Religion & Spiritual

Should we read books that are not part of the Bible?
Should we read books that are not part of the Bible? paccione 3 Views • 2 months ago

Frank is often asked the question: “What books should be in the Bible?” which leads to other questions like, “The Roman Catholics and Protestants have different books in their Bibles; why?” It is important that we know how we got our Bible and why some books were rejected. Even though some books did not make it into the Biblical canon, does that mean they hold no value? Frank explains the answer to these three questions here. Check it out!

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#Canon #Bible #BooksInTheBible #QuestionsAboutTheBible #Christianity #Christians #Apologetics #Apocrypha #ChristianApologetics #CrossExamined #CrossExaminingIdeasAgainstTheTruthOfChristianity #DrFrankTurek #IDontHaveEnoughFaithToBeAnAtheist

REMOVED from Church History: Mystics who SHAPED Christianity
REMOVED from Church History: Mystics who SHAPED Christianity paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago
Please Consider joining my Patreon to help finding scholars to bring on. Any amount helps me. Thank you existing Patrons.

Most Christians don’t learn anything about the earliest Christian history.
Those who do, typically learn a canned narrative telling you how the church of popes and martyrs won out against external enemies (called “pagans”) and internal enemies (called “heretics”).

It’s time to stop ignoring the creators of early Christianity. It’s time to stop
marginalizing figures whose life and thought is so helpful for developing an authentic and philosophically-informed spirituality today. It’s time to embrace the heretics as the true fathers and mothers of a spiritual assembly. If Jesus spoke to the poor and the outcast, he spoke to heretics.

What united these figures? One simple thing: gnosis. Gnosis is not
information, it is deep knowledge, redeeming knowledge, transformative
learning. Christians who preached secret knowledge were called gnostics. In some cases, they called themselves gnostics. In others, they were called gnostics by their enemies.

A gnostic is a knower—a person who takes faith and transmutes it into spiritual knowledge. They stated reasons for their faith, and spoke in terms that transcended normal rationality. They were not afraid to speak against the majority, or to be countercultural. In being disruptive and radical, they followed the pattern set by Jesus himself.
Please Consider joining my Patreon to help finding scholars to bring on. Any amount helps me. Thank you existing Patrons.

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00:00:00 - Borborites Gospel of Mary Intro
00:02:52 - Epiphanius of Salamis Against the Nicolaitans
00:08:00 - Gnostics & Heretics
00:10:59 - Marcion of Sinope
00:13:00 - Marcion's Validity
00:16:39 - Marcionite Ditheism
00:20:43 - Marcion's Heresy
00:23:50 - Marcion in Context
00:29:38 - Marcion goes to Rome
00:33:15 - Simon Magus: Ultimate Heretic
00:37:17 - Great Declaration
00:39:16 - Simon the Universalist
00:41:42 - Simon the Samaritan
00:45:00 - Carpocrates & Carpocrations
00:47:05 - Epiphanes
00:48:05 - On Justice
00:50:10 - Carpocration Jesus
00:52:19 - Marcellina
00:57:52 - Epiphanes' Apotheosis
00:58:55 - Secret Mark
01:00:31 - Naassenes
01:01:26 - Naassene Preacher Sermon
01:06:44 - Phyrgian Great Mother
01:09:08 - Who are the Naassenes?
01:14:18 - Mystery Cults
01:16:23 - Nag Hammadi Codices

#gnosticinformant #gnosticism #earlychristianity

Lord Blasphemate - Opus Gnosticum Satannae (Eglesia Luciferian Gnostic Cannon Missae)
Lord Blasphemate - Opus Gnosticum Satannae (Eglesia Luciferian Gnostic Cannon Missae) paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

Melodic Black Death Metal Band From Brazil

Shakti , Our Lady of Babalon .
Scarlet Woman OF Hierophants ,
Priestess and oracle , goddess and whore.
Draws your veil and reveals the mysteries of the serpent.
Teach your Vama Marga - Marga Dakshina .
Let me step inside in thy womb
and my sword find your calyx.
The creation of the To Soma Heliakon , my solar child.
Priestess of the temple of Eleusis ,
Thy mystical Kalas roam my body
And your rubiae stellae is jewelry that kiss.
In Eucharistic communion of Viparita Maituna .
Unite water and fire, Shin and Teth ,
Mercury and sulfur, which creates the Azoth
It is a flame that burns without burning .
My Star Sapphire .
The priest is your slave
Your flower is the host of the Eucharist that I put in my mouth
And it reveals the arcane Hierophant of the Arcanum Arcanorum
“Evoe ho . I acchel
Epelthon.epelthon . Evoe . Iao “.
Scream priests and prostitutes at the time of communion
The bread and wine is the Phallus which houses the womb .
Divine Shakti dance with me .
Lead me through the valleys adorned with stars
And abide the altars of the land where Hierophant build their temples .
Songs chant the divine Khali Nahemah .
And his passions immolate on the altar of desire .
Goddess Kundaline , serpentine fire that ascends to heaven .
Burning my flesh , in orgiático erotic feast.
Nullifies my self and my body rebuilds .
It shatters my spirit takes me with gold,
To that inhabits the cradle of the beginning of time .
To Soma Heliakon

Tu Venus orta mari venias tu filia Patris,
Exaudi penis carmina blanda, precor,
Ne sit culpa mates nobis furuisse viriles,

Sed caleat cunnus semper amore meo

Gnosticism: History, Cosmology, and Modern Resurgence
Gnosticism: History, Cosmology, and Modern Resurgence paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

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This is spiritual studies session 3. Ancient Gnosticism is only known to us by grace of discovering texts long buried. This early form of Christianity took a polarizing stance, melding with other elements of the ancient past, Judaism, paganism, Neo-Platonism, etc. This talk gives an overview of the cosmogeny, cosmology, it's context, and its place in history.

Who Chose the Books of the New Testament?
Who Chose the Books of the New Testament? paccione 1 Views • 2 months ago

Wondrium allows you to stream 8,000+ hours of lectures and documentaries in the areas of history, religion, and science, including several courses by Dr. Ehrman. *Sign up for a free trial at

Visit to shop from Bart Ehrman’s online courses and get a special discount by using code: MJPODCAST on all courses.

In this episode, Megan and Bart discuss the "origin of the canon," meaning: who chose the books that made it into the Bible, and why did they choose these 27?" They address related issues, such as:

-books, letters, and gospels that were considered authoritative by some early Christians, but were ultimately rejected on one basis or another

-early New Testament manuscripts that actually DO contain some rejected texts

-criteria that were used to determine which texts to include

-proto-orthodox church fathers and their influence

-what information early church fathers did--and did not--have to base their decisions on

*Advertising Disclaimer: We are an affiliate partner for Wondrium, so if you sign up for a paid plan with them, we will earn a commission. This in no way affects your price and you’ll be supporting our show, so we thank you.

Did Augustine Corrupt The Church With Gnostic Doctrine? Beyond Augustine Documentary - Jesse Morrell
Did Augustine Corrupt The Church With Gnostic Doctrine? Beyond Augustine Documentary - Jesse Morrell paccione 2 Views • 2 months ago

This video is a chapter out of Jesse Morrell's book, "The Natural Ability of Man: A Study on Free Will & Human Nature." Buy it here:


Beyond Augustine is a church history and theological documentary that examines the free will debate in light of the Early Church and the Gnostics. Did Augustine corrupt the church with Manichean or Gnostic doctrine? Is Calvinism or Reformed Theology really orthodox and historic Christianity, as Calvinists claim? Or are the Calvinists and Augustinians the spiritual descendants of the Gnostics and Manicheans? Were the Pelagians really the heretics in their free will debate with Augustine? These are the type of controversial questions Jesse Morrell examines in this documentary.

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