TOP 10 things planned OFF GRID in 2023 - Weds Wildlands Waffles Off Grid [EP5]
WHAT are the TOP 10 THINGS we have planned OFF GRID for 2023 in Central Portugal AND what have we achieve this year in 2022??
Welcome to our new regular Weds series Weds 'Wildlands Waffles Off Grid' [EP5] where each week we (or you) pick a different off grid subject for us to waffle about.
We are The Wildlanders Off Grid! A family HOMESTEADING and LIVING OFF GRID in Central Portugal, learning how to live the good life sustainably and on a tight budget. Subscribe to watch our adventures as we turn our 1.3 hectares of Portuguese Wild Lands into a little slice of off grid paradise!
We hope to inspire others to make their dreams a reality.
We've lived on the road as nomads for over 3 years and now we're creating our dream homestead and living simply off the land.
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Our PERSONAL Wishlist's:
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We escaped the rat race, left our typical suburban house in England behind and took our whole family AND all our pets OFF GRID in Central Portugal.
Subscribe to stay up to date on our journey and follow our challenges and progress.
We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Subscribers and everyone who watches our videos and for all the lovely comments, it really does mean a lot to us. Thanks for watching :)
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