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The Sound of the 72 Shem HaMephorash Angels - Tonal Alchemy

5 Views • 08/12/24
3 Subscribers

An ambient aural experience of the Shem HaMephorash Angels adhering strictly to the Hebrew to Pitch correspondences from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

What you are hearing:
For each of the 72 angels, the first three letters/notes are played in order – followed by them being rung together as a chord an octave higher.

Enable Closed-Captioning to follow along numerically, view their Mathers’ Table pronunciation, and see the pitches being heard.

The spelling of the 72 angels themselves and the word Shem HaMephorash vary across many traditions and cultures – however, they all stem from the original triple-lettered Hebraic trigrams presented in this video.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn pitch correspondences below:

Aleph א = E
Mem ם מ = Ab
Shin ש = C
Beth ב = E
Gimel ג = Ab
Daleth ד = F# kaph ך כ = Bb
Peh ף פ = C
Resh ר = D
Tau ת = A
Heh ה = C
Vav ו = C# zayin ז = D
Cheth ח = Eb
Teth ט = E
Yod י = F
Lamed ל = F# nun ן נ = G
Samekh ס = Ab
Ayin ע = A
Tzaddi ץ צ = Bb
Qoph ק = B

For further study:

Composed and Produced by Shawn Michael
© 2022 Ambient Esoterica


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