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Breaking Addictions
Breaking Addictions cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

Do you have an addiction that needs to be broken? Joyce shares with you the first step you have to take to break any addiction. Joyce was addicted to cigarettes for years but God set her free and He will do the same for you. Watch now and share it with anyone who needs to be set free.
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YOUTUBE: Full Episodes of Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life:
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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Living An Exciting Life! | Joyce Meyer
Living An Exciting Life! | Joyce Meyer cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

The key to real enjoyment in your life is knowing that God is working on all your problems! Joyce explains how this works in practical ways.
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YOUTUBE: Full Episodes of Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life:
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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.


Personal Message From Wendy | God TV
Personal Message From Wendy | God TV cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

Wendy Alec shares in detail about the breakdown of her marriage and her hopes for restoration. She reassures viewers that GOD TV will continue and prophetically decrees she will persevere in stewarding GOD TV to accomplish its mandate. She also addresses unfounded allegations, setting the record straight.

GOD TV trustees, Steve Beik and Canon Andrew White open this important broadcast that deals with GOD TV's announcement that Rory Alec has stepped down. "GOD TV is doing the work of God, which the evil one wants to destroy." says Andrew White, "We sense brokenness, but are assured God is not finished with GOD TV."

Steve Beik, who is GOD TV's Chief of Staff tells viewers the network is here to stay, that its mission has not changed, and thanks viewers for their continued support.

Wendy Alec stresses this broadcast is for every viewer and partner who has stood with the ministry as they are the reason GOD TV exists. "I want to explain this very hard situation that has been so difficult for our GOD TV family, for our staff and for Rory and I and our children," she says, "That's what families do, they share truth.

"Through these seven months, one thing has never changed. God has been so faithful and there have been times when I've felt He has carried me. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I have absolute trust in God. From this time forth there is going to be the release of a prophetic fire mantle on GOD TV that is going to hang the enemy on his own gallows for this attack on GOD TV. We will expand and explode and this mantle is going to bring the glory of God like never before."

Watch Wendy sharing from her heart as well as messages of support from key Christian leaders and ministry friends. Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Redding calls viewers to throw their weight behind GOD TV. Kim Clement says that until he as a prophet can see that Rory's seat can no longer filled, there is still hope. He appeals for Rory to return to his God-given calling.

Patricia King says that the media carries the greatest spiritual attack and asks how believers should react when leaders falter. "By speaking the truth in love which shows mercy," she says. Lois Gott speaks about the need for valiant intercessors to rise up to pray for GOD TV and how heartache is often the precursor of revival.

Cindy Jacobs encourages Wendy with a prophetic word. "No person built this network, God built this network and the Lord says, 'I AM the foundation, if My people stand behind Wendy, the media anointing of Isaiah 52:7 shall continue. Daughter I have anointed and appointed you for this battle, the angels you have written about are doing battle and My angels are greater than any demon'."

Cindy also breaks a spirit of grief over viewers. "We are going to rise above this, we as family together. We are taking the battle to the heavens and we're going to win."

E-mail Wendy and the team at Keep Calm and Carry On -

सामर्थी वचन-Power Words | It’s Supernatural | Sid Roth & Zadai | GOD TV Hindi
सामर्थी वचन-Power Words | It’s Supernatural | Sid Roth & Zadai | GOD TV Hindi cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

“एक औसतन व्यक्ति सामर्थी वचन को दोहराते हुए, इस संसार में कैसे परमेश्वर के राज्य को स्थापित कर सकता है?”

सिद् रौथ का पालन-पोषण एक पारंपरिक यहूदी परिवार में हुआ था। धार्मिक परम्पराओं से वह कभी संतुष्ट नहीं हुए और उनका जीवन नियंत्रण से बाहर हो गया। सिद् की यीशु के साथ एक अलौकिक मुलाक़ात हो गई, जिसके बाद से उन्होंने यीशु को यहूदी मसीहा घोषित करना शुरू कर दिया।

GOD TV को सन् 1995 में यूरोप में प्रथम दैनिक मसीही चैनल के रूप में लाँच किया गया था। उस दिन से यह विश्व के मसीही मीडिया मे एक अग्रदूत बनकर अपने अत्याधुनिक और जीवन बदलनेवाले कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से कलीसिया के भविष्य को बदल रहा है।

सिद् रौथ के बारे में और जानकारी पाएं:

GOD TV से यहाँ संपर्क करें:

हमें सोशल मिडिया में संपर्क करें:

Yeshua - Crafted Within Scripture | Rapid Fire Messianic Prophecy
Yeshua - Crafted Within Scripture | Rapid Fire Messianic Prophecy cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

Continuing in rapid-fire succession, Rabbi provides 5 more messianic revelations that narrow the focus of Jesus as the Messiah and Savior of the World.
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Series: Rapid Fire Messianic Prophecy
Episode: 2 of 3
***** Access Rabbi's Teaching Notes for this episode:-
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Episode 1:
Episode 3: Coming Soon
00:00 Introduction
00:48 The Messiah would be born supernaturally
04:36 The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
06:15 The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger.
08:50 The Messiah will preach the gospel, "The Good News"
12:42 The Messiah's ministry would primarily take place in Galilee

Who was the First Fruit? | Yeshua, the First Fruit of Resurrection
Who was the First Fruit? | Yeshua, the First Fruit of Resurrection cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

The Feast of First Fruits:
Begins sunset Friday, April 7th
ends nightfall Saturday April 8th.

Many believers know that Jesus died for our sins and that it allows us to go to heaven; however, many often struggle to express why they believe in heaven and in the resurrection of Yeshua. Join Rabbi, as he reminds us that our belief hinges on Yeshua's resurrection and why we should be confident in this reality.

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Series: Yeshua, the First Fruit of Resurrection
Episode 1 of 2
***** Access Rabbi's Teaching Notes for this episode:-
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Episode 2 of 2:
first fruits offering 2023
feast of firstfruits
passover 2023

What is a HUSBAND'S ROLE in MARRIAGE? | CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE ADVICE cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

In this video, I talk about the husband's role in marriage. Most men and women find out too late, but you can never turn back time to do things over. Watch the full video to understand what your role is in the marriage as the husband.


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I have another YouTube channel that is focused on style, fitness, grooming, and lifestyle vlogs and it is called DLM MEN'S LIFESTYLE. This is the first channel that I started on YouTube, with the goal of learning how to make quality content that brings value to people's lives and to reach a different audience.
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In this video, we look at the husband's role in marriage and give you biblical Christian marriage advice. The divorce rate increased by more than double in the last four decades and it is having a devastating effect on the world. So in this video, I take some time to look at the bible and explain to you what a godly husband really is. What is a husband's role in marriage? DO you really know? If not, then watch the full video to understand God's guide for marriage.

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Growing Together, Not Apart | What God Wants For You In Your Marriage
Growing Together, Not Apart | What God Wants For You In Your Marriage cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

Growing Together, Not Apart | What God Wants For You In Your Marriage

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Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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The “Biblical View of Marriage
The “Biblical View of Marriage cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

00:00 Part I: Key Terms
2:40 Part II: Polygyny, Productivity, and Barrenness
5:49 Part III: Adultery, R@pe, Virginity, and Intermarriage
8:03 Part IV: Jesus' Teachings on Marriage
8:56 Part V: Alternative Families

During the Fall of 2020, my college course on the "Theologies of Gender and Identity" was forced to go virtual. This video is one of the pre-recorded lectures from that course that I would like to share with a larger audience. Feel free to respectfully comment and question and I will respond in kind.

This is the 7th Lecture in the Series, explaining the Biblical View of Marriage.

Recommended Reading:
"Marriage and Relations in the World of the Hebrew Bible" by Ken Stone
"Marriage and Relations in the New Testament World" by William Loader
"The Construction of Gender in the New Testament" by Colleen M. Conway

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Sneak Preview:
Did you know that there is no single biblical view of marriage and in fact, there’s not a single word in the Bible that corresponds to the English word “marriage” as we know it? How do we know then something like a “marriage” took place? In most cases, men are the subjects and women are the objects of transactions that constitute marriage. When the Holy Bible describes men “taking”, “giving,” and “bringing” women and other goods to create, mediate, and strengthen alliances among men, that’s when we know! For instance, Genesis 4:19 says “Lamech took for himself two women.” Translators like the New Revised Standard Version add the phrase “in marriage” without explicit linguistic justification as a way to relate to contemporary audiences. The words typically translated as “husband” and “wife” are generally used elsewhere in the Bible to refer to a “man” and “woman”: ish and ishshah. Adam and Eve, who are usually understood to be the first example of a marriage never actually got married in the Bible and the word “Wife” here is actually just “woman.” Gen 3:16 God explicitly says to the woman that her man “will rule over her.” At that moment, man then names the woman, reducing her to the status of cattle which serve as a functional utility in relation to man. The most common Hebrew term for a family or household literally translates to “the house of the father.” Two additional words that are sometimes translated into English as “husband”: ba’al (master) and adon (lord). So when translators use words like “marriage” and “husband”, they are doing so to suppress the language of male rule, since these are the same words used to describe relations between master and slave, and the relations between deities and their worshippers.

Here are some examples:
o Gen 18: “my husband is old” = “my master/lord is old.” (adon)
o Deut 24:4 NRSV refers to a woman’s “first husband” = “her first master” (baal)
o Deut 24:1 “Suppose a man enters into marriage with a woman” = “If a man takes a woman and he becomes her lord.”
o Isaiah 62:5 says a man “marries” a young woman, the Hebrew uses the verbal form of baal to indicate that he has become lord or master over her.

Did you ever wonder why in a traditional wedding ceremony the bride’s father walks his daughter down the aisle towards the groom to be met with the question, “ “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” Or even before that day, why a man traditionally asks permission to marry a father’s daughter? Because women were considered the property of men. The exchange of daughters alongside animals and other property served to establish alliances and obligations between kinship groups. This is quite apparent when you examine the 9th and 10th commandments, when you see a “wife” grouped alongside an ox and a slave.

In short, biblical marriage meant male ownership of women who existed solely for sexual pleasure and productivity. Upon marriage, a woman’s property and her body became the possession of her new husband. As the head of the household, men usually between the ages of 18-24 years old had nearly unlimited rights over wives and children. A woman became available for men’s possession soon after she reached puberty (usually 11-13 years old), that is when she became physically able to produce children.

A Meaningful Marriage | 1 Corinthians 7-9
A Meaningful Marriage | 1 Corinthians 7-9 cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

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From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God’s Word in all ways.

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God Has Called You to Marriage IF These 5 Bible Verses Apply to You
God Has Called You to Marriage IF These 5 Bible Verses Apply to You cashinvids 4 Views • 2 years ago

What does the Bible say about being called to marriage or singleness? How can you know if God wants you to get married one day or stay single? Here are 5 Bible verses about the call to get married rather than remaining single.

(COURSES and EMAIL COACHING) AGW University: Relationship Training for Christian Singles:


100 Relationship Signs: How to Know What God Is Saying to You in Singleness and Dating:

The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage:

The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness:

Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory:

Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation:

Never Quit: A 5 Week Small Group Bible Study on the Power of Prayer:

Basic Transformation: A Small Group Bible Study on the Basics of Christianity and Transformation:


FREE eBook: 10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship

FREE eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness:



Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21

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