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Infinite Money Glitches in Blox Fruit!
Infinite Money Glitches in Blox Fruit! 121gamers 2 Views • 5 months ago

Infinite Money Glitches in Blox FruitS!

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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 13 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.

Make Webview App with admin panel || Android and iOS Webview App || Convert Your Website to App
Make Webview App with admin panel || Android and iOS Webview App || Convert Your Website to App 121gamers 2 Views • 5 months ago

Make Webview App with admin panel || Android and iOS Webview App || Convert Your Website to App || Flutter App source code

Web app is used to convert your Web Site to Application Mobile. With backend admin panel, you can setup your app configuration without updating your app.

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Smart News Android App + Website + Admin Panel Source Code
Smart News Android App + Website + Admin Panel Source Code 121gamers 2 Views • 5 months ago

Smart News Android App with website and admin panel source code makes it easier to create news App & website instantly with powerful Laravel web admin panel. For more details like demo/code/pricing, please WhatsApp me at +919501746789 or email me at

You can grab our source code of News Android App + Website here:

The Smart News Android App Features:

-Material Design
-Laravel Web admin panel version to manage news
-Recommended News
-API for fetching data from server
-Retrofit is used to implement API
-Favorite option
-Admob (Banner, interstitial & Native)
-Push notification (Send from admin panel itself)
-Splash screen
-Navigation Drawer Menu
-Unlimited Color Theme Possibility
-Rate my app prompt
-Google Firebase analytics tracking
-Actionbar with unlimited color theme possibility
-Offline handling
-Supports from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and newer.
-Confirmation Toast when user tries to exit the App
-Intent for email & link
-Ripple effect
-Related News
-Lots more

121gamers 2 Views • 5 months ago

Billy Carson gets into dicey territory as he expresses his views about the Bible, Jesus, and religious misconceptions.
Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover the biggest stories in business, politics, current events, and more!

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Fall Asleep Listening to Genesis: Bedtime Scripture for Deep Sleep [Holy Bible Audio]
Fall Asleep Listening to Genesis: Bedtime Scripture for Deep Sleep [Holy Bible Audio] 121gamers 2 Views • 5 months ago

Bible sleep meditation is a powerful way to relax and fall asleep. Listen as Tyler reads the full Book of Genesis. Abide App Meditation is watched by millions to relieve stress and improve sleep. Abide Meditation has everything you need for a peaceful night’s sleep. Download the Abide App today!

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0:15 Genesis 1 - Creation
5:12 Genesis 2 - Adam and Eve
8:44 Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man
12:45 Genesis 4 - Cain and Abel
16:40 Genesis 5 Adam’s Lineage
20:11 Genesis 6 Noah and the Flood

Audio Bible Playlist

Popular Books of the Bible

This Audio Bible Book of Genesis in the NIV translation. This Holy Bible audio Genesis guides readers on a journey from the dawn of creation to the establishment of God's covenant with humanity. Remember the faithfulness of God throughout the Old Testament.

Abide is the #1 Bible app for reducing stress, improving sleep, and experiencing God's peace every day. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Mindfulness meditations like Abide can also improve overall well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and more. Our team's goal is to create premium Christian content to help people relax, trust God, and enjoy renewing sleep. Thank you for your support. Let's find peace together in God's goodness!

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Stock credit: Storyblocks

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Nitric Oxide and Methylene Blue [Generative Energy #11]
Nitric Oxide and Methylene Blue [Generative Energy #11] 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

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01:16 - “Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.” —G.I. Gurdjieff
03:05 - Can good health be sustained by someone telling you what to do?
04:00 - “The attempt to steer a person can make it hard for them to move, because it inactivates their own guidance system.” —How do you know? Students, patients, and discovery by Raymond Peat, PhD
05:00 - Ray Peat’s Nitric Oxide Interviews (link:
05:45 - Mainstream views of nitric oxide
06:25 - Can be thought of as an emergency substitute for carbon dioxide to dilate blood vessels (CO2)
07:14 - Nitric oxide can influence intracellular calcium levels
07:51 - Local vs. systemic release of nitric oxide
08:50 - Nitric oxide and lactate stimulate angiogenesis
09:20 - Nitric oxide irreversibly binds cytochrome c oxidase
10:28 - Infections acutely increase nitric oxide
11:05 - Good thyroid function for low levels of nitric oxide
11:30 - Caffeine, niacinamide, zinc, and magnesium can help lower nitric oxide
12:00 - The amino acid lysine can lower nitric oxide
12:27 - Health problems associated with nitric oxide (and testing it)
13:23 - Nitric oxide theory of aging (link:
14:19 - Chronic disease is associated with elevated levels of nitric oxide and contributes to the problem
15:39 - Activating cytochrome c oxidase to lower nitric oxide
16:10 - Red light and methylene blue lower nitric oxide
16:55 - Nitric oxide can lower the core temperature
17:33 - Methylene blue can act as a substitute for oxygen in cellular respiration
18:40 - Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is overexpressed in cancer
19:19 - Testing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
20:30 - Good nutrition, thyroid, progesterone, methylene blue, and aspirin all inhibit nitric oxide
21:05 - Vitamin A and vitamin D for thyroid health
21:20 - Bad bacteria can prevent a normal temperature
22:50 - Vitamin A deficiency - what are the signs?
23:32 - Vitamin A and progesterone are similar
24:09 - Vitamin A is an anti-estrogen
25:05 - Vitamin A for sleep (anecdote)
25:27 - Are higher doses of vitamin A dangerous?
27:45 - Vitamin A and progesterone confusion
29:09 - Doses of methylene blue in experiments
30:16 - Methylene blue and red light together
31:28 - Can you use methylene blue topically?
32:23 - Taurine is more effective than finasteride study
33:26 - Methylene blue redox test
34:34 - Tetracyclines for lowering nitric oxide
36:00 - Caffeine reduces exhaled nitric oxide
36:26 - Side-effects of Viagra
37:05 - Viagra may be carcinogenic
37:21 - Assessing nitric oxide status
38:55 - Is the blood level of carbon dioxide (CO2) accurate?
40:58 - Breathing through your nose as a metric for CO2 (video:
42:10 - Where can we find more of your work, Georgi?
44:19 – Ray Peat email exchanges (link: and

Trichomoniasis (Trich): The Genital Parasite
Trichomoniasis (Trich): The Genital Parasite 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

In this video we will cover Trich or Trichomoniasis. We will cover what it is, what symptoms it causes and how to get rid of it.

This video is part of a videoseries on sex related medical problem. Find the playlists here:

What is Trich?
Trich, also called Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by a parasite named Trichomonas vaginalis. It’s a protozoan, meaning it’s a single-celled organism.
It nests in the female lower genital tract, such as the cervix, urethra or bladder. And in men it resides in the urethra and prostate.
These locations explain why Trich is an STI. You can get Trich by having sex with someone who has it; even if that person has no symptoms.

What symptoms does Trich cause?
Once infected, about 70% of people does not develop any symptoms. In those that do get symptoms, they typically begin 5-28 days after the initial infection.
- In men Trich may cause: Itching or irritation of the genitals, a burning sensation after peeing and a discharge from the genitals.
- In women Trich may cause: Itching, burning, redness or soreness of the genitals; discomfort when peeing and a discharge.

How common is a Trich infection?
It is estimated to be the most common curable STI there is. There were about 2 million Trich infections in 2018 in the USA alone. And worldwide we are talking, about 60-180 million cases.

Tips & tricks:
- Avoid skin-to-skin contact.
- Use a condom or dental dams.
- Avoid sexual intercourse.
- Avoid having multiple sexual partners.
- Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs.
- Have regular checkups or STI tests

Trich is easily treatable, usually with an one time oral dose of an anti-protozoics, like Metronidazole. It resolves 95-97% of all infections in one dose.
Here it is also important to mention that your partner should also be treated, even if he/she does not have any symptoms. In addition don’t have any intercourse for 7-10 days after treatment. And lastly when you have a proven Trich infection always get treated. If you don’t an infection can last for months or even years and can cause serious complications.

- Disclaimer: this video and the comments are meant purely informational! This is not medical advice! If you are looking for medical advice, always contact your own doctor. -

I want to give special thanks to my sponsors on Patreon:
- Sebastian Houwing: Investor

1: CDC. (2021). Trichomoniasis – CDC Fact Sheet.
2: Johnson J.C. (2021). Trichomoniasis (Trich). WedMD.
3: Krieger JN. (1995). Trichomoniasis in men: old issues and new data. Sex Transm Dis. 22(2): 83-96[Medline].
4: Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020). Trichomoniasis. Mayoclinic
5: Olopaade J. Cronkleton E. (2021). Names of Common Antibiotics. Healthline.

* The images in this video are used for educational purposes only. Most of the images and video material in this video come from

1. Verified Picasso, Fish Room
2. Patrick Patrikos, Good Times
3: Patrick Patrikios, Rockville
4: Patrick Patrikios, Grut

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The Truth About Learning Python in 2024
The Truth About Learning Python in 2024 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

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If you are new to Python you might be wondering, is this a language worth investing my time on and if you are more experienced, you might be wondering if it’s time to switch to something new or keep going deeper with Python.

In this video, I’m going to give you a very objective assessment of the state of Python in the tech industry, based on a ton of research on actual data about jobs as well as my own perspective of what is going to happen.

0:00 Is Python Still King?
1:08 Why is Python so Popular Anyway?
3:03 Trends That Are Affecting Python
5:45 Is Python Dead?
6:20 REAL Truth About Learning Programming Languages
7:30 How to ACTUALLY Get a Python Job

This video is about: python, learn python, learning python, python programming, how to learn programming,how to learn to code,learn to code,coding,programming,software engineer,software engineering,software development,self taught programmer,data science,how to become a software engineer,self-taught software developer,no cs degree,frontend developer,learn computer science,learn faster,no college,programmer,python project,python tutoria,best python projects,python for beginners

How I Would Learn Python FAST in 2024 (if I could start over)
How I Would Learn Python FAST in 2024 (if I could start over) 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

Learn to build complex software 👉

Master Python for AI Projects 👉

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Master data science/ AI with bite-sized content every week:

0:00 - Intro
0:24 - Is coding is still needed?
1:33 - Programming in a nutshell
1:45 - Getting started & Tools
3:29 - Basic level
4:32 - Intermediate level
5:44 - Trajectories & What to focus on
6:18 - Advanced level
6:52 - CodeCrafters (sponsor)
7:46 - The best way to learn
9:20 - Why you’ll fail
10:28 - Doing projects & motivation
12:03 - Announcement - My Python course!

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How to build docker image for python flask app
How to build docker image for python flask app 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

Welcome to a youtube channel dedicated to programming and coding related tutorials. We talk about tech, write code, discuss about cloud and devops. That’s what we do all day, all year. We roll out a lot of series and videos on our channel.

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How to Build a Complete Python Package Step-by-Step
How to Build a Complete Python Package Step-by-Step 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

👷 Review code better and faster with my 3-Factor Framework:

Do you want to know how to build a complete Python package? Well, look no further! This video will take you step-by-step through the entire process, from creating your project to publishing it on PyPI.

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🎓 ArjanCodes Courses:

🔖 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
1:10 Code example
3:18 Example use cases
4:31 Setuptools package
7:31 Presenting
10:38 Building and installing a package
12:27 Introducing PyPI
13:54 Publishing the package on PyPI
16:13 Retrospective
19:57 Outro

#arjancodes #softwaredesign #python

Learn Visual Studio Code in 7min (Official Beginner Tutorial)
Learn Visual Studio Code in 7min (Official Beginner Tutorial) 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

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Get started from scratch in this short overview of Visual Studio Code & writing / executing JavaScript, Python, previewing HTML and more.

0:00 Intro
0:20 Open folder / Set workspace
0:52 UI Tour
2:00 Create new JavaScript file
2:20 Intellisense
2:55 Save / Autosave
3:25 Create python file
3:45 Add python extension
4:28 Drag & drop external HTML file
5:00 Preview HTML output with Live Preview extension
6:00 Changing themes
6:50 Summary

Host: @ReynaldAdolphe
And TikTok at


From Zero to Self-Hosting Hero with Cloudron in Minutes!
From Zero to Self-Hosting Hero with Cloudron in Minutes! 121gamers 2 Views • 4 months ago

Are you tired of shelling out big bucks every month on web app subscriptions? What if I told you there's a way to cut those costs dramatically? Introducing Cloudron: Your Ultimate App Store for Self-Hosting! In this video, I'll show you how to install Cloudron on a VPS and give you a complete walkthrough of its interface.

Cloudron is like having an app store right on your VPS, making it a breeze to install FREE tools and open-source apps. And the best part? It automates almost everything, acting as a no-code alternative to managing your web apps. From WordPress to Trello, say goodbye to subscription fees and hello to full control over your data.

Here's what you'll learn:
- **One-click app installation**: Discover over 100 apps that you can deploy in just a few clicks.
- **Automatic updates**: Cloudron takes care of updates and security patches, so you don't have to.
- **Backups**: Automated backups ensure your data is always safe and sound.
- **Privacy**: With self-hosting, your data never leaves your server.

If you're ready to take control of your web apps and automate business processes with ease, check out this video. Copy my method to get started with Cloudron and say hello to savings and simplicity. And don't forget, if you sign up using my link below, you'll get $30 in free credits from Cloudron.

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Disclaimer: This description may include affiliate links, which help support my channel at no extra cost to you! When you sign up using one of these links, I receive a small commission directly from the company. Your support through these affiliate links allows me to keep creating and sharing valuable, free content on YouTube. Thank you for your support!

0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Cloudron Explained
2:36 - Cloudron Setup Guide
5:45 - Outro

Showing 224 out of 225