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Spirit and the Bride (Official Music Video) Sea of Galilee, Israel ~ Joshua Aaron
Spirit and the Bride (Official Music Video) Sea of Galilee, Israel ~ Joshua Aaron Helena 15 Views • 8 months ago

Take a journey with Joshua Aaron & Dusty the horse from his Music House to the Sea of Galilee. "Cover the Sea" now available at and all digital outlets... (LYRICS BELOW)
On Amazon
On Spotify

Filmed, edited & directed by Yaakov Schwarz ~
Executive director Joshua Aaron
Drone team Sergio and Rhoda ~

Let the one hears (the Savior) say, “Come”
And let the one who is thirsty Come

Behold! the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End
In Him we will never, never thirst again

HaRuach v’hakala omrim bo
HaRuach v’hakala omrim bo

Spirit and the Bride say come
Haruach v’hakala omrim bo
Haruach v’hakala omrim bo

Bo-o-o, bo-o-o-, bo-o-o, na bo-o-o
Come, come, come please come

written by
Joshua Aaron, Pat Kiloran Jan 13, 2020
Produced & Mixed by Pat Kiloran
Mastered by Jack Vondrachek

Rev 22:13-17 TLV
12 Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to pay back each one according to his deeds. 13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 How fortunate are those who wash their robes,[j] so that they may have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 I, Yeshua, have sent My angel to testify these things to you for My communities. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”[l] The Ruach and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come—let the one who wishes freely take the water of life!

Messianic Music, Praise Music in Israel

Busy Outside Restful Inside (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Busy Outside Restful Inside (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode Helena 15 Views • 8 months ago

Learn practical truths on how we can experience God’s supernatural rest even in the midst of all that is happening around us.

About Gospel Partner
Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them.

If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit:

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About this episode
You are watching the sermon, Busy Outside Restful Inside, preached on May 12, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

0:00 In Today's Gospel Partner Episode...
0:48 01 Introduction: Expect great things from the Lord today!
4:53 02 Learn this principle: Position before blessings
14:16 03 Don't go by your senses or feelings
21:23 04 The real root behind your anxiety
27:42 05 Learn to cultivate a new covenant mindset
38:16 06 Focus on right believing, not right living
47:42 07 Remember this when God feels far away
56:30 08 Be led by the Spirit out of every challenge
1:05:58 09 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing

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How To Fight Satan: Spiritual Warfare - Derek Prince (Reaction Video with Commentary)
How To Fight Satan: Spiritual Warfare - Derek Prince (Reaction Video with Commentary) Helena 15 Views • 8 months ago

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at

This is a reaction video. It was a highlight from a live broadcast on I stop the video a lot and interact with the chat and also share what God wants me to share in regards to the information in this video and my own personal experiences with spiritual warfare and deliverance. If you would like to watch the original video without me talking feel free to search for it and watch that one. Reaction videos usually are like this when people stop the video and have commentary. Shalom and God Bless You!

"Ask anything in My Name" Pray with power; Pray as Jesus commands. Prayer series pt.2
"Ask anything in My Name" Pray with power; Pray as Jesus commands. Prayer series pt.2 Helena 15 Views • 8 months ago

Do you long for a deeper, intimate, more meaningful connection with God? Do you question if your Prayers are really heard or really have any authority with God? Do you yearn to pray but can never quite start?
Do you feel your prayer-life could be more meaningful, but don't know how? Do you sometimes doubt your prayers feeling they are empty words, or words 'landing' in an empty place?

Full Prayer Series Playlist:

In this series of films, we explore the concept of holding God to His word on the promises He made to us in scripture; and in this film we explore what Christ meant when He said: "Whatever you ask the Father in My Name He will give you" by exploring the Greek text, the cultural context and the ancient Hebrew meaning of 'The Name of God'.

God promises that you can pray In His Name and He will honour that Authority.

For a FREE copy of all Commands of Jesus PDF: -I will send you the Commands that Jesus actually spoke from the 4 Gospels in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, as a free PDF download.

Full Prayer Series Playlist:

Podcast of this episode:

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Artwork used:

Sennacherib's Army Is Destroyed (1866); Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations's_Army_Is_Destroyed.jpg

various: Woodcut for "Die Bibel in Bildern", (1860); Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld

An Angel Appears to the Israelites (1866); Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations;

An Angel Appears to Balaam (1866); Gustave Doré

Jacob Wrestled with an Angel (1897); Illustrators of the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us by Charles Foster

The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds (1834); oil painting by Thomas Cole

Abraham and the Three Angels (1866); Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations;

Numerous; Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations (1866);

Incontro tra Esaù e Giacobbe (1844); Francesco Hayez

Meeting between Esau and Jacob; Raffaellino Bottalla

In Agony He Prayed – Jesus Christ in Gethsemane Painting; courtesy of

The Angel appearing to Joshua; Illustration (engraving) from Art Pictures from the Old Testament (Edwin Dalton, c 1890); Kindly licensed by Look and Learn Ltd;

Many CC images kindly from

Credit and Attribution to so many photographers on sites like Pixabay, Unsplash and PXHere. All used under a Creative Commons license depicted as “Free for commercial use” and marked “No attribution required”.

Also, specific credit and thanks to:

5 seconds from The Passion of the Christ (2004); Directed by Mel Gibson; ©Icon Entertainment

Intro Clip: End of Days (1999); Director: Peter Hyams; ©Universal Pictures

End Of Days Main Title Soundtrack; John Debney & Pete Anthony; Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group; ℗ 1999 Universal Studios, under exclusive license to Varese Sarabande Records; Released on: 1999-01-01; Conductor: Pete Anthony; Composer Lyricist: John Debney

Permission granted for beautiful flying dove image (
kindly provided by: Adventure Land Travel

Many images are the copyright of the LUMO project - [a][/a] - (Big Book Media) and distributed for download, under license by FreeBibleimages for teaching purposes only (educational presentations, and social media). All rights reserved.
Attribution & Credits: [a][/a]

And with thanks to Kerri Canepa, and Franciscans SSF for more help & support than they realise.

Praise and Worship Songs with Lyrics - 20 Minutes Praise and Worship Our God
Praise and Worship Songs with Lyrics - 20 Minutes Praise and Worship Our God Helena 15 Views • 9 months ago

Praise and Worship Songs with Lyrics - 20 Minutes Praise and Worship To Our God

Playlist :
1. Jesus I Need You - 00:05
2. You Raise Me Up - 04:53
3. 10,000 Reasons - 08:50
4. Here I Am To Worship - 15:43

🌟 Immerse yourself in 20 minutes of pure spiritual bliss with our carefully curated collection of praise and worship songs. 🙏✨ Join us in this musical journey as we offer a collection of heartfelt melodies, empowering lyrics, and harmonious tunes that resonate with the beauty of praise.

🎶 This worship session is a sanctuary of peace, a moment to set aside the hustle and bustle of life and turn your focus towards to God. Each song has been chosen to create a harmonious flow, allowing you to experience the transformative power of worship in a compact 20-minute session.

🌈 Whether you're seeking solace, inspiration, or simply a moment of reflection, let the music guide you into a space of serenity. Close your eyes, open your heart, and let the lyrics resonate as you connect with something greater than yourself.

🙌 Press play and let the worship begin. Allow the music to be your companion on this sacred journey, bringing you closer to the essence of praise. Feel the power of each note and let the words become a heartfelt expression of your gratitude and devotion.

🔊 Turn up the volume and let the melodies wash over you, carrying you into a space of tranquility and joy. Feel the presence of something greater as you engage with each song, letting the lyrics speak to your heart and the music lift your spirit.

🌟 If you find solace and joy in these 20 minutes of praise and worship, remember to hit the like button, share with your community, and subscribe for more soul-stirring content. May this session be a source of peace and inspiration in your life. Thank you for joining us in this sacred musical moment! 🌟

#praiseandworship #worship #worshipsongs #christian #christiansongs #jesusineedyou #youraisemeup #10000reasons #hereiamtoworship #faithful #grateful #faithfulgrateful

HOW GREAT THOU ART (Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem w @YaronChern
HOW GREAT THOU ART (Joshua Aaron & Aaron Shust) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem w @YaronChern Helena 15 Views • 9 months ago

Joshua Aaron & @aaronshustofficial sing "How Great Thou Art" LIVE at the GARDEN TOMB! (lyrics below) CD/DVD available at To be notified as new songs premiere on YT, subscribe to our email at
Can you like it and rate it on your favorite digital platform?!

Special instrumentalist @YaronCherniak playing the Hurdy Gurdy

Special Greeting from Joshua:
After well over two years of planning, preparing, and rehearsing, nothing could hold us back from singing GOD's praises at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem! Not COVID, not even threats of terrorism just a few hundred meters away at the Damascus Gate. We felt supernaturally protected that night knowing we were safely held in the hands of the Almighty (and with ten Israeli soldiers patrolling outside the Garden Tomb Gate!). My hope is that you will be blessed as you hear these songs recorded LIVE that memorable evening. In the midst of the chaos around the world, I pray you see Yeshua, the Risen Savior, Messiah, King of all, and feel the sense of reality that He was, He is and He soon will come again. Amen

How Great Thou Art (LYRICS)
Oh Lord, my God When I, in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the tree, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin

When Messiah shall come, with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart
Then I will bow, in humble adoration
And then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art

Written by Carl Boberg (1885) / Stuart K. Hine (1949)

A big thanks to our huge team!
Music Director and Producer/Guitar: Jamie Hilsden
Lead Vocals/Guitar: Joshua Aaron
Oud/Baglama/Tar/Hurdy Gurdy/Lyra/Cura: Yaron Cherniak
Bass: Vadim Sokolyk
Electric Guitar: David Niskin
Drums: Gabriel Aisenman
Singers: Shilo Ben Hod, Rebekah Wagner, Jamie Hilsden
Special Guests: Aaron Shust, Nizar Francis
Cellist: Eliana Miraglia
Piano: Paweł Zarecki
Audio Engineer: Tairo Arrabal
Audio Mix: Ainslie Grosser
Audio Master: Chris Gehringer

Video Producer: Mati Shoshani
Director: Dudi Dorham
Video Editor: Igal Blachman
Video Colorist: Franck Desmoulins

Of course, THANK YOU to the entire staff at The Garden Tomb. Visit their website to order from their store or support this incredible organization

HOUSE SHARK 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Sci-Fi Movie 🎬 English HD 2024
HOUSE SHARK 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Sci-Fi Movie 🎬 English HD 2024 paccione 15 Views • 9 months ago

🔴 Summary: When he finds a shark that can travel on land residing in his home, an ex-cop enlists the help of a grizzled former real estate agent, and an eccentric "house shark" expert to kill the beast. #sci-fi #sciencefiction #scifi #scifimovies #sciencefictionmovies #fantasy #englishmovies #movies #horrorstories #horrorstory #zombiesurvival #action #actionmovies

YOP: 2017
Cast: Collin Dean, Aiden Tetro, Nathan Bonk
Director: Ron Bonk
Writer: Ron Bonk

🔴 Certificate: TV-MA

🌍 Check our DOCU-CHANNEL:
Every week a new breathtaking documentary about the most remote places in the world and their rarest animal inhabitants.


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Tags: sci-fi movies english best movies 2024 English

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