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The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity - Part Two
The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity - Part Two paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity, by Ralph Macchio, Part Two.
(chapters 6 - 10)
This book chronicles the replacement of an original Christianity which was diverse and Gnostic in character by an orthodox pseudo-theology defined by a narrow set of doctrines quite different in scope and spirit. If it shatters any image, it is the myth that there was an "original" Christianity, somewhat in the image of modern fundamentalism, where all held to the four Gospels, the concept of Jesus as God, His death for our sins, the resurrection of the body at the last day, etc. Rather it lifts the curtain on a profoundly different "original" Christianity--a rich set of doctrines in the Gnostic tradition defined across many sects existing at Christianity's very earliest beginnings including even the communities and teachings of St. Paul and the Nazorean community at Jerusalem, and including doctrines of reincarnation, the origins of evil in a class of beings called "archons," the preexistence of souls, the divine spark in each, therefore the divinity of each--all befitting the universalist character Jesus in fact had. And it chronicles the grim, often political and ultimately violent destruction of this diversity and these doctrines by the end of the fourth century, their replacement by a stark orthodoxy of distorted and narrowed dogmas, the destruction or suppression of the many gospels by an arbitrary and edited canon of four, and the concomitant establishment of a power structure set in a hierarchy which moved increasingly to the denial of freedom of belief and its final alliance with the power of the state.


VI. The Emergence of Orthodoxy

The Misuse of the Old Testament-Clement of Rome
Ignatius of Antioch
The Power Politics of Orthodoxy
The Emergence of Creed
Ignatius Attacks Sectarian Christian Communities
Marcion-Marcion Formulates the First New Testament Canon

VII. The Great Schools of Christian Gnosis

Basilides' Doctrine of Reincarnation
The Doctrine of the Three Natures
The School of Valentinus
Valentinian Literature-The Gospel Of Truth
The Valentinian Sacraments
The Doctrine of the Resurrection

VIII. The Orthodox Movement Formulates "Anti-Christian-Gnostic" Theology"

Justin Martyr
The Doctrine of the Incarnation of the Word
The Resurrection of the Body

IX. Irenaeus and the Formulation of Orthodox Pseudo-Theology

The Doctrine of Deity
Origins Of Christianity
The Doctrine of the Logos and Christ
The Doctrine of Salvation
Irenaeus Fabricates His Own Apostolic Succession
The Myth of the Orthodox Apostolic Succession
Cyprian of Carthage

X. Origen of Alexandria and the Golden Age of Christian Theology

The Catechetical School at Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria
Origen-The Synthesis of Christian Orthodoxy and Christian Gnosis
The Theology of Origen
The Trinity
Origen on the Doctrine of Christ
Origen on the Fall of Souls
Origen on the Fallen Angels
Origen's Doctrine of Salvation
Origen and Reincarnation
The Golden Age of Christian Theology
The Attack on Origen

Decoding Gnosticism: Secrets of a Heretical Christian Belief
Decoding Gnosticism: Secrets of a Heretical Christian Belief paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

Visit to shop from Bart Ehrman’s online courses and get a special discount by using code: MJPODCAST on all courses.

By far the most mysterious, intriguing, and widely-interesting ancient "heresy" was Gnosticism. But what exactly is it and why does it matter? In this episode we consider the basic ideas that lay behind the Gnostic religions and explore just how radically different they are from the views that came to be regarded as orthodox. How could these religions be considered Christian if they didn't think Jesus' death mattered? How could they consider the God of the Old Testament to be a lower level and inferior divinity, and this material universe to be a cosmic disaster? Did Gnostics have their own Scriptures? Did they use the books that later became the New Testament? If so, why didn't they just admit their views were wrong? We will address these and other issues in this exploration of the highly unusual world of Christian Gnosticism.

This week, Bart and Megan talk about:

-What are some of the commonalities we see in different Gnostic groups?

-How does Jesus feature in this dualistic, spiritual/material world, and does it play into his identity as divine-human?
-xWhere does YHWH, the god of the Hebrew Bible, come into this? Is he the divine being, an Aeon, what is he?

-You said it’s the goal of the Gnostics to get back to the Pleroma, how is this to be done?

-Did the Gnostics use different religious texts from the proto-Orthodox?

-How did the proto-Orthodox groups go about combating the Gnostics?

-How did the Gnostics try and claim that they were correct, versus the proto-Orthodox?

-How does the afterlife work for Gnostics? Gnostics already see the material world as being “hellish”, so are there gradations of heaven?

-Do we know how they went about identifying which people had the spark of Sophia?

-Do we have a sense of how widespread gnosticism was in the ancient world?

-Do you think that the potential widespread nature of Gnosticism owe anything to the mystery cults of the Classical world?

-Did the Gnostics hold to the theory of atonement, or do we just not know?

The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks
The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains how to rephrase the question that stops Christians in their tracks.

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The Gnostic Gospels and Orthodox Christianity | Bible Hunters
The Gnostic Gospels and Orthodox Christianity | Bible Hunters paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

Charles Freeman A New History of Early Christianity :This stimulating history of early Christianity revisits the extraordinary birth of a world religion and gives a new slant on a familiar story. The relevance of Christianity is as hotly contested today as it has ever been. A New History of Early Christianity shows how our current debates are rooted in the many controversies surrounding the birth of the religion and the earliest attempts to resolve them. Charles Freeman’s meticulous historical account of Christianity from its birth in Judaea in the first century A.D. to the emergence of Western and Eastern churches by A.D. 600 reveals that it was a distinctive, vibrant, and incredibly diverse movement brought into order at the cost of intellectual and spiritual vitality. Against the conventional narrative of the inevitable “triumph” of a single distinct Christianity, Freeman shows that there was a host of competing Christianities, many of which had as much claim to authenticity as those that eventually dominated. Looking with fresh eyes at the historical record, Freeman explores the ambiguities and contradictions that underlay Christian theology and the unavoidable compromises enforced in the name of doctrine.
Jamesian Jewish Christianity represented by the Ebionites was too close to Earth and Gnostic Christianity was too exclusive and close to heaven. The Pauline theology had the middle ground that was able to be universal and flexible.

Uncovering the difficulties in establishing the Christian church, he examines its relationship with Judaism, Gnosticism, Greek philosophy and Greco-Roman society, and he offers dramatic new accounts of Paul, the resurrection, and the church fathers and emperors.Christians have proved oddly unwilling to dig into the particularities of their faith, beyond familiarizing themselves with a few tentpole doctrines. They share this reluctance with one of Christianity’s most spectacular converts, the Roman emperor Constantine, who credited his victory at the Milvian Bridge in A.D. 312 to the auspices of the Christian deity, despite not knowing much about Christianity, including the degree to which it was riven by sectarian disagreement. The following year, Constantine co-issued the Edict of Milan, granting Christians the right to practice their faith unmolested.
In “The Triumph of Christianity,” Ehrman describes the Edict of Milan (which was neither an edict nor written in Milan) as the Western world’s first known government document to proclaim the freedom of belief.
When the emperor Valentinian II removed the altar of the goddess Victory from the Roman Senate house in A.D. 382, for instance, a pagan statesman named Symmachus reminded him, “This worship subdued the world.”
When Constantine converted, the New Testament didn’t formally exist and Christians disagreed on basic theological concepts, among them how Jesus and God were related.
Christianity went far beyond henotheism’s hesitant claim upon ultimate truth. It was an exclusivist faith that foreclosed — was designed to foreclose — devotion to all other deities. Yet it was different from Judaism, which was just as exclusivist but crucially lacked a missionary impulse.
Ehrman, summarizing the argument of the social historian Ramsay MacMullen, imagines a crowd of 100 pagans watching a persuasive Christian debate an equally persuasive adherent of the healing god Asclepius: “What happens to the overall relationship of (inclusive) paganism and (exclusive) Christianity? … Paganism has lost 50 worshipers and gained no one, whereas Christianity has gained 50 worshipers and lost no one.” Thus, Christian believers go from roughly 1,000 in A.D. 60, to 40,000 in A.D. 150, to 2.5 million in A.D. 300. Ehrman allows that these raw numbers may look “incredible. But in fact they are simply the result of an exponential curve.” At a certain point, math took over. (Mormonism, which has been around less than 200 years, has seen comparable rates of growth.)

The diversity of early Christianity met the bottleneck of the Roman Jewish wars where adaptation and survival were paramount on what was transmitted and protected. With the crushing Roman victories over the Jews the story could not be carried by Apocalyptic Judaism alone it had to be a story that carried within it the Universalism of Hellenism and the familiarity of the mystery cults within the Roman Empire. Who has the best (adaptable and inclusive) universal story and who can survive the sword and eventually wield the sword itself was important in what story could sit on the throne of orthodoxy. The Story must be able to reach universally (Apostle Paul/Gospels) and it must be protected and propagated with the Sword (When Christianity became the official religion of Rome) The Gnostics were too exclusive and too close to heaven to win the battle on Earth. Secret knowledge vs universal knowledge.

The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity -  Part One
The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity - Part One paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

The Christian Conspiracy: The Orthodox Suppression of Original Gnostic Christianity, by Ralph Macchio, Part One.
(chapters 1 - 5)
This book chronicles the replacement of an original Christianity which was diverse and Gnostic in character by an orthodox pseudo-theology defined by a narrow set of doctrines quite different in scope and spirit. If it shatters any image, it is the myth that there was an "original" Christianity, somewhat in the image of modern fundamentalism, where all held to the four Gospels, the concept of Jesus as God, His death for our sins, the resurrection of the body at the last day, etc. Rather it lifts the curtain on a profoundly different "original" Christianity--a rich set of doctrines in the Gnostic tradition defined across many sects existing at Christianity's very earliest beginnings including even the communities and teachings of St. Paul and the Nazorean community at Jerusalem, and including doctrines of reincarnation, the origins of evil in a class of beings called "archons," the preexistence of souls, the divine spark in each, therefore the divinity of each--all befitting the universalist character Jesus in fact had. And it chronicles the grim, often political and ultimately violent destruction of this diversity and these doctrines by the end of the fourth century, their replacement by a stark orthodoxy of distorted and narrowed dogmas, the destruction or suppression of the many gospels by an arbitrary and edited canon of four, and the concomitant establishment of a power structure set in a hierarchy which moved increasingly to the denial of freedom of belief and its final alliance with the power of the state.


Introduction: Why a "Conspiracy"?

I. The Lost and Hidden Years in the Life of Jesus

The Hidden Years of Jesus
The Secret Facts about the Crucifixion.
Did Jesus Spend His Heaven Doing Good on Earth?
The Final Mahasamadhi.

II. The Oldest Christian Sects

Part I: The Gnostic Theology of Paul

Christ as Archtypal Man
Christ as Indwelling Presence
Paul's Teaching on the Resurrection and Preexistence of Souls
The Hidden Wisdom of Paul - "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory"
Paul's Teaching on the Vicarious Atonement

III. The Oldest Christian Sects, Communities and Their Teachings

Part II: Nazorean or Jewish Christianity

The Nazoreans
The Virgin Birth and the Sonship of Jesus
Preexistence and Reincarnation in Early Christian Teachings
The Qumran Essenes and the Nazorean-Christians
The Fall of the Rebel Angels and Watchers The Doctrine of Embodied Evil
The Nephilim

IV. Brief Scenario of Early Christian History Introduction

V. The Lost Christianity of the Original Sects
30 A.D. - 120 A.D.

Christian Sects in Samaria
The Seth Connection
The School of Simon Menander and Satornilos
Christian-Gnostic Sects on Evil
The Ophite Christian Sect
Lost Christianity's Most Suppressed Teaching - A Usurper Deity as the Cause of Evil
The God Called "Man"
Strategies of Light and Darkness
The Origin of the Doctrine of Original Sin
The Naassenes - Christ as Unveiler of the Mysteries
Did Jesus Die on the Cross - the Docetists
The Teaching of Cerinthus - A "Secret Doctrine" of Matthew?
Carpocrates and the Secret Gospel of Mark

GNOSTICISM is TRUE paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

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Dr. Bilby's iterative open science book demonstrating a new scientific solution to retrieve and reconstruct the earliest gospel strata may be found at
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Dr. Mark G. Bilby holds a PhD from the University of Virginia, graduating in 2012 from its program
in Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity, which combined the study of Early Christianity, New
Testament, Greco-Roman Classics, Rabbinics, and TaNaKh studies. Mark also earned a Masters in
Library and Information Science from Drexel University in 2012, and previously completed two
masters degrees in theology from Nazarene Theological Seminary. He also completed coursework in Syriac at Notre Dame and French and Latin at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Mark has
taught at numerous universities, including Iowa State University, Point Loma Nazarene University,
the University of San Diego, Azusa Pacific University, Claremont School of Theology, and Cal State
Fullerton. At Claremont, Mark served as a Reference and Systems librarian as well as the thesis
secretary for their doctoral programs. He also served for six years as faculty librarian of Scholarly
Communications at Cal State Fullerton, where he led the successful passage of two resolutions
related to open access in the statewide academic senate of the CSU. Mark has published one scholarly monograph with the University of Strasbourg and edited two scholarly book compilations, one with Claremont Press and one with Abingdon. He has published peer-reviewed articles in Harvard Theological Review, the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, the de Gruyter Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, and the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. He has contributed chapters to numerous peer-reviewed scholarly compilations, including all three volumes of the More New Testament Apocrypha series edited by Tony Burke and published by Eerdmans.

Marcion of Sinope
( 85 – c. 160) was an early Christian theologian in early Christianity. Marcion preached that God had sent Jesus Christ who was an entirely new, alien god, distinct from the "vengeful" God who had created the world. He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, whom he believed to have been the only true apostle of Jesus Christ; his doctrine is called Marcionism. Marcion published the earliest record of a canon of New Testament books.

Early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian denounced Marcion as a heretic, and he was excommunicated by the church of Rome around 144. He published his own canon of Christian sacred scriptures, which contained ten Pauline epistles (the Pastoral epistles were not included) and the Gospel of Marcion which historically is claimed to be an edited version of the Gospel of Luke. Several modern scholars have theorized that Marcion's Gospel was the oldest, although this has received strong criticism as it seems to rest on special pleading.

This made Marcionism a catalyst in the process of the development of the New Testament canon by forcing the proto-orthodox Church to respond to his canon.

#gnosticinformant #christianity #marcion

Change Your Thoughts: CHANGE EVERYTHING - Bruce Lipton
Change Your Thoughts: CHANGE EVERYTHING - Bruce Lipton paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

Speaker: Bruce Lipton PhD
Bruce is the author of "The Biology of Belief"

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How To REPROGRAM Your Mind While You Sleep To Heal The BODY & MIND! | Bruce Lipton
How To REPROGRAM Your Mind While You Sleep To Heal The BODY & MIND! | Bruce Lipton paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

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Have you ever felt held back by a habit or pattern of thinking that you feel powerless to break? Or perhaps felt frustrated by a loved one’s failure to see mistakes they’re repeating? The reason it’s so hard, says today’s guest, is that these actions are programmed into our subconscious minds from early childhood. And they affect not just our behaviour but our whole experience of life and even our risk of disease. The chances are we’re completely unaware of these programs but, importantly, we can change them.


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Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future And A Way To Get There From Here US: UK:
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles US: UK:

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Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life | DR. BRUCE LIPTON (Amazing Motivational Video)
Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life | DR. BRUCE LIPTON (Amazing Motivational Video) paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life | DR. BRUCE LIPTON (Amazing Motivational Video)

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