellandgood

Subscribe to Well+Good’s channel for more self-care routines: https://www.youtube.com/c/Wellandgood

Alicia Archer’s nighttime skincare routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TX_IhWmXDE
Sophia Ruan Gushée’s home detox tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMC1mNTy4FA

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