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What Israeli Jews Say When They Hear the Name of Jesus | Street Interview

3 Views • 04/10/23
6 Subscribers

Jeff hits the streets of Tel Aviv to asks Israeli Jews what they think when they hear the name of Jesus. Check out what they have to say.

Many will say that Messianic Jews are trying to "Christianize" Jews and take them away from their Jewish roots and Judaism. We truly believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah and Savior of all people prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures, and that He came right on time according to Scripture, and that God does not break his promises. As Jews that put our faith in who we believe to be the Jewish Messiah, we still remain Jews. Our faith in Yeshua inspires us to share with other Jewish people the salvation and hope we've found by putting our faith in Yeshua. See our testimonies of Jewish followers of Jesus here:

More street interviews in Israel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNK3ivnfsO_NNjynYMZD3mDJpIPa4FS_d&jct=ot_-wHrgAtOjUg3_vXW-e-eDOd1AiQ

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