Religion & Spiritual

God is Moving [Men, Women & Angels] | Pastor Allen Jackson
God is Moving [Men, Women & Angels] | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ Just as God has specific assignments for angels, he has unique tasks for us to accomplish. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the fact that God is moving in a way that’s more pronounced than at any other time in our lives. Will we sit on the sidelines, or will we choose to engage in His purposes and offer our lives, our time, and our talents to further His Kingdom? Many people in the Bible felt unqualified for their God-assignments, and Pastor Allen examines some of their responses to show these people were a lot like us—insecure, doubtful, and resistant to new ideas. But God works in the earth through imperfect people who are willing to follow Him. If we choose to live godly lives and spread His light and truth, He will come alongside us and multiply our efforts.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - April 7, 2024 - God is Moving [Men, Women & Angels]

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:51 Offertory Prayer
2:57 God is Moving [Men, Women & Angels]
4:28 Men, Women & Angels
18:24 Angels (Hebrews 1 verse 14 and Daniel 12 verse 1)
21:08 Men & Women (Ephesians 1 verses 22–23, Romans 5 verse 10, and 2 Corinthians 5 verse 19)
27:27 God Moves Through People (Judges 6 verses 11-16 and Judges 6 verses 23-24)
32:25 Abram (Genesis 15 verse 3)
33:02 Moses (Exodus 3 verse 11)
34:08 Esther (Esther 4 verses 10-11)
34:54 Peter & the Disciples (Matthew 26 verses 33–35)
36:31 Paul (1 Timothy 1 verses 12–13)
38:24 An Individual Struggle (1 John 1 verses 6–7)
51:49 Closing Prayer

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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What To Do In A Crisis | Pastor Allen Jackson
What To Do In A Crisis | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ You need to know what to do in a crisis before you find yourself in one—because at that point, it’s too late to make a plan. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson points out the crisis we’re facing as a nation, and God’s plan that leads to restoration. He offers insight from the book of Leviticus, which shows God’s great holiness and our need for repentance. When we turn our hearts toward God and choose to pursue holy lives, it opens doors of possibility only He could orchestrate. He points out fundamental truths about our faith and God’s character that provide a firm foundation in any crisis we may face.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - May 25, 2024 - What To Do In A Crisis

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
1:03 Offertory Prayer
4:05 What To Do In A Crisis
11:17 There is a God…In The Beginning God! (1 John 1 verses 8–10)
18:24 Holy God…Holy = a Different Realm of Existence (Leviticus 11 verses 44-45, 1 Corinthians 1 verse 30, and 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 7)
28:01 Almighty…Nothing Is Too Difficult For God (Jeremiah 32 verse 17)
30:00 All Knowing…Nothing Is Hidden From God AND He Has The Power To Reveal Hidden Things (Daniel 2 verse 22 and Matthew 10 verses 26–28)
33:29 Leviticus, A Sovereign God
35:08 Sacrifices & Such (Hebrews 10 verses 1–5)
43:55 Lessons RE: Sin (Leviticus 4 verses 1–2, Leviticus 4 verse 3, Leviticus 4 verse 13, Leviticus 4 verse 22, and Leviticus 4 verse 27)
47:20 Silence & Willful Ignorance (Leviticus 5 verse and Leviticus 20 verses 1–5)
51:17 Proclamation (Daniel 9 verses 4–19)

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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What Can We Do About the Problems in Our Nation? | Allen Jackson Ministries
What Can We Do About the Problems in Our Nation? | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "What Can We Do About the Problems in Our Nation?" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Overcoming Evil & Serving God" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Battle Between Good & Evil | Pastor Allen Jackson
Battle Between Good & Evil | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ The battle between good and evil exists around us every day, we just need to be willing to recognize it. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the reality of good and evil and its impact on us. We find many examples of “good” in the Bible including miracles, stories of God’s grace and deliverance, and the blessings that come to people who choose to follow God. We also find many examples of evil and the devastation it brings. Evil is the work of Satan, who intends to kill and destroy God’s people. It’s time to decide: Will we will follow God and His principles, inviting good into our lives; or will we choose to pursue evil by dismissing God and His Truth?

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - May 18, 2024 - Battle Between Good & Evil

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
00:41 Offertory Prayer
5:45 Battle Between Good & Evil
15:06 Jesus & His Followers
15:15 Amazement & Fear of God (Luke 8 verses 24–25)
18:11 “Because You Say So” (Luke 5 verses 4–8)
23:15 Jesus’ Declaration of Intent — A Triumphant Church (Matthew 16 verse 18)
23:52 Resources Needed & Provided (Luke 24 verse 49)
25:11 A Struggle is Unfolding — Battle Between Good & Evil (Ephesians 6 verse 12, John 10 verse 10, and Hebrews 12 verses 3–4)
30:37 What Can Be Said of Evil?
30:44 The Existence of Evil (Matthew 6 verse 13, John 17 verse 15, Matthew 5 verse 37, Matthew 13 verse 19, and Matthew 13 verses 36–39)
39:53 To Summarize:
40:01 The Existence of Evil
40:28 The Struggle with Evil
40:54 Evil Describes Satan and His Activity
41:34 Recognizing Evil
41:53 A Spiritual Designation, People Cooperate with Evil, Sell Themselves to Do Evil
42:42 Overcome Evil
43:30 Do Not Tolerate Evil
45:29 Communion
49:04 Proclamation

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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What They Won't Tell You About Abortion [Featuring Victoria Robinson]
What They Won't Tell You About Abortion [Featuring Victoria Robinson] 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

“When I was driving to that abortion clinic, I had my hand on my stomach, saying, ‘Forgive me for what I'm about to do to you, because this is the best choice for you, and for your sisters, and for me. You don't want to be brought into this mess of my life.’ But it's easy to be manipulated, Pastor, when we are in the most vulnerable times of our lives. And that's what the abortion industry banks on: manipulating women and coercing them into believing what I believed,” Victoria Robinson told Pastor Allen during this podcast. Victoria Robinson is the Founder and CEO of Reassemble, an organization that strives to help women, men, and couples recover from the trauma of abortion and find healing through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. Robinson shares her testimony and speaks boldly about the lies men and women have been told by the abortion industry. Potential Democratic Presidential Nominee, Kamala Harris, believes that murdering an unborn child is a “right” every American woman should have. The Church has been strangely silent on the issue of abortion while sixty million children have been lost. Discover the ugly truths of the abortion industry, and how you can make an impact.

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It's up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective. Find thought-provoking insight from Pastor Allen and his guests, equipping you to lead with your faith in your home, your school, your community, and wherever God takes you.

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Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Overcoming Evil with God's Truth [Featuring Dr. Neil Anderson]
Overcoming Evil with God's Truth [Featuring Dr. Neil Anderson] 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

Knowing God’s truth, embracing it, and diligently applying it to our lives will lead us to greater freedom in Christ. In this podcast, Dr. Neil Anderson joins Pastor Allen Jackson to discuss how the spiritual battles we face are not power encounters but truth encounters. Anderson has spent decades teaching people how to recognize the darkness in their lives and apply God’s Truth to the situation so they can walk in freedom. His books, The Bondage Breaker and Victory Over the Darkness, have sold millions of copies because their principles are effective at removing the spiritual barriers that separate us from God. He talks with Pastor Allen about what led him to write his books and offers insight on how we can address difficult emotions like fear and anxiety with truth, so we can more fully experience God’s peace.

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It’s up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective. Find thought-provoking insight from Pastor Allen and his guests, equipping you to lead with your faith in your home, your school, your community, and wherever God takes you.

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Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Do You Have the Courage to Hold a Biblical Worldview? | Allen Jackson Ministries
Do You Have the Courage to Hold a Biblical Worldview? | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "Do You Have the Courage to Hold a Biblical Worldview?" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Let’s Do Difficult [Effort Required]" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Battle Between Good & Evil [Without & Within] | Pastor Allen Jackson
Battle Between Good & Evil [Without & Within] | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ We need to be aware of the battle taking place within us and around us, and the authority we have through Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the conflict between good and evil and the way it has infiltrated the Church, our culture, and ourselves. He points out several ways good and evil presents itself in the Bible and our world today. Each generation must decide whether they will honor the Lord, and we are no different. To follow God means actively seeking Him and being willing to engage in what He’s doing in the earth. Choosing to align ourselves with God gives us access to His authority, which has power over evil. Instead of pushing aside biblical doctrine to appease our culture, let’s determine to seek God, honor His Word, and live.
❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - May 19, 2024 - Battle Between Good & Evil [Without & Within]
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🔴  Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
6:15 Offertory Prayer
9:06 Battle with Good & Evil [Without & Within]
23:48 The Authority of The Kingdom of God (Mark 1 verses 21-28)
30:45 Training Sessions (Matthew 14 verses 15-17)
36:22 Instructions On Good & Evil (Matthew 6 verses 31-34)
40:12 Human Character Corrupted by Our Choice (2 Timothy 3 verses 1-5)
43:56 Confusing Good & Evil (Intentionally) (Isaiah 5 verse 20 and Proverbs 17 verse 15)
48:01 Distinguish Good from Evil (Hebrews 5 verse 14)
49:19 Turn from Evil, Do Good (1 Peter 3 verses 10-12)
53:02 Communion
59:15 Proclamation
World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.
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Christians Can Use Politics for God’s Purposes! | Allen Jackson Ministries
Christians Can Use Politics for God’s Purposes! | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "Christians Can Use Politics for God’s Purposes!" is from Saturday's service, "Culture & Christianity" Watch the full service here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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One Nation, Under God [A Price?!] | Pastor Allen Jackson
One Nation, Under God [A Price?!] | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ The goal of enduring is not just endurance—it’s triumph. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what it takes to be a hero in our generation. Heroes consistently face strong opponents, adversity, and challenges—but it doesn’t stop their mission. Instead, they allow those obstacles to make them stronger. We see this truth throughout American History and the Bible. Following Jesus comes with a cost, and Pastor Allen offers several examples of people in the Bible who made great sacrifices to follow the Lord—and their obedience changed the course of history.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - July 7, 2024 - One Nation, Under God [A Price?!]

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
1:28 Offertory Prayer
5:13 One Nation Under God [A Price?!]
19:01 Review (Hebrews 11 verses 32-33 and Ephesians 3 verse 20)
24:36 “Hero-isms”
25:32 Heroes have unique abilities that separate them from the rest of us.
25:46 Heroes are never weighed down by the mundane problems of life.
26:22 Heroes always have a clear sense of good & evil.
26:48 Heroes always want to do the right thing.
27:02 Heroes have heroic lives.
29:08 A Price (Luke 14 verses 28–33 and Luke 9 verses 22–24)
35:43 Abram (Genesis 12 verses 1-3)
37:43 Paul (2 Timothy 4 verses 6-22)
41:22 Adversity, Adversaries, & Antagonists
41:39 The Most Consistent Characteristic of Heroes –– Great Opponents (2 Corinthians 11 verses 23-29)
45:37 Adversaries Accomplish
45:40 Adversaries prepare us for useful service. (Joseph)
45:54 Adversaries expose our fears. (Moses)
46:31 Adversaries elevate us to a new level of trust and faith. (Esther)
47:29 Adversaries define our progress. (David)
48:12 The benefit of adversity is realized in the victory! (Revelation 3 verse 12 and 1 Corinthians 15 verse 58)
50:37 Proclamation

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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Great Leaders in Difficult Times | Pastor Allen Jackson
Great Leaders in Difficult Times | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ Being a strong leader doesn’t require a large following or the type of influence that’s recognized by others. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what makes leaders great, according to Jesus, and how this differs from the world’s standards. He reviews passages from Hebrews 11 and Acts 16, highlighting people who allowed God to speak into their lives and their determination to follow Him, even when it required changing their course. At times their faithfulness led to opposition, not applause. We will encounter the same today as we follow the Lord into the assignments He has for us. The season ahead will require a new level of interdependence on the Lord—a desire to seek His wisdom and follow His Spirit, so we can recognize His truth amongst the confusion.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - June 30, 2024 - Great Leaders in Difficult Times

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
5:09 Offertory Prayer
9:07 Great Leaders in Difficult Times
16:46 Aligning Expectations (Hebrews 11 verses 32–38)
25:31 Interdependence, Joining the Lord on His journey (Acts 16 verses 6–10)
37:15 Moses (Exodus 3 verse 4 and Exodus 3 verses 10–11)
37:00 Isaiah (Isaiah 6 verse 5)
38:20 Mary (Luke 1 verses 31 and 34-35)
39:47 The Essential Characteristic (Proverbs 15 verse 33, Matthew 23 verses 11–12, and 1 Peter 5 verses 5–7)
46:27 A Corrosive Force, PRIDE (Proverbs 16 verse 18 Proverbs 11 verse 2)
46:40 For Consideration—Cultivate Humility and Deconstruct Pride (1 Corinthians 1 verses 28–29)
49:09 An Action Plan
49:12 Humility
49:15 Carefully establish the greatest ambition of your life for the Kingdom of God
49:32 Avoid selfish ambition
50:10 Serve regularly
51:00 Give generously
51:38 The importance of others
52:42 Pride
52:46 Repent, renounce, and release
53:57 Prayer

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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Protection From Deception — The Proverbs | Pastor Allen Jackson
Protection From Deception — The Proverbs | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ What if you could recognize the paths that lead to blessings and avoid those that don’t? The book of Proverbs offers clear and succinct directions on how navigate life and pursue God’s best. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the wisdom we find in Proverbs and why it’s worth instilling its truths in our lives. Each decision we make either brings us closer to God and His plans for us, or further away. It’s wise to take the time to know the instructions God gave us through the book of Proverbs, and then be diligent to put those teachings into practice.
❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - May 5, 2024 - Protection From Deception — The Proverbs
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🔴  Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
3:47 Offertory Prayer
7:19 Protection From Deception — The Proverbs
18:02 The Grand Invitation (Proverbs 1 verses 1-6)
20:38 Which Doors to Choose
26:09 The Great Search; Choose to Be a “God Learner” (Proverbs 1 verses 20-21)
29:58 The Choices (Proverbs 1 verses 23-30, Proverbs 1 verse 33, Proverbs 2 verse 4, and Proverbs 2 verses 9-11)
39:19 What if You Could Know… The Answers (Proverbs 2 verses 1-2, 9, 12, 16, 20, and Proverbs 3 verse 1)
50:16 Proclamation
World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.
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Spiritual Warfare & the End Times | Pastor Allen Jackson
Spiritual Warfare & the End Times | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ Conflict will increase as the End of the Age draws near, and we need a plan to help us stand firm in our faith. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson helps us recognize the reality of the battle taking place in the spiritual realm. Even though every Christ-follower is engaged in this conflict, we can experience God’s peace as we endure the turmoil. Pastor Allen offers insight to help us be aware of the spiritual realm, understand how it impacts our current circumstances, recognize deception and false prophets, and be encouraged to stand for God’s Truth in our generation.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - August 12, 2023 - Spiritual Warfare & the End Times

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
02:23 Offertory Prayer
15:45 Spiritual Warfare & the End Times (Zephaniah 2 verses 1–3)
20:42 The Conclusion Emerges from Conflict (Revelation 1 verses 1–6)
29:25 Conquering King (Revelation 19 verses 11–16)
37:14 Our Objective (Revelation 21 verses 7–8 and Romans 12 verse 21)
40:10 A Life of Conflict!
40:29 Jesus, a Man of Peace? (John 14 verse 27 and John 16 verse 33)
49:16 Another Gospel (2 Corinthians 11 verse 4 and Galatians 1 verses 6–7)
54:55 Deceivers & Deception (Micah 2 verse 11 and Matthew 24 verses 4–5)
59:33 Good News! (Colossians 2 verse 15)
1:00:23 Communion
1:04:19 Prayer

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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You are acquitted in Christ! | Allen Jackson Ministries
You are acquitted in Christ! | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "You are acquitted in Christ!" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Clarify Your Identity [An Amazing Life]" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Great Darkness, the Light & the Truth | Pastor Allen Jackson
Great Darkness, the Light & the Truth | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ To walk in God’s light, we need to be willing to repent. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the battle between truth (light) and deception (darkness) that’s present in our world today. There are several things we can do to protect ourselves from deception, including choosing the truth, praying, and practicing repentance. Pastor Allen offers Scripture to show how Jesus wasn’t shy about proclaiming the truth, and we shouldn’t be, either. Women play a significant role in God’s Kingdom, and Pastor Allen highlights several godly women in Scripture to show the impact of their faith. He also discusses the importance of godly parenting. It’s time to surrender our dreams—and our dreams for our children—to God. As we commit our paths to Him, He will use our lives to bring His truth to our generation.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - July 20, 2024 - Great Darkness, the Light & the Truth

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:45 Offertory Prayer
3:59 Great Darkness, the Light & the Truth
5:50 Choose the Truth & Walk in the Light (Isaiah 9- verse- 2, Matthew 4 verses 16–17, Luke 21 verses 3–4, John 8 verses 58–59, and Luke 2 verses 28–32)
23:47 “Let me know the truth before I die.” (John 14 verse 6)
25:44 Objective Truth — Universal, Knowable, Transcends Gov’ts
26:57 Subjective Truth — Personal, Circumstantial, Ever Changing
29:54 The Great Impact of Women (Is Not Being Like Men)
37:05 Great Influence (1 Samuel 1 verses 10-11, 22, 1 Samuel 2 verses 19-21, Matthew 20 verses 20-22, Mark 6 verses 22 and 24, John 2 verses 1-5, and Matthew 6 verse 33)
52:42 Closing Prayer

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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Training Is Required to Grow Spiritually | Allen Jackson Ministries
Training Is Required to Grow Spiritually | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "Training Is Required to Grow Spiritually" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Let’s Please God [Lead a Life of Significance]" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Faith Mountains [Then The End Will Come] | Pastor Allen Jackson
Faith Mountains [Then The End Will Come] | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ The Bible makes it clear that time will come to an end. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses this truth and how it should influence the way we approach our daily lives. The end of our physical existence is not the end of us—our spirits live on. God has a plan for us beyond time, and we can choose to participate and help build His Kingdom today or go our own way. It can be hard to stand up for God and His Truth, and Pastor Allen offers several scriptures that remind us that our strength and security comes from the Lord, not governments, and not men. Let’s recognize the places we’ve been hesitant in our faith, repent, then step back into the arena as unrelenting advocates of Jesus of Nazareth as Lord, Christ, and King.
❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - May 29, 2024 - Faith Mountains [Then The End Will Come]
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🔴  Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
4:29 Offertory Prayer
10:42 Faith Mountains [Then The End Will Come] (Psalm 18 verses 30-33 and Matthew 24 verse 14)
19:36 Our Heritage ¬— 4000+ years of a God-story which began with God’s call to Abram
24:06 God’s Intent — A People For Himself (Genesis 12 verses 1-3)
25:20 Indebted (Romans 9 verses 4-5 and Revelation 21 verses 9-12)
29:28 A Promise for Us (Galatians 3 verse 14 and Hebrews 11 verses 39-40)
33:49 Faithful or Unfaithful (Psalm 125 verses 1-2)
35:26 Choices (Luke 7 verse 30)
39:09 Blind Spots (Matthew 15 verses 8-14)
46:56 Courage to Ask/Trust (Psalm 46 verses 1-3)
51:14 Hunger & Thirst (Psalm 42 verse 1, Philippians 3 verses 10-12, and 2 Timothy 4 verse 8)
55:16 Closing Prayer
World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.
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There Are Benefits for Doing What the Bible Says | Allen Jackson Ministries
There Are Benefits for Doing What the Bible Says | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "There Are Benefits for Doing What the Bible Says" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Protection From Deception — The Proverbs" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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The Power to Overcome (Evil) | Pastor Allen Jackson
The Power to Overcome (Evil) | Pastor Allen Jackson 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

➡️ How can we overcome the challenges that inevitably arise in our lives? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses Joshua and the lessons in overcoming we can learn from his life. He shares the importance of trusting in God’s promises, which is demonstrated in the story of the Exodus, when God led the Israelites from captivity in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. Pastor Allen shares stories of several early Church reformers, inspiring us to stand firm in our assignments—even in the face of fear. He calls us to respond with greater obedience to God, reminding us we can both rely on the power of God for deliverance and rejoice in our sufferings.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - July 13, 2024 - The Power to Overcome (Evil)

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🔴 Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
6:34 Offertory Prayer
10:10 The Power to Overcome (Evil)
10:46 God’s Word & You (Hebrews 4 verses 12–13 and 2 Peter 1 verses 3–4)
26:38 Joshua & the Judges
28:04 The Journey Begins with a Deliverance (Exodus 12 verses 31–36, Exodus 12 verses 40–42, Colossians 1 verses 12–14, and 2 Corinthians 1 verses 10–11)
38:00 Egypt, Slavery, and the Exodus
42:11 Observations from Joshua’s Journey
42:20 Entrance into the purposes of God is not a “partial commitment”
43:05 No story without the power of God as a routine part of the narrative
44:04 No shortage of challenges, opponents, and unanticipated obstacles
45:33 A tale of tremendous change
45:58 The challenge of obedience (Romans 12 verses 1–2, Luke 9 verses 23–24, Ephesians 1 verses 18–20, 1 Peter 4 verses 12–16, 1 Corinthians 6 verses 9–11, and 1 Corinthians 9 verses 26–27)
57:27 A Blessing (Numbers verses 24–26)

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.

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Christians Have Been Called to Influence Culture! | Allen Jackson Ministries
Christians Have Been Called to Influence Culture! | Allen Jackson Ministries 121gamers 0 Views • 3 days ago

This topical clip, "Christians Have Been Called to Influence Culture!" is from Pastor Allen Jackson's sermon, "Time to Lead" Watch the full sermon here:

Allen Jackson Ministries is the media ministry of World Outreach Church, an inter-denominational congregation located near Nashville, Tennessee. Our mission is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Pastor Allen Jackson has served as senior pastor of the church since 1989, and his biblical messages are broadcast to millions of people each day through radio, television, and the internet.

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Showing 16 out of 17