Religion & Spiritual

The Greatness of the Evidence | A Marvelous Work | Episode 1
The Greatness of the Evidence | A Marvelous Work | Episode 1 paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

Discover compelling evidence for the divinity of the Book of Mormon in “A Marvelous Work”.
In this premiere episode, Scott Christopher provides a glimpse into the topics he'll explore as he travels the world in search of evidence for the Book of Mormon.

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00:00 Introduction
02:36 Opening Interview
04:30 A Sunken City
15:07 A Place Called Nahom
21:09 Exploring Literary Evidence
23:55 Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon
28:04 Mounds
35:28 Closing Interview
39:49 Final Testimony
41:00 End Credits

If you would like to learn more about any of the topics in this video check out the links below:

Sunken Cities:


Valley of Lemuel:

Horse Bones:


Mounds of earth:


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The First Book Of Maccabees ⚔️ EXCLUDED From The Bible | Full Audiobook with Text
The First Book Of Maccabees ⚔️ EXCLUDED From The Bible | Full Audiobook with Text paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

📜 Explore the gripping historical saga of the Maccabean Revolt with 'The Book of First Maccabees.' This powerful narrative, from the original 1611 King James Bible and part of the Apocrypha, paints a vivid picture of Jewish resistance against the Seleucid Empire. Led by the valiant Judah Maccabee, this story is a testament to bravery and faith in the face of adversity.

🏛️ Immerse yourself in the complex political, religious, and cultural struggles of 2nd century BCE Judea. Our audiobook does not just recount events; it transports you to the heart of ancient times, where political intrigue and spiritual battles defined the era. Witness how the Maccabees fought not only for freedom but also for the preservation of their faith and traditions.

⚔️ This tale is more than a historical account; it's a journey through an era of courage, faith, and unwavering determination against overwhelming odds. The narrative delves into the intricate relationships and power dynamics that influenced the course of Jewish history. It highlights the resilience and resourcefulness of the Maccabees, whose legacy continues to inspire to this day.

📚 Perfect for history enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone interested in Jewish and biblical history, this offers a captivating and educational experience. With its detailed storytelling and engaging narration, 'The First Book of Maccabees' is a must-listen for anyone fascinated by the enduring tales of human resilience and the struggle for freedom.

💬 What stood out to you the most about 1 Maccabees? Share your key insights in the comments below.


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📖 Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Christopher Glyn, where the timeless beauty of ancient and sacred texts meets the modern art of narration.

➡️ As a seasoned Christian broadcaster and narrator, Christopher brings to life the rich tapestries of biblical and apocryphal literature. Here, you'll find beautifully narrated audiobooks like the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, the Apocrypha, and key selections from the King James Bible, including the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John.
➡️ Accompanied by read-along texts, these narrations are paired with insightful devotionals from revered authors like Charles Spurgeon and J.R. Miller. With one or two new videos posted each week, there's always something to deepen your understanding and enrich your faith.

Your support on this channel also aids in distributing audio Bibles in various African languages. So, subscribe and ring the bell (🔔) to never miss a video.

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⏰ Chapters:

00:00 The First Book of Maccabees
00:08 1MAC 01 - The Rise of Alexander the Great
09:57 1MAC 02 - The Revolt of Mattathias
19:59 1MAC 03 - Leadership of Judas Maccabeus
30:02 1MAC 04 - Victory over Nicanor and Cleansing of the Temple
39:47 1MAC 05 - Campaigns of Judas Maccabeus
51:50 1MAC 06 - Death of Antiochus Epiphanes
1:03:01 1MAC 07 - Battles of Judas Maccabeus
1:11:19 1MAC 08 - Alliance with Rome
1:17:24 1MAC 09 - Demetrius' Campaigns and Death of Judas
1:29:48 1MAC 10 - Leadership of Jonathan
1:44:48 1MAC 11 - Alliance with Trypho
1:57:24 1MAC 12 - Jonathan's Military Successes
2:06:21 1MAC 13 - Death of Jonathan
2:15:31 1MAC 14 - Simon's Leadership and Alliance with Rome
2:24:23 1MAC 15 - Reign of Simon and John Hyrcanus
2:31:42 1MAC 16 - Reign of Simon and John Hyrcanus (cont.d)

#christopherglyn #lostbooksofthebible #apocrypha #1maccabees #firstmaccabees

43 | Book of John | Read by Alexander Scourby | AUDIO & TEXT | FREE on YouTube | GOD IS LOVE!
43 | Book of John | Read by Alexander Scourby | AUDIO & TEXT | FREE on YouTube | GOD IS LOVE! paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

We hope you enjoyed HEARING the KJV Bible read by Alexander Scourby. If you noticed any GLITCHES in this reading, we invite you to try our NEWEST Playlist link below. It’s EXACTLY THE SAME, less the glitches. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Also see link below for Scourby KJV Bible master playlists that includes a Black screen with rain for meditation and sleeping, No 11 in the list. As well you will find a Scourby Playlist for the APOCRYPHA No 5 on the list, and many others. Just tap the link below, SAVE IT for instant ACCESS, and SHARE it with OTHERS.

Experience the POWER of TRUTH in the King James Bible in the “HEARING of God’s Word read by Alexander Scourby. Click the Playlist link below to HEAR the Entire KJV Bible with AUDIO and TEXT on YouTube, read by the Greatest Voice Ever Recorded, according to the Chicago Tribune. Save it for instant access anytime and anywhere 24/7, and share it with others.

KJV Bible Verses for your SI (Spiritual Intelligence) an internal Truth Algorithm for the Spirit.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Faith Cometh by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: John 16:13
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3

Inculcate your Spirit with the above truth Bible verses, as well as your other favorites, and ask God to reveal all TRUTH to you, as promised above.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, in truth and love. 2 John 1:3

Scourby YouBible Channel
© 1991 Litchfield Associates
All rights reserved | Duplication Prohibited.

Book of Enoch Explained
Book of Enoch Explained paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

The Book of Enoch Explained offers an in-depth analysis of this ancient text and its connections to ancient Mesopotamia. Although evidently widely known during the development of the Hebrew Bible canon, 1 Enoch was excluded from the formal canon of the Tanakh, the canon of the Septuagint and subsequently from the writings known today as the Deuterocanon. Why?

The first part of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the angel-human hybrids called Nephilim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's revelations and his visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions, and dreams. Most scholars believe that the five sections of Enoch were originally independent works (with different dates of composition), themselves a product of much editorial arrangement, and were only later redacted into what is now called 1 Enoch. However, the narrative is much older than even modern scholars acknowledge.

00:00 Introduction
06:26 The Book of the Watchers (consists of chapters 1–36)
14:44 The Book of Parables of Enoch (consists of chapters 37–71)
24:35 [Book of Noah within the Book of Parables]
33:26 The Astronomical Book (consists of chapters 72–82)
35:11 The Book of Dream Visions (consists of chapters 83–90)
44:05 The Epistle of Enoch (consists of chapters 91–108)
51:16 Enoch and the Anunnaki

Video Reference Links:
The Book of Enoch - Complete Narration:
Book of Secrets - 2 Enoch:

Affiliated Links:
The Book of Enoch Paperback (R.H. Charles)
The Complete Apocrypha: 2018 Edition with Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees

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BOOK OF DANIEL 📜 Apocalyptic Visions, Prophecies, Lion's Den | Full Audiobook With Text
BOOK OF DANIEL 📜 Apocalyptic Visions, Prophecies, Lion's Den | Full Audiobook With Text paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

📘 Embark on a profound and enlightening journey of the Book of Daniel from The Holy Bible, where the blend of history and prophecy offers an extraordinary exploration of faith and perseverance. Daniel's story takes you from his early days in Babylonian captivity, through his rise as a wise and discerning advisor to kings, to his prophetic visions that have captivated scholars and believers for centuries.

🌟 In Daniel, we delve into compelling themes such as faith under pressure, the sovereignty of God over empires and rulers, and the power of steadfastness in the face of adversity. The narratives, filled with dramatic episodes like the fiery furnace, the writing on the wall, and the lions' den, are intertwined with visions and prophecies that hold significant eschatological importance. This audio Bible brings these stories to life, offering a vivid and engaging experience of Daniel's journey through trials and revelations.

✨ Join us on this inspiring odyssey through one of the Bible's most intriguing books. The Book of Daniel is not merely a historical account; it's an invitation to explore the resilience of faith, the foresight of prophecy, and the profound mysteries of divine intervention. Discover the depth and richness of these biblical stories that have shaped centuries of theological thought and spiritual reflection.

💬 How did Daniel's experiences in the lion's den and interpreting dreams shape your understanding of faith and courage in difficult circumstances? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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📖 Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Christopher Glyn, where the timeless beauty of ancient and sacred texts meets the modern art of narration.

➡️ As a seasoned Christian broadcaster and narrator, Christopher Glyn brings to life the rich tapestries of biblical and apocryphal literature. Here, you'll find beautifully narrated audiobooks like the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, the Apocrypha, and books from the Audio Bible KJV, including the Book of Revelation and the Book of Isaiah.
➡️ Accompanied by read-along texts, these narrations are paired with insightful devotionals from revered authors like Charles Spurgeon and J.R. Miller. With one or two new videos posted each week, there's always something to deepen your understanding and enrich your faith.

Your support on this channel also aids in distributing audio Bibles in various African languages. So, subscribe and ring the bell (🔔) to never miss a video.

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⏰ Chapters:
00:00 The Book of Daniel
00:03 DAN 01 - Exile in Babylon
03:55 DAN 02 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
14:19 DAN 03 - The Fiery Furnace
21:10 DAN 04 - Nebuchadnezzar's Humiliation and Restoration
30:10 DAN 05 - The Writing on the Wall
37:17 DAN 06 - Daniel in the Lions' Den
43:55 DAN 07 - Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts
50:53 DAN 08 - Daniel's Vision of the Ram and the Goat
56:51 DAN 09 - Daniel's Prayer and the Seventy Weeks
1:03:49 DAN 10 - Daniel's Vision of a Man by the Tigris
1:08:14 DAN 11 - The Kings of the North and South
1:17:50 DAN 12 - The Time of the End

#ChristopherGlyn #bookofdaniel #theholybible #biblestories #audiobible #biblestudy #kjv

How The Sons of Fallen Angels Nearly Destroyed The World | The Book of Giants
How The Sons of Fallen Angels Nearly Destroyed The World | The Book of Giants paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

So it's probably about time we looked at the Book of Giants. Having already done an extensive series on the Book of Enoch (section 1, at least) I thought it would be both interesting and imperative to get the perspective of the giants, most notably Mahway. After all, these creatures never asked to be born and whilst they are most certainly evil, it would seem that there is more to them than just savage monsters, as the Book of Enoch tells us.

From my research, there exists two versions of the Book of Giants. First there is the one found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and secondly, there is the one found in Manichean. The Dead Sea Scroll version is arguably incomplete with its abrupt and almost vague ending, but the Manichean version provides a more definitive conclusion. In my efforts to convey a full story, I'll aim to conflate the two accounts and hopefully paint a more concise story for you. Yes, I've obviously taken some creative liberties and filled in some of the blanks with my own interpretation of what's available.







★ Recommended Videos ★

🎥 The Lesser Key of Solomon:

🎥 Exploring Dragons & Serpents:

🎥 Angels & Demons:

🎥 Mesopotamian Mythology:

🎥 Greek Mythology:

🎥 The Book of Enoch:

★ Chapters ★
0:00 Book of Giants Retelling
32:23 Analysis

- Book of Giants
- Giants
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Manichean
- Enoch
- Book of Enoch
- Mythology
- Watchers
- Nephilim

📚 Sources and Further Reading 📚

Book of Giants (online translation)

Book of Enoch (online translation)

🎨 Artwork/Illustrations by
Julis (
Karlo Lottersberger (
Iro Pagis (
Laura Giraud (

🎬 Animation by
Michael Merc (

🎶 Music by
Graham Plowman:​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher:​​​


The Book of Life Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Channing Tatum, Zoe Saldana Animated Movie HD
The Book of Life Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Channing Tatum, Zoe Saldana Animated Movie HD paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

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The Book of Life Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Channing Tatum, Zoe Saldana Animated Movie HD

From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge Gutierrez comes an animated comedy with a unique visual style. THE BOOK OF LIFE is the journey of Manolo, a young man who is torn between fulfilling the expectations of his family and following his heart. Before choosing which path to follow, he embarks on an incredible adventure that spans three fantastical worlds where he must face his greatest fears. Rich with a fresh take on pop music favorites, THE BOOK OF LIFE encourages us to celebrate the past while looking forward to the future.

The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released.

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Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you!

I Believe from the Book of Mormon Musical on the 65th Tony Awards.
I Believe from the Book of Mormon Musical on the 65th Tony Awards. paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

I Believe from the Book of Mormon Musical on the 65th Tony Awards.

Credits: CBS, Book of Mormon LLC, The Harry Fox Agency, Warner Chappell.

FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF ADAM AND EVE (The Conflict with Satan) - Full Audiobook
FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF ADAM AND EVE (The Conflict with Satan) - Full Audiobook paccione 0 Views • 2 months ago

An intriguing supplement to the Book of Genesis, “The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve” remains an ancient text of great interest to modern readers.

We are given intriguing insights into what life was like in the almost 1,600 years leading up to the biblical Great Flood of Noah, and how evil came to dominate the whole Earth due to Satan and the cursed Fallen Angels, who still seek to tempt, corrupt and destroy the world today.

These books bring out the astounding knowledge and dynamic details as to how emotional it was for Adam and Eve — physically and spiritually — to have to leave the Garden of Eden, where they had personal interaction with God the Father, and be thrust out into the physical world due to their disobedience.

When “The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve” were written and by whom remains a mystery. Parts of this ancient book are found in the Talmud, the Koran, and also in the early writings of the Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians, Abyssinians, Hebrews, and other ancient peoples, showing what a vital role it played in ancient wisdom literature.

This audiobook version is read by Christopher Glyn from the English translation by Dr. S.C. Malan, working from the Ethiopic translation of the Arabic original. It was first published in 1882 as part of “The Forgotten Books of Eden”.

💬 What intrigues you the most about the First and Second Books of Adam and Eve? Share your key insights in the comments below.


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📖 Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Christopher Glyn, where the timeless beauty of ancient and sacred texts meets the modern art of narration.

➡️ As a seasoned Christian broadcaster and narrator, Christopher brings to life the rich tapestries of biblical and apocryphal literature. Here, you'll find beautifully narrated audiobooks like the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, the Apocrypha, and key selections from the King James Bible, including the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John.
➡️ Accompanied by read-along texts, these narrations are paired with insightful devotionals from revered authors like Charles Spurgeon and J.R. Miller. With one or two new videos posted each week, there's always something to deepen your understanding and enrich your faith.

Your support on this channel also aids in distributing audio Bibles in various African languages. So, subscribe and ring the bell (🔔) to never miss a video.

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MYSTERY: THE BOOK OF REVELATION paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through
►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.

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The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you purchase from one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you), and this helps and allows us to continue to make videos like this.

BOOK OF ENOCH Part 1 | The Fallen Angels and Rise of the Nephilim| Full Audiobook with Text
BOOK OF ENOCH Part 1 | The Fallen Angels and Rise of the Nephilim| Full Audiobook with Text paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

Dive deep into the enigmatic world of the Book of Enoch, a text that has intrigued scholars, theologians, and seekers of wisdom for centuries. This segment of the Book of Enoch, spanning its first 36 chapters, delves into the celestial narrative concerning a group of angels known as the Watchers, who descend to Earth, become enamored with human women, and consequently give rise to a race of giants known as the Nephilim.

The narrative begins with Enoch's visionary experiences, through which he is transported to heaven and shown the workings of the universe, the secrets of creation, and the eventual judgment of the Watchers and their offspring. Enoch, a figure of immense righteousness and the great-grandfather of Noah, serves as an intermediary between the divine and the earthly, conveying messages of warning and judgment to the fallen angels.

Central to the "Book of the Watchers" is the story of the rebellion of these celestial beings. Led by their leaders, such as Azazel and Semjaza, the Watchers teach humanity various forbidden arts and knowledge, such as weaponry, cosmetics, astrology, and other secrets meant to be hidden from mankind. This transgression against the divine order leads to widespread corruption and violence on Earth, prompting a divine intervention.

The aftermath of this rebellion sets the stage for the narrative of the Great Flood, a divine judgment intended to cleanse the Earth of the corruption brought about by the Nephilim and the knowledge dispersed by the Watchers. The "Book of the Watchers" vividly describes Enoch's journey through the heavens and the Earth, his interactions with archangels, and his witnessing of the divine judgment and mercy.

💬 What stood out to you most about the Book of Enoch? Share your key insights in the comments below.


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📖 Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Christopher Glyn, where the timeless beauty of ancient and sacred texts meets the modern art of narration.

➡️ As a seasoned Christian broadcaster and narrator, Christopher brings to life the rich tapestries of biblical and apocryphal literature. Here, you'll find beautifully narrated audiobooks like the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, the Apocrypha, and key selections from the King James Bible, including the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John.

Your support on this channel also aids in distributing audio Bibles in various African languages. So, subscribe and ring the bell (🔔) to never miss a video.

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⏰ Chapters:

00:00 The Book of Watchers (Book of Enoch Part 1)
00:26 ENO 01 - The Words of the Blessing of Enoch
02:42 ENO 02 - The Elect and the Wicked
03:28 ENO 03 - The Fallen Angels
03:48 ENO 04 - The Names and Functions of the Fallen Angels
04:13 ENO 05 - The Sin of the Angels and the Punishment of the Earth
07:09 ENO 06 - The Fallen Angels Instruct Humans
08:49 ENO 07 - The Giants and Their Wickedness
09:44 ENO 08 - Azazel's Teachings and Punishment
10:46 ENO 09 - The Vision of the Burning Valley
12:58 ENO 10 - The Angels Imprisoned
18:13 ENO 11 - The Secrets of the Parables
18:48 ENO 12 - The Dream-Vision of Enoch
20:01 ENO 13 - The First Dream-Vision on the Deluge
21:58 ENO 14 - The Second Dream-Vision on the Deluge
26:50 ENO 15 - Enoch's Intercession for Azazel and the Fallen Angels
29:20 ENO 16 - Enoch's Vision of the New Heaven and Earth
30:26 ENO 17 - Enoch's Journey to the Ends of the Earth
31:47 ENO 18 - The Watchers' Oath
34:39 ENO 19 - The Coming Judgment
35:25 ENO 20 - Enoch's Prayer for Wisdom and Mercy
36:29 ENO 21 - The Twelve Mountains
38:26 ENO 22 - Enoch's Vision of the Heavenly Tablets
41:27 ENO 23 - The Weekly Cycle of the Heavenly Bodies
42:08 ENO 24 - The New Jerusalem
43:43 ENO 25 - The Resurrection of the Dead
45:25 ENO 26 - The Sun and Moon
46:34 ENO 27 - The Judgment of the Righteous and the Wicked
47:49 ENO 28 - The Valley of Judgment
48:16 ENO 29 - The Abyss of Fire
48:36 ENO 30 - The Fragrance of Righteousness
49:00 ENH 31 - The New Creation
49:32 ENO 32 - Enoch's Final Words
51:02 ENO 33 - The Mourning of the Righteous
52:06 ENO 34 - The Dwelling Places of the Righteous and the Elect
52:47 ENO 35 - The Joy of the Righteous
53:07 ENO 36 - The Final Judgment

#christopherglyn #lostbooksofthebible #bookofenoch #nephilim #watchers #fallenangels

Who Was Enoch And Why Is He Important To Us?
Who Was Enoch And Why Is He Important To Us? paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through
►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.

🎬Clips Channel🎬


Title: This is Why The Book Of Enoch Got Banned.


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Showing 52 out of 53