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Give Me Jesus + Closer | Common Gathering
Give Me Jesus + Closer | Common Gathering Helena 6 Views • 7 months ago

Live Cover Performance for "Give Me Jesus" and "Closer" by UPPERROOM and Brandon Lake from the album Capsule

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"Give Me Jesus" is a song that has ministered to each of us individually in such unique ways. It's an intimate song of complete abandonment of the world in favor of the greatest treasure we find in Jesus. Right when we first started meeting, we knew this was a song we wanted to cover and share with you. We hope that you are blessed!

Vocals: Yoojin Kim and Joe Lee
Guitar: Daniel Cho
Keys: Esther Oh

Filmed and Edited by Chris Lee
Mixed by Daniel Cho
Special thanks to Tapestry LA

Give Me Jesus / Closer

I don't want anything but You
You're more than every dream come true
All of the things I thought I wanted don't come close to knowing You

Now that I'm Yours and You are mine
Our love is the secret that I find
I'll spend forever in the pleasure I've found looking in Your eyes

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
You can have all this world

More than silver, more than gold
You are the treasure that I hold
Now that I've tasted of Your goodness, nothing else will satisfy

I don't want anyone else
I don't need anything else
You are my one thing
You are my one thing

'Cause I need you, how I need you

I need your love like I need water
I need your love like I need breath inside of my lungs
Burn in my heart just like a fire, come and take me over
Jesus draw me closer to your heart

#givemejesus #worshipmusic #upperroom #brandonlake #jesus

DIY Jewelry-Make Your OWN Balled Head Pins with Copper Wire!
DIY Jewelry-Make Your OWN Balled Head Pins with Copper Wire! 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

In this video I will show you how to make your own ball head pins for jewelry.
I use copper wire in this video but you can also use sterling and pure silver wire as well.
I like to make my own head pins for that special hand made touch that it gives the jewelry I make.
You will also be learning how to use a butane torch which will open you up to all new possibilities in jewelry making!
I hope you enjoy!

Materials used:
24 gauge round copper wire-
Optional: Homemade Jeweler's Pickle for oxidation. Directions Below.

Tools used:
Butane Micro Torch-
Cross Locking Tweezers-
Rock Tumbler-
Stainless Steel Shot-
Flush Cutters-I use Swanstrom

Natural Jeweler's Pickle Recipe:
Best to use a crock pot and add...
1 Cup of Vinegar
1 Tbsp Table Salt
Heat it up!

*Thank you for watching!

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#wirewrapping #DIYjewelry #zurickdesigns

How To Make Your Own Lumber The Correct Way, Proper Saw-Milling
How To Make Your Own Lumber The Correct Way, Proper Saw-Milling 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

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Sawmill Used: Wood-Mizer LT70 Super Wide

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Joshua Aaron - EVERYTHING (Official Music Video) Jordan River & Magdala, Israel (CC for subtitle
Joshua Aaron - EVERYTHING (Official Music Video) Jordan River & Magdala, Israel (CC for subtitle 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

EVERYTHING (lyrics below). Cover the Sea album available on iTunes
Full album available at and all digital stores
On Amazon
On Spotify
#everything #magdala #jordanriver #joshuaaaron

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Visit the ancient site of Magdala!

Beyond all these, clothe yourselves with love
Which binds all things perfectly together
Let the shalom which comes from Messiah
Be the one, ruler of your heart

Let everything you do or say
Do it in Yeshua's Name
Giving thanks through him to God the Father

This is the reason, the reason you were called
To be a part of one chosen body
So let’s sing psalms, hymns, and songs together
With gratefulness to God in our hearts

Let Messiah and all His richness live in you
May you teach, may you counsel each other in wisdom

Written by Joshua Aaron and Pat Kiloran 2020 @The Music House
Produced and Mixed by Pat Kiloran
Mastered by Jack Vondrachek

MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD (Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem
MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD (Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

Joshua and @aaronshustofficial sing their new song, "Mountain of the Lord". LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB is now available! (lyrics below) To be notified as new songs premiere on YT, subscribe to our email at
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Special Greetings from Joshua:
After well over two years of planning, preparing, and rehearsing, nothing could hold us back from singing GOD's praises at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem! Not COVID, not even threats of terrorism just a few hundred meters away at the Damascus Gate. We felt supernaturally protected that night knowing we were safely held in the hands of the Almighty (and with ten Israeli soldiers patrolling outside the Garden Tomb Gate!). My hope is that you will be blessed as you hear these songs recorded LIVE that memorable evening. In the midst of the chaos around the world, I pray you see Yeshua, the Risen Savior, Messiah, King of all, and feel the sense of reality that He was, He is and He soon will come again. Amen

Who can ascend His holy hill
Who can approach His Holy Place
Only the one with clean hands and a pure heart

Come let us go up, come let us go up
To the mountain of the LORD

Dai, dai, dai...

Lift up your heads, O mighty gates
And be lifted up O ancient doors,
So that the King of Glory may enter in

Nations will come to celebrate
Adonai will teach us His ways
And the God of Israel will send the rain

And the law will go out from Zion
From Jerusalem His Word
All creation will know your Name
Forever Your praises proclaim

Who can ascend His holy hill
Who can approach His Holy Place
Only the ones who are washed by the Lamb

Music & Lyrics by Joshua Aaron / Aaron Shust © 2020 Shust Music, songs

A big thanks to our huge team!
Music Director and Producer/Guitar: Jamie Hilsden
Lead Vocals/Guitar: Joshua Aaron
Oud/Baglama/Tar/Hurdy Gurdy/Lyra/Cura: Yaron Cherniak
Bass: Vadim Sokolyk
Electric Guitar: David Niskin
Drums: Gabriel Aisenman
Singers: Shilo Ben Hod, Rebekah Wagner, Jamie Hilsden
Special Guests: Aaron Shust, Nizar Francis
Cellist: Eliana Miraglia
Piano: Paweł Zarecki
Audio Engineer: Tairo Arrabal
Audio Mix: Ainslie Grosser
Audio Master: Chris Gehringer

Video Producer: Mati Shoshani
Director: Dudi Dorham
Video Editor: Igal Blachman
Video Colorist: Franck Desmoulins

Of course, THANK YOU to the entire staff at @TheGardenTombJerusalem. Visit their website to order from their store or support this incredible organization

Blessed be Our God (Psalm 68:32-35) LIVE at the TOWER of DAVID, Jerusalem ~ Joshua Aaron
Blessed be Our God (Psalm 68:32-35) LIVE at the TOWER of DAVID, Jerusalem ~ Joshua Aaron 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

Sing and DANCE to Joshua Aaron's song "Blessed be Our God"! (Lyrics Below) Now on iTunes at (Google Play) (Spotify) (Amazon)

Order the CD or DVD at

Blessed be Our God was performed LIVE at the Tower of David to commemorate 10 years of music (Joshua Aaron) and celebrate Israel's 70th year of statehood. Messianic Worship Music. Lyrics below

Blessed Be Our God [Live in Jerusalem]
Joshua Aaron / Patrick Kiloran

Verse 1
To Him who rides upon the heavens
Ancient heavens
Blessed be our God
Behold He's sending out His mighty voice
His mighty voice
Blessed be our God

Verse 2
Ascribe all power to our God and king
our God and king
Blessed be our God
His power in the skies, His majesty
over Israel
Blessed be our God

Verse 3
You are awesome in Your holy place
In Your holy place
Blessed be our God
The God of Israel gives power and strength
Gives us power and strength
Blessed be our God

Mamlachot Ha’eretz Shiru L’Elohim
(O, kingdoms of the earth sing praises to Elohim)

© 2017 Integrity’s Praise! Music/BMI (adm worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family) & Patrick Kiloran/BMI Taken from Psalm 68:33-36 TLV

#jerusalem #blessedbeourGod #zion #towerofdavid #shabbat #psalm68
Messianic Music, Praise Music in Israel

Joshua Aaron - HalleluYah הללויה on the Sea of Galilee ים כנרת - Mar de Galilea
Joshua Aaron - HalleluYah הללויה on the Sea of Galilee ים כנרת - Mar de Galilea 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

Stunning footage of the Sea of Galilee with Joshua & his "Galilean friends. "Bring Us Back" album NOW AVAILABLE! Store links below👇🏾Get it. Rate it. Share it. ​#BringUsBack #HalleluYah #SeaofGalilee
iTunes -
​Amazon -
Spotify - ​
CD - http://www.Joshua-Aaron.comLyrics below

"HalleluYah" by Joshua Aaron & Patrick Kiloran
*Featuring Yaron Cherniak on the persian tar

Get it. Rate it. Share it. #BringUsBack

Mi Kamocha Ba'elim Adonai

Who is like Thee O Lord among the gods

Halle, halle, halle, hallelu
Halleluyah (x2)

Ahallela Adonai b'chai​​yai
Halleluyah (x2)

Let everything, let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord (x2)

© 2016 Integrity’s Praise! Music/BMI (adm worldwide at, excluding the UK which is adm by Integrity Music, part of the David C Cook family) & Patrick Kiloran/BMI
Exodus 15:11a, Psalm 146:2a, Psalm 150:6
Produced by Patrick Kiloran & Joshua Aaron
Head Engineer Oshik Nizri
Mixed by Josh Gudwin
Mastered by Chris Gehringer,

Transform The Way You Live By Changing This One Thing | Joseph Prince Ministries
Transform The Way You Live By Changing This One Thing | Joseph Prince Ministries 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

*Request your free copy of Destined to Reign today!* 👉
*T&Cs apply

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*Have a healing need?* 🙌 God desires for you to be healthy and well! Join Joseph Prince in this powerful 7-day devotional and let your faith arise as you trust the Lord for your healing breakthrough. Sign up for free now! 👉

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Join our GRC Online church family to worship, break bread together, and tune in to hear Pastor Joseph Prince preach a timely word to encourage us for the week. Also, check out our bonus Digital Care Group content where our GRC Online pastors and leaders dive into the Word and share practical handles for daily living 👉

*Today's Featured Sermon:* Live With A Heavenly Perspective
(Sermon 701 - Part 3 of 4)

Uber clone - Full project (version 2)
Uber clone - Full project (version 2) 121gamers 6 Views • 7 months ago

Whatsapp: +84.939170707

Update version (version 3)
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Showing 56 out of 57